League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 300: Master Confucius

At this moment, the flexible fingers that can use most weapons and kill countless powerful creatures are as stiff as a shy little girl, trying to retract in anxiety, but using force, Jax found that his own The right hand can't be pulled out at all.

He never thought that this Noxian man named Liszt was so powerful that he couldn't afford to resist.

"Syjax is not a coward, he is one of the strongest warriors. After the disaster, he did not escape, but chose to put down the sword in his hand. He chose a path that is more difficult and painful than death. , This road is destined to be lonely and long... Jax, can you tell me why Saijax made his final choice?"

The man's soft voice was like a refreshing breeze by the lakeside. Jax's heavy heart eased a lot. He gave up the struggling weapon master and let his right hand be caught by Lestra, and turned his head to look at the bonfire. , Jax whispered with a warm heart.

"Syjax... He saw the torch staff brought out from Saabula in the deep pit where the formation was raised, which is the core of the whole formation...

An inextinguishable bright fire replaced the void that was originally trapped in the element shield. He held the broken staff, and the alienation of his body suddenly stopped. Just like the time of his waning years, he was frozen by the bright first fire together. In that eternal hour, in that broken, dead world, that was the only light, the only hope of the weeping Icathia, the only hope of expelling the void..."

When Lester let go of his right hand, Jax pulled his hand back in relief and held the lamp post with both hands.

Compared with Liszt's warm hands, the reassuring lamppost seemed a little cold.

After calming down the small emotion just now, the voice of the weapon master returned to its previous calm.

"Syjax decided to use the rest of his life to protect the last light of Icathia. He held the torch and staff, and fought all the way out of Icathia, which became a ruin and a void nest. Saijax was dead, and the one who survived was the Covering his face, he seeks powerful companions along the way to fight against Jax of the Void..."

The atmosphere became a little anxious in an instant, and Jax, who subconsciously spoke out his inner monologue, felt a sense of bragging shame.

After being silent for a while, Lester, with a strange expression, pointed to the jujube stick that had been pulped, and broke the somewhat dull atmosphere.

"So, your lamppost is actually that torch staff?"

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Jax nodded embarrassedly.

"That's right, the original torch and staff was eroded by the void, and it was no longer what it looked like. Later, I kept asking a blacksmith to reinforce it, and it became what it is now."

Pointing to the square-shaped lamppost, the thick cast-iron spar shell that can open a person's skull, Jax took the initiative to hand the lamppost to Lester.

"You can take a look, you can still see the [Eternal Flame] burning now, but it is much dimmer than when I was in Icacia, I don't know why, it seems that the more the principle is, the dimmer the flame of Icacia, in order to To avoid the flames going out, I don't dare to run too far..."

Taking over the lamp post, Lester first looked closer to his eyes, and then tried to observe it with his own perception method.

Through careful observation, with the alloy as the skeleton, there is indeed a bit of fire in the thick spar cover. Through magical perception, you can only get nothing, but through the spiritual perception given by Elena, you can see that the lamp post is not fire. , but a group of 'luminous things' that move.

It is somewhat similar to the original [Void Fire] that Jax said, but it is completely different in nature.

"This flame is not a magic element, but a very strange substance."

Confirming that he couldn't get more useful information, Lester returned the lamppost to Jax.

"Liszt, can you see anything?"

Shaking his head, Lester couldn't explain what he had observed through Elena, but only expressed his guesses and insights.

Speaking of which, this is somewhat similar to the oriental concept of Tai Chi. The anode generates yin, the cathode reverses the yang, and the yin and yang complement each other.

"If the previous void is a mass of energy with extremely dark properties, then this initial fire is a kind of light energy that is diametrically opposite to the property of extreme darkness. The properties between the two restrain each other and grow from each other. As you said, since the beam of light ascended into the sky, the flame of the Void in the Torch Staff has become this eternal flame, so my idea should not be wrong. an important reason for the body to stop alienation,

Perhaps the energy of the void and the energy of the eternal flame neutralize each other, and your bodily functions are frozen in a perfect balance, avoiding the penalty of the passage of time..."

