Lead the other world.

8-34 Families of True Ancestors 5



Suddenly Takumi and the knight were two surprised to disappear from sight, but they quickly regained their composure by remembering the last words Takumi had left behind.

Though Noah was upset about the unexpected breakup with his peers by unknown tools, they turned to Iris by rethinking what they needed to do now.

"Iris, we're going to the survivors."


"I've already sensed your position, so I'll lead the way from here."


Upon getting Iris' response, the two ran out to the room where Noah would have survivors leading the way.

Whoa, whoa.

"Found it!

Run out for a few minutes. Noah and the others, who reached a small room, saw a disturbed, bronze-haired, long-haired woman who was covered in plants' tweezers.

The woman's ears were pointy with numerous bloodstains on her pale skin, which I could tell from the signals that were flowing through the aisle, but the survivor still seemed to be an elf.

From the gear made of rare monster materials, you can just see that you are a fairly high-ranking adventurer.

He also had a good idea of how strong his opponent was when his gear, which would boast such considerable strength, was broken by the Zutaboro and he fought from being scratched.

The two had rushed to the woman early enough and Iris peeked into her face but had closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

Then Iris checked the woman's breath and then stroked her cheek to cloud her expression and turned to Noah's.

"He seemed unconscious because he was using his powers solely for self-regeneration"

"If you don't do that, you've got a tough, deep hand."


As I had imagined, Iris chanted magic with a cane with his left hand, still touching the cheeks of herself and a fellow elf woman who was wearing out to the fullest just to connect and stop life.

"Curated," “Seiklid Sanctuary."

Warm light overflows from the magic formations depicted around Iris with the chant.

(This child... Didn't you say a while ago that Holy Attributes are now available?)

Noah, who was then recovering, opened his eyes and wrapped his tongue around Iris' magical talent for using high-ranking magic.

But it still seemed difficult to maintain the magic and some of the magic formations disappeared, and the magic disappeared.

"Ha... ha... much better looking too"

"No, not enough...! Let's just get moving. 'Cause I probably won't keep this passage for long either."

Soothed and calmed down for a moment, Noah shook her neck and regained her temper, and as she spoke with an elf woman on her back, whose wound disappeared and her complexion improved considerably, Iris, who seemed slightly spicy, stood up, consuming a great deal of magic at a time on top of her considerable concentration.

"Yes...... the fact that there was a knight at Sir Envy's house earlier should mean that there are other paths to earth in the church. Let's hurry and find it."

It was when we were having that conversation.

"You don't have to."

Looking back at the familiar voice and the signs of sudden appearance, there was Kyle, the butler, who was in Sir Envy's hall in a familiar black swallow tail suit.

Kyle smiled and responded while the two stood guard and set up their weapons.

"I'm not willing to fight you guys here. One of the orders I received was to bring you to my husband."

"You're Lord Envy. But do you think we're gonna stick around, honestly, yes?

Kyle exhaled deeply as Noah stuck the demon sword Cucia's sword tip to Kyle.

"No problem, because I'm taking you"

At the same time as the words, Kyle kept them sneaking on his sleeve, crushing the same calamitously shining black gem that Marcosias had earlier crushed and disappeared with Takumi, and the four men disappeared from the spot.

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