Lead the other world.

Magic Introduction 16 (from 8-28 to 8-36 stories)

Lightning (used by Kuido in 8-28 stories)

Attribute: Thunder

Magic that flies the magic of extremely small lightning attributes at light speed.

The attack speed is high enough that it has no power but can almost certainly hit the target. You can frighten or draw attention to your opponent for only a moment.

The difficulty of mastering is D.

Haven Ark (used by Iris in 8-29 stories)

Attributes: Saint (sectarian attribute of light), Wind

The magic of a sphere of light created forward that absorbs and extinguishes what surrounding users consider harmful.

The power and range of effects of the 'saint arc' of light and wind attributes, the magic that together becomes superior compatibility.

The difficulty of learning is SSS.

Takemikazuchi Takemikazuchi (used by Kuido in 8-29)

Attribute: Purple Electricity (Thunder Partition Attribute)

The magic of wrapping spiritual and purple electricity around the knife at the same time and emitting a blade of spirituality mingled with countless purple electricity, at such a speed that it can be said that it is inevitable at the same level as' lightning strikes'.

It can only be used with the use of purple electric attributes and divine authority by spirituality to increase physical ability, concentration, etc.

In exchange for the mighty power to destroy all things, it is impossible to do a series because it drains a lot of magic and spirituality and places considerable strain on the body as well.

It is a magic that Kuido, who has fully mastered the sword moves passed down from generation to generation to the swordsmen of the Kanzaki family, can only use Kuido at present, knitted with his own improvements.

The difficulty of mastering is a myth.

Multi Vorpal Shadow (used by Hans in 8-30 stories)

Attributes: Darkness

The magic of creating and manipulating multiple swords formed by the magic of dark attributes that move freely through the shadows.

It takes more advanced techniques to perform fine operations simply by setting the normal direction and releasing it. But its power is immense, so powerful that even the scales of dragons are easily torn apart.

The difficulty of acquiring is SS.

Vibracion (used by Hans in 8-30 stories)

Attribute: Vibration (Special Attribute)

The magic of a very rare vibrating attribute that vibrates the object beyond the reach of the eye and greatly enhances the destructive power of various things.

However, the subject is limited to what he is touching or to the magic he manipulates.

The difficulty of mastering is A.

Inferno (used by Saint Knight Marcosias in 8-32 stories)

Attributes: fire

A hero came to explore the severely sealed ruins that existed in the basement of a mountain long ago.

He said he saw it in the deepest part of the ruins, on the burning altar. Person-shaped creatures surrounded by incessant overflowing fires.

You also think that heroes who deal with fire attributes have mastered and won a similar technique as monsters in battle at the end of a death fight?

A magic that freely manipulates the magic of fire attributes that constantly overflow from its own surroundings.

The speed of the magic power of the fire attribute overflowing proportionally to the amount of magic enclosed by the magic user is determined.

Meanwhile, the ambient temperature increases proportionally to the quality of the magic power, which determines the amount of magic power of the fire attribute that can be manipulated.

Techniques are required that balance the quantity and quality of magic and do not burn out their own bodies. If we succeed in the magic chant without fulfilling this condition, the magic of the fire attribute, which constantly overflows without being manipulated by the user's magic power being consumed at once, burns out the surrounding environment.

The difficulty of mastering is a myth.

Thunder Dragon (used by Kuido in 8-36 stories)

Attribute: Thunder

A special and powerful magic among the lightning attributes that produce thunder dragon's made of the magic of thunder.

Thunder Dragons, whirling with high density lightning attributes, destroy what they touch until they become dust.

The generated thunder dragon can also be freely operated by the user. In addition, this magic greatly changes the size and endurance of dragons due to the quality of the user's magic power.

Multiplying it with spirituality greatly increases the power and endurance of Thunder Dragon.

The difficulty of acquiring is SS.

Dark Crescent (used by Hans in 8-36 stories)

Attributes: Darkness

Magic that releases blades of dark attributes.

Simple magic but bordering a certain line, the power varies greatly depending on the quality of the user's magic power, and the size of that blade and the speed of the blade released varies greatly depending on the amount of power and magic accumulated.

The difficulty of mastering is A. However, in order to cross a certain line, the quality of magic requires SS or more, and below that, the power is greatly reduced.

Immovable katana “heart" (used by Kuido in 8-36 stories)

Attributes: None

After the magic chant, the magic of praying to the sword paralyzes the user's pain for a period of time and greatly increases his physical abilities.

However, after use, the magic continues to decrease until the magic runs out of the bottom, and when the effect expires, the user is unable to move the body freely for a certain amount of time.

The difficulty of learning is SSS.

Nightmare Requiem (used by Hans in 8-36 stories)

Attributes: Darkness

At first I was counting. But when did I stop counting? Once a murderer who continues to kill people without guilt or emotion meets it within the moment of death many times. A mysterious being that wraps around the aura of black darkness and directs death, to "Reaper".

The magic of manifesting a part of the power of the covenant 'Reaper', provided that it provides a part of its own soul and of the soul of the person who killed it.

Those confronted with "Reaper" cannot escape within a radius of five meters of "Reaper" until the magical effect expires.

The magnitude of the power of the 'Reaper' that can manifest itself increases in proportion to the magnitude of the killing intent and hatred for what has been the object of magic.

Whenever the sickle held by the manifested Reaper touches it, it deprives the person of his vitality and consciousness. The "Reaper" manifested also does not accept physical interference.

The difficulty of mastering is a myth.

Takeshi “Fudu Soul" (used by Kuido in story 8-36)

Attribute: Divine Thunder (Special Attribute)

The magic knitted by Kuido, who wandered between the narrows of life and death and grew more rapidly due to his special ability to "break the limits", using the power of his own spiritual knife.

It embodies the magic and spirituality of all the purple electricity that it encloses, all wrapped around its body and weapons, the destructive power that extinguishes everything and the speed at which it crosses the limits of man.

It will be possible to exercise the power beyond a hundred percent by eliminating clutter and leaving only the intent to kill the subject to himself, drawing on the potential that he possesses.

The magic and spirituality of violet electricity, the sectarian attribute of the lightning attribute whose magic quality has been increased to the extreme, is the magic of the divine lightning attribute, the final point of arrival of the lightning attribute.

Currently the only magic that can only be used for Kuido who has gained the Divine Thunder attribute.

The difficulty of mastering is a myth.

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