Just like a spring thunder exploded in his heart, Jax listened to the words in his ear blankly, his head was a mess.

Lester's seemingly simple conclusion contains great truth. In his more than two thousand years of practice, Jax has never thought of this level. This statement can be said to be very suitable.

Nine times out of ten, this is the truth of his own immortality.

"You...you're right...I never imagined this situation. My situation is exactly the same as what you said..."

Patting Jax on the shoulder, Lester spoke earnestly.

"What's going on, you have to explore it yourself. Maybe you can really find a way to spread the eternal flame and fight against the void."

"Yes, don't worry about this matter... I have to take it slowly. First, I have to protect the fire."

The second time he calmed down his mood swings through pranayama, Jax regained his calm again, stood up, bowed respectfully to Lester, and bowed.

"The master is the teacher, Liszt, thank you for clarifying your doubts."

After receiving Jax's bow with peace of mind, Lester also stood up, and in Jax's dazed gesture, he bent down towards Jax.

"There is a saying: three people walk, there must be my teacher, I also received your guidance and advice in the battle, Jax, we are friends, and we can make progress together by helping each other. You learn from me, I learn from you, thank you Just keep it in your heart, don't be so polite at ordinary times, otherwise it will be endless if you bow and I bow."

After being stunned for a while, Jax also put down the hand that wanted to support Lester, feeling more relieved.

I thought that the biggest gain from coming to Presidian to participate in the Spirit Blossom Festival this time was that I learned [Enlightenment] from [Spiritual Awakening], but I didn't expect that the real gain came from a Noxian friend.

No, it should be an old friend.

Jax suddenly understood what the so-called 'friendship' and 'friends at first sight' mean.

"By the way, which Philosopher Master's Zen language is [Three people, there must be my teacher]? Is that master Ionian?"

Lester straightened up, pulled Jax to sit down again, and the two of them seemed happy.

"It's a quote from Master [Confucius]. Master Confucius is not an Ionian. He comes from a very great country."

"Master Confucius? Wait, I don't seem to have heard the name of Master Confucius. Can you elaborate?"

Jax asked curiously.

"I can't say much about the news about his old man, but there are a few words of Master Confucius that I can talk about, such as, 'If you don't learn the etiquette, you can't stand up', which means that if you don't study the etiquette well, you can respect the words of Master Confucius. , Master Confucius will hit you until you can't stand."

Jax sucked in a breath of cold air, and all those who were not respected surrendered to the world. What kind of domineering side leakage is this!

Seemingly feeling the shock of Jax, Leicester also had a little more bragging and nonsense.

It's fun to tease Jax.

"Further example, 'The Master said: Don't be ashamed to ask below', which means that anyone who sees Master Confucius but doesn't know that he is ashamed will be sent down by Master Confucius himself. If you ask me where I am below, I guess it is the mother of the mask. There... In short, no matter who it is, in front of Master Confucius, you can only be the younger brother, and you must not try to be the big brother."

Hearing this, Jax was shocked.

"So even the mother of masks is afraid of Confucius?"

"That's right."

Nodding solemnly, Lester thought for a while before continuing.

"Another example, 'The Master said: If his body is not upright, even if he orders him not to obey', it means that if he is not strong enough and his muscles are not pure enough, then even if he gives an order, no one will respect him."

Recalling the strength of the Shurima Empire and the weakness of Icacia, Jax agreed.

"Anything else? Every sentence of Master Confucius' philosophical quotations is deafening. It's really shocking."

"There are many more, such as 'people who are about to die are also good at their words'..."

"Wait, Liszt, let me explain... isn't it, just beat the person who doesn't speak nicely to the brink of death, and that person can speak nicely?"

Lester looked at Jax in surprise, who was about to learn from the Confucius Institute, and nodded silently.

Jax clapped his hands happily: "Anything else?"

