Lead the other world.

8-60 Three Days Later

In the sprawling blue sky, the radiant sun was rising as it dazzled.

- Three days have passed since then.

And Takumi and the others stood in front of a broken gate, the entrance to the already doomed commercial city of Metes.

"Are you sure you're okay on your own?

Though still feeling tired in his body, Takumi, whose fractures and injuries had already been completely healed by Iris' magic, looked worried, asking one elf woman who tied the long hair of bronze standing in front of him in one behind her.

"Yeah, we should be getting backup from Sorcery soon, so we'll be fine. Thank you so much for your help. Thanks."

That's how I lowered my head with a smile on my face when I came to Metes on request and was the only surviving elf adventurer, Lindseel.

Shortly after the battle was over, Takumi, who was fighting without concern for pain with the magic of pain paralysis, quickly lost consciousness without enduring the fatigue accumulated over the magic had expired.

The next day, when Takumi woke up, everyone but Kuido had already woken up, and then until today, while we all recovered in strength, we were searching around to see if there really were any survivors in the city.

Unfortunately, however, Takumi and the others prayed for the blessings of those who had sacrificed themselves in Metes.

By the way, Astalot's family, who roamed the city, seemed to vanish without even leaving a scatter after that battle, but Takumi and his family were feeling complicated inside because they were relieved but could not even ascertain whether they could return to their original state.

And Lindseel, who had come to Metes on request at Sorcery, finally got in touch with Sorcery's Adventurer Guild with a magic item for communications that was ready to be used.

As a result, the Sorcery Adventurer's Guild was to take sole responsibility for this incident and the response to the city of the doomed Metes, leaving Lindseel on the spot until the arrival of some of the troops to be dispatched.

Then Iris, standing next to Takumi, rushed over to Lindseel, who grinned at Takumi.

"Thank you again, Mr. Lynn, I'll be right over there!

"Ah. Welcome and keep it up. I'll tell my people, so you can report back to your parents and tell them exactly what you want to do."

"Yes, I'll talk to you firmly"

Lindseel blushed her cheeks unconsciously as Iris, a little shorter than herself, laughed together, but coughed and returned the words with a gentle look at Iris.

"It's important, take the time to discuss it thoroughly. Because we're waiting."

This was the first time Iris met an elf of his kind who had lived outside the inside.

And for the past three days, the two of them have deepened their rapport by knowing about each other through stories inside and outside, and Lindsey has invited Iris to a source-based adventurer party where she herself is the leader.

Shortly after he was invited, Iris was confused and consulted with Takumi, but was told that he would support what he wanted to do, eventually making up his mind to join Lindseel's adventurer party this time.

And Takumi eared softly at Noah, who had pure white beast ears watching such an exchange between the two.

"Does Noah have anything?

"Hmm? Well...... I wonder if it feels like I'll see you again sometime."

To Noah, who replied so with a small laugh, Lindseel, who had sounded firm, grinned bitterly and turned her eyes to Noah.

"Heh, you're being honest. It's good to see you again. Now I will improve so that I can help you. [M] Masterful."

"Yeah, master."

Takumi smiled bitterly at the conversation between the two, but turned to Noah.

After that battle, he woke up. Noah, who had awakened Takumi first, was gently embracing him and whining the same words in tears.

- Oh, thank you.

I was repeating that word.

He retreated instead from Astalot, which was the enemy of himself and his parents, and he lost sight of himself and saved me where my heart was about to break and I was trapped in the world of my heart.

To Takumi, embraced, Noah's thoughts were well conveyed and he rubbed his back without saying anything.

Then a while later, when Noah regained her composure, Takumi seemed to laugh unexpectedly at that familiar move, shamelessly moving her ears about whether she remembered what was going on in the world of her heart at first.

And the way Noah spoke and the atmosphere changed slightly again, and at first I thought she had finally settled down, but Noah had become a sister who loved her sister, who wouldn't stop when she started talking about Cino when she remembered her childhood.

Furthermore, unlike now, Cino at a young age, housework such as cleaning and cleaning without being able to do anything on her own also seemed to have been replaced by her sister, Noah.

But losing everything and being alone, Sino was now good at cooking and laundry, and there were more and more variations in cooking every day.

Takumi was secretly looking forward to Noah's reaction to seeing Shino grow up.

At the end of Noah's interaction with Lindseel, Takumi and Lindseel headed over again at the end.

"Kuido... was it? Tell him he has one, too."

"Of course."

"Helpful. Now, I get sentimental when farewell prolongs, so let's just say goodbye to this much"

"Well, so am I."

That's how they laughed at each other, and Takumi offered her right hand.

"Somewhere else. I can't say enough, but it really helped a lot. Thanks."

What is it, Lindseel? I laughed small at that, but held on tightly to the hand offered by Takumi, who grinned with serious eyes.

"Welcome. Somewhere else."

Thus the three Takuaidas with Kuido, who remained unconscious, broke up with Lindseel and left Metes for Astrea.

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