League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 379: A feat at your fingertips

The sun rose slowly from the east side of the mountain.

Back on the surface, Lester had just climbed the mountain when he saw the cat Fulin bullying Miss Long.

Relying on her own body that can be shadowed at any time, Cat Fulin squatted and jumped on Miss Long's head with an evil smile. Whenever the irritable Miss Long patted her head with her dragon claws, Cat Fulin escaped. In the shadow field, let Miss Long give her head a blast.

When the melon seeds on Miss Long's head were slapped by her own 'dang dang', the cat Fulin returned to the material realm, standing next to the dizzy Miss Long Shia, laughing triumphantly, and insulting Miss Long For 'big stupid dragon'.

Like a fair judge, a pair of eyes full of wisdom and justice take everything in their eyes, and remember a certain cat's evil deeds in their hearts.

Until the moment of judgment came, a silent hand pinched the back of Fulin the cat's fate, the smiling face of the cat Fulin gradually stiffened, and the fluid body that was drooping like noodles drifted with the flow, the cat Fulin was caught by a long The man with wolf ears carried it to him with a blank expression.

Being stared at by the man, Cat Flynn's smile became more and more reluctant.

"Ha, um, master, you're back..."

"My young Yin Fulin, what do you think this is?"

The man with wolf ears dipped the soul pyroxene, which glowed in the sun, with his free hand.

Attracted by the scent of the lure cat, Cat Fulin opened her mouth and was about to say something, but the corner of her mouth was dripping with nasty squeaks, but she saw the soul pyroxene draw a perfect arc and landed on the aggrieved Miss Long. In her hand, Miss Long, who subconsciously caught the soul pyroxene, looked blank, scratching her head while watching the man.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

The man smiled gently at Miss Long, and the moment he turned his head back, a malicious smile appeared on his face again.

"Look, the soul pyroxene of a certain demon cat, it's gone with a snap."

After being hit by the man's fatal attack, the cat's bright golden hole gradually lost its focus. Three seconds later, the tears of the shadow of the big bean flowed down from the corner of the eye. A corroded hole.

The crying cat, Flynn, let out a whimper.

"Wow wow!!! Master, you bully me wow!!!"

"It's useless to cry, who made you bully Shia?

In the future, I will hand over your soul jelly beans to Shia for safekeeping. This is the price you pay for bullying others. Moreover, you must never forcibly **** or steal, once let me know that you have obtained something from Shia in an improper way. , you will never have jelly beans again. "

"Master, I was wrong wow!! Shia is sorry wow!!! Spare me wow!!!"

Hearing what Lester said, Yin Fulin cried even louder, but Miss Long Shia came over and scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"Come on, come on Hitt, why don't you just forget it?"

Rubbing Shia's head, staring at the shy and shy Miss Long, Lester, who felt sorry for Miss Long, said softly.

"It's okay, I have always spoiled Yin Fulin too much. It's good to teach Yin Fulin a lesson. It's up to you to decide whether to give Yin Fulin the soul pyroxene or not."

"Hmm~ I heard Hitt~"

Seeing Lester being so gentle to Shia, Cat Flynn pursed her mouth unwillingly.


Dalmore Plains, part of Northumbria in Noxus.

A Noxus military conference concerning the war for the next six months is being held in a solemn atmosphere.

In the Lord's Hall, the emerald collar and the generals of the Supreme Command were sitting around the long table. The candlesticks exuded a warm dim yellow light. The first ones were the Legion Commander Margaret and the Chapter Leader Vakul.

At this moment, Margaret's expression was a little bit unchanged, and her tone was a little heavier.

"General Vakul, with all due respect, the support operation agreement between the Emerald Leader and the Supreme Command did not mention that we should join the siege of Falcarid. Is your request a bit excessive at this moment? already?"

Facing Margaret, who was not very friendly, Vakul knew that he was wrong and bowed his head sincerely.

"General Margaret, this is by no means a request, but a request!

Of course, I understand that this request has gone beyond the negotiation between the Emerald Leader and Noxus, but you can probably see that after the anticlimactic Xuelai Fortress defense battle, the Frost Kingdom is already at the end of the line, and it has gone through a great deal of hardship. The defeated rout soldiers will not regain their combat effectiveness without a month's rest.

In terms of the powerful military and siege weapons of the Emerald Leader, it only takes a regular siege battle to take down Fukaride and destroy the Frost Kingdom.

My people have already contacted the defectors who were lurking around Yelena and wanted to join Noxus for a long time. When you attacked, my Chapter soldiers and I could directly break into the palace and capture Yelena alive...

Such feats of fighting against the sky are at your fingertips, and it is close to Chi Chi,

General Margaret, if this happens, I am willing to give up Yelena and the main battle results to the Emerald Leader. The Vakul Chapter only needs some minor battle feats and a man's head. The hatred left by Xuelai Fortress is not enough. It must continue until later~www.readwn.com~ This can be ended before this fall, and the remaining Heidi people will be dealt with by us. After we take Heidi City, General Margaret will send someone to receive it... …”

Margaret frowned and began to weigh the pros and cons.

It has to be said that the words of Vakul Lessers are quite attractive.

After more than 20 years of military experience, Margaret knew that Vakul would never dare to play some unprofessional methods in such matters. Now the support army of the Emerald Collar has become a well-deserved Noxus on the Dalmore Plain. The main force, even if Vakul really took down Yelena's head with his own hands, no one would say that this was the credit of the Lessers family, only that the Lessers family was smeared with the emerald collar.

If what Vakul said is true, the traitors of the Frost Kingdom are ready to respond to Noxus' attack, then the Emerald Leader only needs to go to the city, spread the battle, and use the siege ballista. And some of the captured prisoners were used as cannon fodder to attract the attention of the Vulgared defenders, allowing Vakul and his dead to sneak into the city and take Yelena,

When the inner city is in chaos, as soon as the Frost Kingdom rebels open the city gate, the Emerald Leader can enter the city directly, announcing that Fukaled is occupied by the Emerald Leader.

As long as the operation is done properly, the Emerald Leader does not need to damage one soldier or one soldier to get the credit for capturing Falcarid. At that time, even the High Command will not find any reason to remove Falcarid from the Emerald Leader. The only problem is that if they occupy the two ancient pearls located in the Dalmore Plain and the North Sea at the same time (Fokalide and Heidi City), the Emerald Land will inevitably make some Noxian dignitaries jealous and even jealous. The High Command will also be grumpy.

However, given the current size of Jade Leader, he really doesn't need to care about that.

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