Labyrinth Restaurant

Front and back of discomfort

"Speaking of which,"

The Demon King told Alice the story just after a paragraph with Gardo.

"What happened to Alice and the others?

The martial arts tournament has been decided on the winner one leg sooner, but there are still two competitions left: performing arts and cooking.

By the way, as far as culinary competitions are concerned, the chief chef who dropped the Demon King in the first round continues to make fast progress on the bamboo and is almost certainly seen as the winner. If the chef continues to win (although he doesn't care at all about himself), he also stands to some extent the face of the Demon King who lost World War I.

But the performing arts tournament was somewhat of a strange development.

"... ah. Uh... speaking of which, what happened?

"What do you mean?

On the second day of the festival, Alice and I intentionally headed to the venue, but the day ended with nothing to do as a seed frame as a result of the lottery held on the spot.

With odd numbers of teams winning the main game, it's only natural to have a seed frame. While I ate the shoulder watermark, I was delighted with whale luck on the spot.

"They said they'd call me when they had plans for the next game...... you haven't come yet"

For the convenience of the dates at the other two competitions, there were usually cases where some athletes could have about a day or two of blanks, but in Alice's case, from the time they said that on the second day until the present day of the sixth day, nothing had come of any kind.

Besides, at the time I originally decided to compete, I thought it was quite unlikely that I would win since I was able to calm down and make objective decisions, and partly because I had fun walking around with the Demon King and Lisa every day the last few days, and in fact, I had completely forgotten about the tournament already until the Demon King just asked me.

"... maybe the reward was coming but I didn't realize it, or something"

I've often been vacant for the last few days, and I couldn't get in touch with him due to a missed trip. Or maybe it was a delivery error or something, and Alice thought it was possible that she didn't get the notice she was supposed to get.

"So... are you going to be undefeated before you know it?

It's not funny how unlikely you were to win, but before you know it, you were undefeated without ever showing off the results of your practice.

"I'm going to meet Cosmos for a moment to confirm"

Alice left the store and headed to the public building where Cosmos was supposed to be.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Congratulations on making it to the finals"

"What are you talking about?

Alice disputed the praise conveyed by the most cosmos of openings.

"The final is the last game of the tournament, and if you win this, you win. I congratulated you on winning there, anything?

"No, because that kind of mess is fine. I didn't win it in the first place."

Alice twitched into the cosmos that lightly explained the meaning of the earlier words. I've had less of this kind of interaction here lately, but it's a beautiful, stunning scratch that doesn't make me feel blank.

But the cosmos ate down.

"No, that's incredibly true. In order to explain..."

This is how Cosmos explained that Alice and her team were going to the finals before they knew it.

The first thing about the first seed frame.

Alice knew about this, and there's nothing particularly wrong with it.

regarding the next match.

"I just heard from the other contestant that I couldn't take it off and couldn't make the rush anymore," Cosmos explained.

"You know, my pregnant wife suddenly noticed everything."

"Then... well, you have no choice"

"I was also curious to check with one of those travelers later, but he said he was able to properly attend the birth. Like he was a healthy boy."

"That's good to hear"

Alice was also convinced by the explanation. It's unlikely, but that doesn't happen all of a sudden either.

And this is the next game.

"This is not a very congratulatory story...... it was actually part of a burglary group where the other team had fled from another country. It was a bunch of odd magicians, but it seemed like they were overlapping the offense as they crossed the place for fun. We had an urgent arrest on the report of an audience member who found out who he was in the game the day before."

There's no tournament or anything at all if you're under arrest.

It's like the opposite of what we talked about earlier, but I can tell you that this is also why we have no choice.

"And yesterday it was midday (Nagabi), so I flew all day, and it's today's semifinals"

"Ha... so what happened this time?

"No, not casework this time. It's just Hendrick."

"What, were you out there?

It was Hendrick who was winning well by manipulating about a hundred dolls and showing off his separation of doing an orchestra and stage play at the same time by himself, but when he found out the semifinalists were Alice and he said, "I can't go against my master," he immediately abstained as of yesterday.

"My current master is the Demon King, not me... and I don't think that's how I defied him in the first place..."

"Even if I told you. Very loyal, or weird and disciplined, isn't it, that one?"

"Mm-hmm... well, that's certainly the place to be"

Alice seemed convinced at first when she heard the explanation.

Since Alice herself was a demon king of her predecessors, Hendrick has devoted himself to a unique aesthetic loyalty, she seems to have decided that it would also be possible to set up those on the lookout that way.

"... there's no such thing as undefeated until the finals, is there?

"Interestingly, it's not desirable for the operational side to continue to be less undefeated... because that's already the case for the martial arts tournament, and there's no other side to it."

"I have no choice... I wonder"

I'll show you the bare gestures that Cosmos has troubled, but as Alice, I can't say anything. Besides, we haven't lost anything as a result, and we're rather blessed with tremendous luck.

I can't gauge how low the odds are that you'll stay until the finals without ever being on stage so far, including qualifying, but the chances are not zero. Though it might be as likely as throwing a coin a hundred times and it was all behind it.

