"Yangzhou Prefecture has a peculiar terrain, with the sea in the east, the Yangtze River in the south, and Huai'an Prefecture in the north."

  "No matter which side it is, my Great Yan Army is blocking them. They have been surrounded by us, and they can't escape at all!!"

  Zhang Yang took a look at the map, and it was really the case. The entire city of Yangzhou was surrounded by the Great Yan Army, and he sneered: "This is really a dog jumping over the wall, and it's crazy enough to drag the entire city to bury them with them!!"

  "However, if they think so, do we have nothing to do with them?"

  Speaking of this, Zhang Yang slammed a heavy punch on the desk and ordered: "Order the front-line army to set up artillery positions as soon as possible, and let me blow down the city walls of Yangzhou Fucheng!!"

  "With the fastest speed, the whole army will enter the city of Yangzhou!!"

  "I'm going to arrest all these demented Yangzhou gentry alive, put them on public trial, and shave them alive!"

  "A group of lingering people, they dare to fry their hair, they really turned the world upside down!"

  As for all the people of the city going to the battlefield, they were surrounded without fighting, and their hands and feet were tied.

  This kind of stupid thing, Zhang Yang would not do it.

  Once this kind of head starts, then the other gentry will follow suit, and it will be endless! This kind of head must not be opened! Moreover, these mad gentry will all be executed. !! Kill the chickens and terrify the monkeys!! Break all the delusions of these gentlemen!! Let them deeply realize that in the face of the Great Yan Army, either surrender or flee! If you resist to the end, there is only one way to die! Under the order, the whole army began to move.

  The artillerymen set up the artillery positions at the fastest speed.


  After changing into solid bullets, they all aimed at the city wall and slammed down.

  For a time, the entire city of Yangzhou, with its four walls, was bombarded by countless artillery shells.

  With such a large-scale artillery bombardment, the people of Yangzhou Fucheng on the top of the city were scared to death, and they hugged their heads and ran around.

  The first time, ran down the city.

  Such a large-scale panic, even if the supervising team is frantically killing chickens and scaring monkeys, it is useless, it can't be stopped! Even many supervising teams were hacked, smashed, trampled and trampled by the chaotic Yangzhou people. die.

  Before that, they didn't dare to resist! But now the cannons of the Great Yan Army outside the city were bombed, and the whole city became chaotic and courageous.

  Even if they dare not fight back in the open, but in the dark, they are ruthless.

  For a time, the entire city of Yangzhou was in turmoil and panic.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  The artillery, which was replaced with a breech gun, was several times faster, coupled with a large number of artillery, under large-scale shelling.

  The city wall of Yangzhou Fucheng could not stop it at all.

  In less than an hour, the walls on all four sides collapsed.

  "Kill it!!"

  The Great Flame Infantry, who had been prepared for a long time, exploded with deafening roars of killing and madly rushed into the city, immediately occupying the collapsed city walls on all sides, and then swarming into the four streets of Yangzhou Fucheng.

  Almost without much resistance, the city of Yangzhou was easily leveled!

The thirty-fourth chapter is ruined, and all are shot

  "Boom boom boom!"

  The violent bombardment sounded incessantly, like a thunderbolt, entering the palace, and the gentry of the Yangzhou government in the palace were shivering, trembling all over their bodies, each with a look of horror on their faces.

  I don't know how long it has been while panting, uneasy, frightened, and overly frightened.

  "The city collapsed!!"

  An exclamation of exclamation spread throughout the city and reached their ears, immediately awakening all the gentry in the palace.

  One by one with a frustrated face, panicked, and shouted in despair and collapse.

  "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "Damn, all the people in the city have gone up, but they still can't stop the Great Flame Army!!"

  "Untouchables are untouchables, no use at all!!"

  "Damn, the city has collapsed, and Yangzhou's capital city can't be defended at all, now I'll be completely finished!"

  "Ah, ah, I don't want to die!!"

  "I don't want to die either, but how can Da Yan let us die!!"

  "My God, why is there a big flame, and a monster like Lin Feng!"

  "You said, the appearance of Dayan Lin Feng, will it be sent by God to punish us?"

  "Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, just talk about it, what should I do now!"

  "What else can I do to die!!"

