Lead the other world.

8-11 Immortal King 1

The four men who had finished their exploration had gathered once and were looking back at the secretary that Takumi had found. Everyone reacted differently, but as the page progressed, the expression changed to something rugged.

"- That's how it ends, does anyone know who owns this notebook?

"Probably Mr. Hans."

Turning his eyes to those who spoke, Kuido, who also looked somewhat complicated against the wall, stared at the burnt and scratched floor as he put his arms together.

From what I've heard since, Kuido, who has visited the city several times and received requests at Metes, still seems to have spoken directly to a man named Hans who ruled the Adventurer's Guild in the Metes branch because he was still young.

Kuido said Hans is now about fifty years old and was once an adventurer affiliated with Metes in the SSS class.

You're apparently seriously injured by a certain request you've received in the past, and since you retired from Adventurer Young, you've become an employee of the Adventurer Alliance of Metes.

Hans had a good personality and sometimes asked me for troubles and all kinds of advice. And most importantly, Kuido, who hasn't had parents since he was young, sometimes overlaps Hans with his father, and although he hasn't seen him lately, Kuido has long admired him.

And Kuido had a chest ache that Hans was having such a hard time mentally that he wished him well.

Again, the great nobleman named Sir Envy is apparently a celebrity, a rare and courteous common sense man for the nobility of this city, a silent but admirable figure by everyone, and three people outside of Takumi only know his name.

We all didn't seem to know much about a girl named Matty, but sometimes Iris had the same traits as the girl he seemed to see earlier, which he was interested in.

And three people outside of Takumi checked the room and found out that the broken weapon had fallen or engaged something that had probably broken into the building from the blood and magic traces left in the room.

However, it still seemed unusual around the building where there were signs of damage and intense fighting, but not a single body.

Then for a few minutes, Noah whispered to the three of them that they were taking a break once.

And when the three gathered at Noah's, Noah, with a crease on his eyebrow, spread the map of Metes and began to talk.

"The Church is behind us more than we know the enemy's power..."

"Oh, including Hans, there's a chance he didn't win more than one SSS Rank Adventurer."

"Then again"

Takumi answered ahead after Iris said so.

"Let's start here in the basement."

The three nodded when they saw Takumi's face, but all his expressions were not excellent.

That was because everyone perceived the dangerous signs drifting from the underground.

"Shall I take the lead with Takumi? Let me know if Takumi sees anything dangerous in her eyes, whether it's a hand signal or anything."

Copy that. I'll take care of it.

"Then I'm your lord. Iris begs you in the middle. Supporting magic."

"Leave it to me!

"Oh, and Iris will change positions with me when he meets the enemy."

"Yes, I understand."

Then the four of us who got the story together checked the condition of the weapon, stretched lightly and got ready before queuing up and starting to descend the stairs leading down to the basement where we could hear some slight noise.

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