in Sir Envy's Hall. The situation between Iris and Kyle, whose consciousness changed completely, was reversed and the attack of the Angry Holy Attributes by Iris gradually eroded Kyle's body.


A wand wrapped around the magic of the Holy Attribute, waved down from the top with a powerful hanging voice, blurs Kyle and destroys the floor of the hall.

The scepter wrapped around the sacred attribute blurred and the cheeks burned Kyle still tries to distance herself while releasing a throwing knife without changing one expression, but Iris chanted the magic as she played it all with the scepter.

"" Haven Ark "!"


It was on the verge of being thought that a sphere of light appearing before Kyle's eyes with a magical chant would aspirate and grind Kyle's body.


Iris, whose vision was brightened by the light of the lightning attribute, rose in the air using the wings of the light on his back, retreating behind him to escape.

And Iris finds out.

Soon he disappeared out of sight and behind himself, into Kyle in the blind spot.

Iris, who sensed Kyle's position with such magic and signs, just tried to look back, and the anomaly occurs.

"Ah... let...?

Iris loses power from his whole body without becoming aware that his vision shakes as he looks back and his thoughts become dull, and his breathing becomes disturbed and rough.

Kyle's throwing knife blade was painted with a slow-acting poison, which corroded Iris' body many times with that knife without knowing it.

"Ahhh... ahhh"

And when Iris was raising the groan that was going to disappear, the wings of the light on his back could be bounced off.

Then Iris fell as-is feeling his consciousness go far away, his body beating him to the floor without even being able to take his reception, vomiting blood, and cramping his whole body.

At last Kyle slowly approaches a dagger with the lightning attribute in one hand, just to say that he was waiting for this time to stab Iris in a state of death just to cramp his whole body with his eyes and mouth half open.

That moment.

"" Plant Invasion ""

Rin's voice echoed in Sir Envy's hall, neither Kyle nor Iris' voice.

At the same time, a large number of elongated and hard tree roots appeared crushed on Kyle's body, wrapped and crushed as they were on a void Kyle, and Kyle's body burst like a ripe tomato and blood splashed around him.

"" Life Bloomes ""

Without looking at Kyle like that, I woke up. The elf adventurer, Lindseel, ran over to Iris shaking her bronze long hair.

And a rainbow flower bloomed with a dazzling glow in both hands that spread the magic at the same time as the chant, dripping a drop of Shizuku overflowing from the blooming flower in Iris's mouth as he held it.

Strangely, then, the light returned to Iris' eyes, where the light was gone, and his complexion, which had lost his blood, recovered, and Iris slowly blinked several times in Lindseel's arms.

And Iris, with a calm expression Lindseel and eyes on him, turned his eyes round with his mouth puckered.

Seeing how Iris was like that, Lindseel nodded and turned his attention to Kyle's tightened and crushed plant.

"We'll talk later. My magic can't stab them in the face. I'm sorry I've just returned to consciousness, but I need you to stab him in the stomach with holy attributes before he restores his flesh."

Iris opened his eyes as he rose in Lindseel's arms and saw Kyle, who had not been crushed and kept the prototype.

Little by little, Kyle's flesh is gathering in one place and starting to return to its former form.

Iris lost the poison due to Lindseel's magic, but he picked up his wand, which was still rolling nearby, waking up a tired body, and chanted the magic with his eyes closed to Kyle, who was starting to return to normal.

"" Havens Cross "!"

And at the same time that magic converged on the luminous green wand, he swallowed Kyle, whose holy giant cross appeared in front of Kyle was beginning to revert, and Kyle's body eventually became dust to burn out and completely disappeared.

Iris nearly fluttered as Kyle vanished and relieved himself with the silence visiting the hall, but at some point Lindseel stood by him.

"Whoa... you okay?

"Ah... that helped. Thank you. Er..."

"It's Lindsey. And you?"

"It's Iris. Thank you again."

Leaving Lindseel so politely bowed his head and thanked him, Lindseel shook his neck to the side in surprise.

"Damn it, keep your head up. Without you, I would be dead by now. Thanks."

We were just thanking each other, and Lindseel looked at Iris' entire body from top to bottom and put her hand on his chin.

"Nevertheless...... I didn't know there were elves high ranking adventurers besides me. I'm surprised someone noticed my rescue call."

"Oh, haha... well, it's not a high rank"

Iris, who left the house on his own and eventually retired from the Adventurer at A-rank, was smiling awkwardly, Lindsey closed her eyes and frowned after a while.

"Well, shall we go and join your people later? And your people... wow. Are you alone with that monster?"

With his eyes open, Lindseel was surprised to perceive signs and magic of Noah and Astaloto fighting far away, but Iris, not so widely detectable, was surprised but reassured that Noah was safe and lost at the same time.

"So, which way are we going? Personally, I think it would be better to help without that monster."

"Right...... Huh?

So Iris, uncomfortable with Lindseel's words, had a bad feeling running through his head.

"What's up? You look pale. You want to recover some strength before you head out?

"No, not really."

Iris shook his head sideways and grabbed both shoulders of Lindseel.

"Um, underground. Don't you feel signs and magic? One of my people was fighting alone in the collapsing basement."

Though surprised by Iris' impatient expression, Lindseel gave him a troubled look.

"I'm sorry. I can't seem to detect it from here."

"Oh no..."

Lindseel asked Iris, arm in arm, who could be halfway to not feeling the signs and magic of Kuido.

"It's still early to give up. Do you have any idea where the basement is where that person is?

"Yes, I understand."

"All right, then let's detect it once and for all. Maybe he's dying and his magic is depleted and he can't detect it. But if we can't detect it, we'll be heading somewhere else soon."

With hope that Kuido might still be alive, Iris stared straight back at Lindseel as he clenched his fist.

"Okay. I'll show you in a hurry, follow me!

That said, they remained tired, but the two of them followed Sir Envy's hall, which collapsed further in battle, ahead of Iris.

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