"This could really make your wish come true a thing, right?

"Eh, duh, what do we do!?"

The same goes for Gardo, but it seems like something that gets a lot lost when it comes to having so many rights hanging right in front of him, not just a chatter tane. In Alice's case, the direction has been set from the beginning, but it was still not clear to what extent we wished.

It's fun to buy a lottery and imagine what to buy if you win, but it's like you can't be innocent like that if you actually win. To put it in the example of the lottery, it's not so rare to talk about human mistrust because you have a lot of money that doesn't deserve it, or a broken sense of money and ruin it. You need to be discreet in your wishes.

"Well, it's about you, Alice, so even if you try to say something to the Demon King, you may get away with a hectic and difficult answer."

"Ku......! I'd really like to disagree, but I'm sad to feel that way myself"

Alice doesn't want to lose her personality. I know the art style.

I regret so much, but couldn't argue with Cosmos' words.

"So what about this?

"Like this?

Cosmos gave Alice a helping boat to mourn her own heckling guts.

Write sarah and letters with a feather pen on the blank paper that was on your desk and give it to Alice.

"It's not a good idea to shoulder one player too much in my position, but it's a part of winning or losing, and to this extent, it won't be a problem. Now, if you can win tomorrow, give this to the Demon King. Of course, if you can, you can tell them verbally."

"Ko, ko, ko, here, this is!?"

"Oh, were you willing to hope it wasn't? Then dispose of the paper."

Cosmos tried to reach out and take it, but Alice secured the paper so that it could never be taken and gripped inside her hands, shaking her neck sideways at a fierce speed as to whether she intended to respond to the current query. Apparently, Cosmos affirms that it's okay to wish as expected.

Alice's received paper reads: 'I've always liked it. Please marry me', there was a straightforward sentence written above this. No matter how dull the Demon King is, it won't mean he still doesn't realize how Alice feels when he receives this.

Moreover, there is no more right of the Demon King to reject this confession than there is a physical form of 'wish'.

◆ ◆ ◆

Alice completely rose when she realized the straightforward word 'marriage' and its chances were imminent at present, leaving the room in a flimsy foothold.

The cosmos, left alone in the room,

"I noticed after the semifinals... well, that's not bad in the case I assumed. The ideal was not to realize it until tomorrow."

And I sneered quietly.

Oh, my God.

Alice's visit and earlier exchanges were all within the palms of Cosmos.

"You were also fortunate to be alone in visiting me, Alice. Apparently, there's a flurry coming."

At what point in the day do you come to visit me uncomfortable?

And who are you coming with?

One, with the Demon King, or with two of the team. We assumed all those cases in advance and worked out countless conversation patterns that would not be suspicious.

Even within the earlier conversation, he called the status quo that continued to be unbeatable "incredibly" and carried out the impression manipulation that he was only irrelevant to the outcome, such as "unbeatable is undesirable". It also exchanged the fact that the finals of the martial arts tournament had flown, which made him assume that such a thing could happen 'by chance'.

It would be unlikely that you would throw a coin a hundred times and the back would come out in a row.

But what if there's squid sama there?

If you exhaust your head, such as the use of trick coins on both sides behind you and the acquisition of referees, it's easy to keep putting your back out whether it's a thousand or 10,000 times instead of a hundred.

If Alice had questioned Cosmos' statement in an earlier conversation, she would have prepared the planting properly in case the artist whose child had just been born or attempted to confirm the existence of the arrested suspect. There is no drain whatsoever.

This time it seems to have ended in vain, but as far as the former was concerned, he was asked to decline his appearance in exchange for a huge gratuity combined with a stopping fee and a mouth-to-mouth match (since it was actually last week that the baby was born), and in respect of the latter, he had grasped his qualities at the stage of signing up for the qualification, but he dared to let him swim and be able to arrest him at any time.

It will no longer be necessary to mention, for example, that there was a plot in the lottery that determines the tournament combination. There is also no evidence that the boxes or whales used in doing so have already been incinerated and disposed of.

Hendrick is one of our collaborators.

There are a few others, but they have given their endorsement to the purpose of Cosmos, both on the front and back of the stage, and they have given us a leap. They don't have any benefit in the event of betrayal, so don't worry about breaking away or leaking plans. Still, just in case, though I'm thorough with confidentiality enough to keep the whole plan to myself.

And the part that becomes the liver of the plan.

I also succeeded in subtly putting a 'wish' in writing during the chat to increase Alice's chances of being passed on to the Demon King. If Alice hadn't visited, Cosmos would have gone out and planned to take it to the same stream, but she was very fortunate to visit at this time because of the increased risk of being suspected.

Plus, just in case, we have some prep in case you're not going to be able to lose the paper somewhere or even turn it into a dirt pit and give it away. It no longer has anything to do with the outcome, no matter what Alice is hedged.

"Hehe, it's time for me to look at the clothes I'm going to wear to my wedding,"

The plan is going well.

of Cosmos' purpose, and until Alice's achievement of love, one more day.

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