Lead the other world.

7-47 Last Guardian Knight 2

Takumi eventually reached its end point as she rushed down the stairs as she walked out of the room and down in a spiral.

Takumi, who cut down the stairs, killed his breath and peered into the room with spirit in his eyes, where the sight was somewhat as expected.

The aisle walls are fitted with magic items with lights, and there are a number of lattices and wall-covered small rooms made of iron-like sturdy ore.

There are also three knights in armor patrolling the aisle, and in the small room you can see the children of the elves leaning against each other in fright.

(You're the one who keeps the prisoner you took in Arezel... Nevertheless……)

Takumi gripped the orange infarct, raised her sensory abilities and concentrated her consciousness to look for a room, but she couldn't feel the magic of citrus vegetables.

And when I was down the stairs, I noticed, strangely enough, that there was a lot of magic on the walls and floors of this tower, and I couldn't confirm if there were citrus vegetables to the lower floor.

Takumi wondered if she could get any more information. The next time she pulled up her eyesight and hearing with an orange infarct and peered into the room, she found a staircase leading further down to the back of the room, where the children of the captives were heard seeing the knight on the lookout differently and encouraging each other.

Perhaps the fact that the knights are looking different is due to the walnuts that have suddenly broken into Radatome.

(Well, does that get rid of those three first)

Takumi slowly spirits.

Regrip the orange infarct and focus your consciousness to understand the rhythm of the three knights' breathing and all their physical movements.

And the moment Takumi moved out of the view of the three knights the entrance to the room where Takumi was hiding herself.


First, he turns his back from the entrance to the room, and the knight in the closest position accidentally taps his shoulder lightly twice from behind and looks back.

At that moment, the sight tremendously shakes as the armor of the knight's head, which was beaten vigorously by the fists of the spirited Takumi, strikes his body hard on his back and a roar echoes throughout the room.

The next time I noticed the sound, all I could see was a knight in his second nearest position turning his eyes to those who heard it, letting his body plunge into the floor.

And shortly after the thought stopped for a moment, I heard something shattering from my feet, and when I turned my eyes, there were gorgeous eyes in murderous silver.


He can't speak well to the slaughter he was hit with, and not long before he raised his voice to the end, he beats the dovetail "Misochi" from the bottom to the top, and his body rises in space and blows up to the ceiling.

You, nothing.

Though he tries to raise his voice in surprise at Takumi, whose third instantly rendered the two knights incapable of combat, he kicked Takumi in the stomach from the top of his armor before he uttered it, and struck his back well against the wall, squatting too much of the pain and groaning.

Shortly afterwards, Takumi poked an orange infarct and inquired.

"Answer with yes or no. You got that?


I knew it was still the voice of a young man, but I felt the difference between the killing intent felt from Takumi and the overwhelming power felt with a hint, and the knight answers with a trembling voice.

And one nodded Takumi began to ask with the orange infarct sticking straight at the knight.

"Kiryu citrus. You know a girl with long black hair who's been brought here recently and she's about mid teens?


"Do you know where you are now?

"Yes, no......"

"Face up."

When the knight slowly raised his face on Takumi's orders, he was stripped of his head armor to stiffen his body as it was. In front of him were murderous, creepy, silver-tone eyes staring at themselves.

As Takumi asked slowly, staring into the knight's eyes without blinking, feeling that the knight might be seeing all the way to his heart and thoughts and the very stiffness of the fear caused by his intention to kill.

"Is that true?

Then the knight shook his mouth and made his breath rough and nodded again and again to show it.

Takumi punched him with all his strength as he turned to his face in the condition of that knight, and when he stopped inching in a critical manner, the knight finally peeled off his white eyes and lost consciousness and fell to the floor at the front.

Takumi took a breath when he saw the knight unconscious in front of him and opened the door behind the room to confirm the staircase leading further underground before approaching the closest chamber.

There he was suddenly frightened by the loud noise he heard from outside the cabin, sitting in the back, holding his head and shrinking.

Seeing such an elf child, Takumi called on the elf children imprisoned in the barn with a bad-ass look on their face that they had overdone it.

"I'm here to help. And I want to ask you something."

- Whoa, whoa.

Talking to the children who destroyed the cage and helped, it really seemed that the citrus vegetables had never been through here and Takumi's "phantom mist" split took the elf children up the stairs toward where Sola was.

The remaining Takumi then puts the three knights, unconscious, inside the barn and restrains their movements with ice before standing in front of the stairs leading down.

(Wait, citrus...)

Through his spiritual eyes, he saw signs of intent to kill from the end of the descending staircase, as well as a dark, cloudy color that was difficult to approach, but Takumi began to descend the staircase, heightening his tension without ever retreating.

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