"'The Master said: Once you have come, you will be at peace', which means that if you choose to challenge Master Confucius, you must be ready to rest in peace and prepare to meet the Mother of Masks. When Master Confucius taught and taught, he didn't care whether you were human or not... Even spirits and ghasts have to be obedient, otherwise they have to go to see the mother of masks and be reincarnated..."

"What kind of majesty is this... Who is Master Confucius? His philosophical words should be recorded?"

"Hey puff... Since you want to know so much, I can only say it. You just listen to the story, but don't spread it."

"Don't worry, my mouth is harder than the walls of Icacia."

Nodding his head, Lester patted Janna the Blue Bird, who was in sympathy with him and almost laughed in place of him. He reorganized his language to calm down his emotions, and the man finally regained his trained and professional attitude.

"Let's put it this way, Master Confucius is a super-powerful person with a height of two meters and two. He established a gang called [Confucianism]. Powerful and domineering gray forces,

Confucianism established seventy-two halls, and under his command there were more than three thousand disciples who liked to use swords and reason with others. The forces are respectfully called '"Whispering Language"', and all forces that violate the "Whispering Language" will be thrown out of bed by Confucius' Confucianism and the rest of the forces..."

Patting Jax on the shoulder, Lester sighed softly.

"A hero like this is destined to be a saint who founded a sect. As long as mortals can learn what the saints are, they are enough to gain a foothold in this world..."

"Yes, if I can meet Master Confucius, I must have a good discussion with Master Confucius, even if this will allow me to see the mother of the mask sooner... It's just who the eternal flame is to be kept, it seems to be other than you. , I have no other good choice..."

The two sighed and sighed for a long time. Seeing that the night was getting dark, they didn't mean to be tired. Instead, they became more and more energetic.

Whether it is the Rune Alienation Lester or the Void First Fire Alienation Jax, they are not ordinary people, and it is not difficult to not rest for a week.

It was only when the sky was bright that Jax brought back the topic of master Confucius conquering the world with his flesh.

"By the way, Liszt, what was your purpose of looking for me in the first place... By the way, is the void in Valoran mainland?"

"That's right, under the Frostguard Fortress, there is a place of real ice sealed by a stone bridge, and under the real ice, there is a sleepy Void Watcher."

Lester decides to make a small change in history, curious what Jax would do if he revealed Lissandra's intel.

"Fortress of the Frostguard... I've been there, but I didn't go deep into it, I just passed by. Is your source reliable?"

"I just heard and didn't investigate it myself. It is said that Lissandra, the Frostguard Queen of Freljord, is hiding the secret of trading with the Void. Every once in a while, Lissandra will Bring some people to the Frostguard Fortress and sacrifice them to the void in a special way, so that the sleeping Void Watcher can be emotionally satisfied, and continue to sleep so as not to break free from the seal of the real ice... I don't know the news. True or false, just after I heard about your deeds, I know I should tell you, maybe you can go there and investigate if there is a chance."

After pondering for a while, Jax nodded and took this matter to heart.

"I heard you say [Void Watcher], did someone separate the types for the void? Or did you come up with the name yourself?"

Unexpectedly, Jax would suddenly ask himself this question, Lester thought for a while and explained.

"I didn't start it myself, I just happened to read a scroll of the ancient wizard's handbook, which records how in ancient times, the humans who were invaded by the void differentiated and resisted the void creatures. Among them, there was a man named [Void Watcher]. type,

It is said that the watchers have a huge eye with several terrifying tentacles. The watcher's eyes can emit terrifying void rays. There is also a saying in the manuscript that the watchers will continue to learn the material world in the shadows of the material plane. It analyzes all creatures and material structures in the material world, and when the right time comes, the monitor will open the teleportation coordinates for the void creatures through the void rays, allowing the void creatures to invade the material world..."

After a pause, Lester continued.

"Considering the purple beam of light you've experienced, I doubt that the source of the beam is the Void Watchers waiting to invade the world in another world."Click to download this Station APP, massive novels, free to read!

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