League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 389: It takes talent to be a bad guy

After batches of logistics materials sealed in wooden boxes were loaded into special transport carriages, Saco, wearing a black hood, stood on the edge of the roof of the residential building and watched the last few carriages leave.

Sacco knew that this meant that the master had left, and Sister Misha was also with the master.

And he will also follow Master Tali to the Immortal Fortress three days later to learn mysterious magic from the Masters of the Black Rose.

Shaco has long known that he has a talent for magic, whether it is his master, or Uzar or other Black Rose mages who work for the Emerald Leader. The reason why he has been doing some simple mana reserve training and meditation Instead of learning specific magic spells, it is only because special magic talents will be affected by acquired learning. If you want to maximize the utilization efficiency of talents, you must take the right path from the beginning.

In fact, for Shako himself, whether it is magic or killing training, it doesn't matter what he does. He only needs to consider whether his goals and actions are out of the master's orders and wishes, and he does not need to consider anything else. thing.

Except for my uncle and that woman...

He has his own thoughts and desires.

The emerald-collared summer is always accompanied by sentimental drizzle. The foggy gray sky and the moisture covering his body make Sacco's thinking a little divergent. He enjoys the quietness of the rain at the moment, the noise of the world and the pain of human beings. The sound of struggling disappeared.

Sacco held up his hands, palms up.

Raindrops lightly hit the lines on the palm, bringing an icy cool feeling.

This feeling is a little warmer than a human body that has lost its breath.

Through the drizzle, he clearly saw how the girl named Laina was heartbroken, watching his father and lover gradually become cold.

He was alone in the rain, savoring the overcomplicated emotions before the girl went mad.

The uncle's voice was still full of disgust and hatred for him until he heard the heavy rain of leather boots behind him.

Sacco was used to being hated for a long time, but he was surprised that his uncle didn't call him a **** this time.

"how did you do it?"

"I do not understand."

Hecht, who frowned, swallowed the Yuezibai chewing stick in his mouth in two or three bites. The rain screen began to thicken and his vision became hazy. He suddenly felt that he couldn't see his nephew clearly.

In his opinion, there is nothing to be afraid of in simple killing. He has already peeled off a lot of skin, and he has long been aware of the vital points and nerves of the human body.

Only something more wicked and filthy than killing could move him, a field he never knew,

For example, how to turn one's sister into an undignified animal, or **** an unscrupulous father, drive his daughter mad, and make most people think the victim's death was their own fault.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that he always had a natural fear of such things.

A third of the fear is a natural evil of cruelty and corruption, and the remaining seven is a fear of what one might become.

"Laina, that woman, how did you kill her father and drive her crazy again?"

"...I didn't do anything, I just made her accept the cruelest truth."

"Hard facts? What hard facts?"

After thinking for a while, Sacco whispered.

"The fact is that no matter how much she pays, she will never be able to replace her mother, and she will always be a substitute for another person in her father's eyes... And she really gave all her heart, what she lost Everything she has, everything she has gained, cannot escape the shadow of another person...

Laina, she has no value in life, the only value is to remind her loved ones of the good times in the past with another person...I know it all, I witnessed it all, and then I told it all Na, she laughed, she cried, she finally lived like another person,

I probably helped her..."

Hector Sacco's voice was not pleasant, his voice was a little hoarse, a little sharp, and his tone was sincere, like a child with a weak body, but Hector noticed something terrible from his nephew's voice.

The Jade Collar is not a peaceful and happy paradise in the legend. The dark places that ordinary people cannot see are always more dangerous than most people imagine. Except for the vicious thugs, there is a kind of death that requires the Blade of the Night to personally execute it. This kind of criminal is no different from ordinary people, and even most of the time, it has nothing to do with words such as 'evil' and 'cruel'. Before exposing the crime, no one will want to get the dark side of an ordinary person is hiding something.

Hecht called it 'talents', a unique hunting talent, each of which ravaged and blasphemed human nature.

Sacco, seems to have such a talent, just like his father Brian.

And he doesn't seem to understand what his talent means.

Staring at Sacco who was holding the rain, Hecht suddenly had the urge to kill the monster. In just a split second, the urge turned into action. He clamped the small poisoned blade in the pocket's interlayer with his fingers. A deadly toxin will take the monster's life anywhere on its skin.

No matter how terrifying a monster is, as long as it stops breathing, it's just a pile of rotten meat that will always fuck.


"Rose Villa B-2."

Sacco took a silver etched pattern key thrown over by his uncle, and his eyes flashed with hope.

"My only request is that I am not allowed to touch my sister. If you still want to see her, you'd better abide by the agreement."

The rhythm of the raindrops, which covered the footsteps of the man leaving, also covered the worries belonging to my brother.

Sacco, who was already soaked all over, remained motionless. He took the key with both hands and slowly pressed it on his forehead, just as eagerly as he had pressed his forehead on Laina's forehead.

It is a soul-borne expressive desire that makes him feel like a thinking person.

It was as if he was back in Granlot's mansion, back on that special night.

"I am like you, Laina, life will never belong to us, we are destined to be a stepping stone for others, to live for others, we are confused, but sometimes we think inadvertently, what is the meaning of all this. "

The stunned father was lying on the bed, the fear on the girl's face gradually faded, and there was more confusion.

"I hid in the closet, looking at your dozen or so clothes, none of them fit,

I listened to your conversation, your father never cared about your feelings, he always talked about your mother, he knew that Granlot was dangerous, but he still chose He brought you, he let you be isolated by others, made your whole world become his color, you are so humble that you need to use mother as a topic to express your emotions, you are like an empty body with breath , but no soul.

He gave all his love and never left you half a cent. "

Letting go of the girl whose eyes were red and swollen and her expression was a little dull, Sacco took out a small brown bottle and put it in the girl's hand.

The girl recognizes that her father eats one every time before foreplay.

"You never had the identity of Laina, and now you have a chance to love him as Laina instead of your mother, as he said, give everything to love, don't need to think about any problems, to you Your father proves that you are Lena, not someone's replacement."

After a dozen or so, even in a coma, there is a danger of a hole in the ceiling.

Sacco leaned on the chair with his chin propped up, he finally understood, the original human breathing can be so powerful.

------off topic-----

C386 has closed the small black house, and it will take two days to re-apply for the lifting of the QAQ ban

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