Labyrinth Restaurant

gossip/textual stories

A curved troupe (circus) showcasing a variety of tricks on the stage.

Acrobat on juggling, fire wheel dive on the sweep.

The audience was greatly boiled down by many of the moves that Alice and her finalists attracted.

"Come on, come on, the next offering is a monkey knife throw. If it works, I'll ask you to give me a round of applause."

Above the stage, performing arts in unsuitable swallow tail clothes and silk hats is the Sublaw of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King Army. He used the stunt of being able to manipulate the creature freely to let the animals do a variety of arts.

Let the monkeys in flashy chocks play their instruments to boost the scene with BGM, where cubs, dogs, cats, birds, rats and various other animals succeed in one advanced move after another.

Colorful southern birds dive the ring of fire in an undisturbed formation flight, and the bear juggles the rats instead of the ball while rowing and strolling a bespoke wheelbarrow. Dogs and cats make pyramids under the guidelines of group gymnastics, and monkeys play catch ball with song knives (sabels) over that pyramid.

Normally, it's impossible to make animals do this no matter how well they teach, but that's why the audience was so fascinated by so many incredible moves.

I'm not willing to beat Sublaw himself because he's cooperating with Cosmos' plan, but that's what he's been doing secretly to hone the accuracy of using his abilities to not be ashamed of.

The rain of applause and cheer falls every time a move is decided is just the big deal you deserve for the finals.

But then, Alice was in a lot of a hurry watching that trick over the modem monitor.

"Yeah... you know, you can win..."

Alice, who has never imagined that her victory is confirmed behind her, has faded as if she had forgotten it at all, such as yesterday's float. Objectively speaking, there is no room for fine dust, such as can be countered with an obscure amateur art, and there is no reason to react to it.

In terms of the Pro-Ama classification, apart from the fact that Sublaw is not a full-time performer either, his abilities and compatibility with the entertainment field were more meshing than expected.

"Wow, Saab!

"Yeah, you could have done this"

Well, the two other people besides Alice are calm, so things aren't so bad. Freya is accustomed to the job, and Lisa is nervous about the rest of this, but not as good as Alice.

Such were their thoughts, and on stage the sublaw offering was about to end exactly now.

Mammals, reptiles and birds bow in unison toward the audience with all the animals in alignment. Even after they left on stage, the drink never stopped ringing for more than five minutes.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Good day, Sublaw."

"Ah, Mr. Cosmos. I'm tired."

There were so many animals that we couldn't get into the modem, and Sublaw came out to the outside of the outdoor theater. As I was feeding the animals with my labor, Cosmos, the mastermind of this plan, turned up.

"I'm sorry"

"What does it do?

"No, you said you had all those moves, but you had to make me throw away the win"

Even though I wouldn't even have appeared in the first place without Cosmos' plan, letting go while I have the right to fulfill everything right in front of me is not a paradigm. But Sublaw replied as he threw crushed stir-fried beans at the birds.

"I don't want to make a wish come true... well, it's not like asking people to do something about it..."

He was saying a little bit, but eventually told me to make up his mind.

"Actually, I thought I'd quit the Demon King army and go back to Japan soon."


"Something tells me I'm comfortable, so I'll postpone cheating, but I saved enough money to pay for a broken tractor at the Demon King's Army job... no, it's not about the money, my family will be worried... no, it's not"

The little boy seemed to suffer somewhere as he screwed raw meat into the crocodile's mouth, spitting out the words that followed.

"My house, if I do, I have a lot of brothers, but they're all awesome except me. My oldest brother is a scholar teacher at a university in Tokyo, my second brother is an athletic, professional baseball player, and my other brothers are in quite similar shape... I'm not unfriendly with my family, but as a youngest child, I'm somewhat narrow in my shoulders."

"Really? Well, that sounds like a common story."

"Yeah, it's everywhere, dude. Talk."

Sublaw continues his conversation as he opens a bottle with honey and gives it to the bear. Or maybe it wasn't to Cosmos, it was talking to itself.

"When I came to the demon world about accidents with tractors, I was anxious, but I was just a little relieved." Oh, now you don't have to compare yourselves to your brothers. "

"Somehow, you're really backwards"

"Wouldn't you like to add a little palm... well, you're right"

I finished feeding one street animal, so Sublaw speaks his true heart as he strokes the belly of a dog who was close to comforting him.

"I don't know if it's a shock beyond the world, I can do something like this, and people in the demon world need it, and that makes me feel comfortable. I'm not going home the whole time, but it's as good as I thought."

"But you decided to go home, right?

"Well, that brings me to my earlier wish... that I've become such an awesome man that I can't beat my brothers. So, for once, I thought I had to face my family directly."

"I see, that's a wish that can't be helped by any demon king."

It's abstract when it comes to dreams and wishes, but as the boy lived in the demonic world, he was growing to the point where he was ready to confront the inferiority in himself by cutting head-on.

"I see, I see. Have you told the Demon King yet?

"No, not yet. I thought I'd tell you after this festival."

"Really? Let me tell you something about suspending the Demon King's army."

"Leave me alone, will you? Not resignation."

"Yeah. Nothing, don't you have to think of that again once you get back over there? If it gets tight, you can come back here and stay funny until you get bored."

"I don't know, it sounds tedious."

"Yes, even if it looks like this, I, for appropriateness, am confident that there is no one out to the right, is there?

Aside from whether that really makes you proud, Cosmos insists with grandeur. Whether he was impressed by its appropriateness, Sublaw uttered an appropriate reply.

"Well, I don't even know what to do, but I'll try my best for now"

"Yeah, good luck with that. Yeah, speaking of which, I've also learned lately that working too hard is so tiring, you should do everything well out of hand.... Oops, it's time for you and Alice to come along. Now, excuse me for this."

This is just the end of the public discourse, with no particular excitement or mountain range.

This short conversation will have a profound impact on the future of one boy...... and maybe not.

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