  "Anyway, I will die sooner or later, so I might as well die sooner rather than later. I don't have any hope, so I'll just kill myself!"

  "Suicide, I'm afraid, I've never done it!!"

  "The old man has never done it!!"


  The gentry of Yangzhou government in the government office are no longer the stubborn and maddened look they used to be.

  One by one shivered, panicked, panicked, and feared to the extreme.

  If someone who doesn't know them sees it, they will think they are all cowards! But who knows, before that, they were all arrogant and arrogant gentlemen and gentlemen in the face of death, and they all collapsed in despair. Yes! There were even quite a few people who were scared to pee on the spot, and cried out loudly, which made people feel extremely miserable and sigh.

  "Bang bang bang!!"

  Accompanied by the sound of musket fire, there was a burst of screams, and the next moment, the gate of the government office was smashed, and countless Great Yan soldiers rushed in.

  The first time, the gentlemen and gentlemen in the government office were brought under control.

  "Caught, absolutely can't let: they committed suicide!!"

  "This group of maddened guys will definitely go through a public trial, let them be ruined and die in a hurry!!"

  "Hmph, just by what they did, shaving them alive, that's all light!"

  "Caught them all, don't let them die too easily!!"

  "Don't worry, if it falls into our hands, it will be hard to die!"


  The Great Yan soldiers who rushed into the government office shouted loudly, and in their words, they were murderous and extremely angry.

  What he said made all the gentlemen who were controlled, heartbroken.

  "No, no, please, please give me a treat!!"

  "No, you can't do this!!"

  "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated, you are too much!!"

  "Forgive your life, spare your life, Lord Jun!!"

  "Don't arrest me, don't arrest me, I am innocent, everything is done by them, I am forced!!"

  "If you want to arrest them, arrest them, they are the most deranged people!!"

  "Don't kill me, don't kill me, please,

  Don't kill me!!"

  "I surrendered, I surrendered, and I handed over all the land and family property!!"


  For a time, all the gentry seemed to be a different person, and most of the gentry threw the blame wildly, blaming each other, scolding each other, and shirking responsibilities to each other.

  Kneeling down on the ground, tears and snot running down the ground, frantically begging for mercy.

  How humble it is, how humble it is! One by one, I am afraid of them all! I was also frightened by the murderous words from the soldiers of Dayan, and I was so scared that I lost my bowels and bowels! It's just delusional!!"

  “Go and don’t make them cheap!!”

  "These goddamn gentlemen should be killed!!"

  "I'm big, I don't need a gentleman!!"

  "Don't talk nonsense, press it down, check them one by one, and immediately confiscated their homes, and all members of their family will be arrested for me!!"


  The Dayan soldiers did not pay any heed to these gentlemen's pleas for mercy, but instead shouted murderously to raid their homes.

  That's what they say and what they do.

  After entering Yangzhou Fucheng and taking control of the city for the first time, he carried out a frantic operation of raiding and smashing the door, and frantically arrested the gentry in the whole city.

  Under the leadership of countless soldiers and many angry people in Yangzhou Fucheng, they searched out the hidden gentry at a very fast speed.

  Suzaku Corps Command.


  "Legion Commander, Yangzhou Fucheng, our army has captured the entire city and started a major purge."

  "All the gentry officials were arrested and carried out an operation of raiding their homes!"

  "Next, how to execute the gentry in Yangzhou, the front-line generals, are waiting for your instructions!"

  The messenger rushed to the legion headquarters and said to Zhang Yang.

  When Zhang Yang heard this, he raised his eyebrows, snorted coldly, and waved his hand: "The gentry of Yangzhou Prefecture, trying to get the people of the whole city to bury them with them, is simply hurtful, maddened, and worth dying for!!"

  "All of them will sack their families and destroy their families, and not one will be left!!"

  "All killed!!"

  This order is the first lore order issued by the Dayan Army since its establishment.

  In the past, the raiding of the family and the extermination of the clan was only the trial of the main culprit.

  And this time, Zhang Yang clearly wanted to kill all the gentry, whether it was the principal offender, the head of the family, or their clansmen, men, women, young and old! It can be said that this was a massacre of the gentry in Yangzhou.

  However, there was no one in the Suzaku Corps who opposed it, but they fully agreed with this decision.

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