Labyrinth Restaurant

Culinary Games First Match

I don't know what a battle is until I'm done, people say.

Certainly an example of an underground overshadowing a prediction and accomplishing a superficial killing (Giant Killing) is, make it war. Make it a sport. Ancient. We don't have time to name one now, and those who accomplish such a miracle are sometimes even called heroes.

But it is only natural that such cases, examples of the weak winning over the strong, are an overwhelming minority.

Because miracles rarely happen, they get miracles.

So the outcome of this battle was also reasonably natural and reasonable.

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The culinary competition takes place in a one-on-one tournament format, a way to determine wins and losses by the vote of a randomly selected judge and jury chairman from the general public.

It will determine the female male by the flavour of the dish, but if one athlete, for example, serves the steak and the other serves the cake, it is impossible to compare it. So specific ingredients will be set as themes for each match, and arms comparisons will be made within some limited genres.

Depending on the type of cuisine, there are few items that require longer serving.

Improving it is certainly fine, but it is also possible to serve the athlete a dish that requires some refinement as the ingredients in question will be notified the day before the match.

At a minimum, the finishing phase is a rule to be carried out by the person in the venue, taking into account the fraud-prevention of leaving the product cooked by others intact and the showy elements as a battle.

If you can attract the audience's interest with appearance and aroma from before the actual tasting begins, you will also be able to stand in your favor in the examination.

It is also possible to use expensive ingredients regardless of the athlete's state of mind, since it has operations when it comes to the cost of the ingredients used.

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The first game of the culinary competition competition competition was a combination of the Demon King and the Chief Chef, as Alice had previously anticipated.

The Demon King was dressed in his usual apron from his courtesy at the opening ceremony a few hours ago, but he must still have been impressed by the earlier "greeting". It attracted a lot of attention.

Yellow cheers fly from a wide range of generations of women, from girls to grandmothers, just to appear, galloping the spirit of Alice, who was in the front row of the guest seat.

The chef on the other hand was also attracting attention in a way.

The six-armed macho okama seemed to have an excellent impact in a different dimension from whether it was a demon tribe or not. A lot of frilled, bespoke cock clothes were about to rip through with thick muscles, and every time the chef flew a wink at the men in the guest seat, a brown scream arose.

The theme ingredient for WWI, which began at noon, was pork.

It is a familiar ingredient that is also widely familiar in this world, from ordinary people to royalty. There is also a wide variety of cooking methods for that matter, and the cook's taste is questioned from the menu selection stage.

"This is a very difficult ingredient inside."

"That's what they say, Judge Chairman?

We have begun to live and explain to the audience what happened and for some reason the divine son sitting in the jury chairman's seat and the male homunculus kusnoki next to him.

At first, you care. You're disguised with hats and clothes, but even though you're set to half-dead, can beings themselves be so prominent as to be classified?

I will not touch on the circumstances around it at all and Shinko will continue to explain them to My Pace.

"There's all sorts of pork dishes, but the audience is getting used to it, right?

"That means that for what you're used to, a little or softly, you lack novelty."

"Yes, I'm curious what menu you two would choose...... oh? Demon King, Demon King athletes always use a big pot."

The first to make a move was the Demon King.

Light a demonic stove in the kitchen set on stage and heat a deep pan over low heat thinking you were prepping it down.

"This... smells sweet."

"Yes, apparently the Demon King is a stewed dish"

There are many different things when it comes to stewed dishes with pork, but this time the Demon King has chosen to stew pork horns.

It is carefully simmered after a light baking colour on the surface of thick, skinned rose meat, already soft enough to break apart just by touching it with chopsticks. The excess fat is also completely out, so it should be easy to eat and finished against the chunky look.

And parallel to that, they seem to salt boil the chingen vegetables in another pan and even cook the white rice.

"Oh, the Demon King player came all the way over here to show me what's in the pot. Thank you for your cooperation. Because if you can't see inside the pot, you can't live it."

"Ko, this is, boiled eggs. And leeks. Apparently, the Demon King is going to serve boiled eggs and spring onions with a pig flavor stained together."

Here the footage in the pan was shown on the magic monitor in the venue.

Shiny candy colored pork, boiled eggs and trout onions that are completely sucked in broth. And the audience's tension is skyrocketing over the sweet scent that drifted out in the venue.

... and until now, the air in the venue had become Demon King dominant, but the chef hasn't lost either.

"Ha... what's this smell?

"You smell an appetite that overrides the smell of the Demon King."

Even while the attention in the venue was away, the chef was steadily cooking.

Seems to come to the fight with a spare rib oven grill, carefully slipped rock salt and spices into a giant boned avatar meat and then lavishly baked in the oven.

"It's a simple but fascinating dish."

"Yes, you're an athlete who cooks solid against appearance"

"But is it something that emits this much smell just by baking it?

"Maybe you have an idea where you can't see anything"

No one saw the pivotal stage of ingenuity because of the attention being paid to the Demon King. For that reason, Kamiko and Kusnoki can't really comment on the dishes either, they can just keep an eye out for pigs to cook.

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"Looks like both players have finished cooking here"

"Now, judges, if you take a tasting, please vote for one or the other."

Both dishes have also been carried here to the chairman's seat with the Divine Son.

First turn your attention to the Horned Stewed Pork made by the Demon King.

"This is quite soft, isn't it? And the meat is sweet... it also seems to use sugar, but the sweetness of the fat seems to be maximized"

In a position where we have to live and explain, Shinko seals his breakfast and eats it slowly at no time.

Softly simmering pork belly, which is self-heavy and likely to collapse, disappears to melt in your mouth, not metaphor.

There is also a reason why the Demon King dared to use skinned rose meat. The texture of the tropical pull skinned part was as if it were different from the fibrous meat part, and it was even kind of seductive.

And don't forget the example boiled eggs and spring onions.

When the eggs are broken in two, the broth colour is stained firmly to yellow, and the onions do not bore the tongue with their seemingly melting texture and sweetness.

Overall, it is intensely flavored, but here the salt-boiled chingen vegetables come alive. Vibrant greenery in the eyes is not just a color, it is responsible for resetting the taste in the mouth. If it was just the same flavoring no matter how much extra fat was missing, you might have felt about it, but thanks to the refreshing flavor and texture of the chingen vegetables, that worry is useless.

And extremely white rice.

You won't even have to dare to talk about the compatibility of braised squares with white rice. Even if there is no main meat, few people say that that broth alone makes rice edible with Dombri.

"Well, this is the other dish, but this is fancy"

The chef's plate has a large boned meat sitting with Don. Besides the main meat, it can also be said to contrast with the demon king, who was rich in colors such as eggs and vegetables.

"I see... then you behave badly"

Kamiko guessed the chef's intentions and grabbed both ends of the bone and went with Gabriel, without using knives or forks. Then you rush through your mouth with momentum that instantly explodes the flavor of meat.

"This is great. This flavour, and softness. You didn't just bake it."

All the audience saw was the imprint and bake of rock salt and spices, but the chef had carefully sliced the meat in advance and soaked the meat in a special sauce for more than half a day.

The sauce ingredients were dominated by dried onions, garlic, shoga, white wine, apples, papaya, kiwi and other ingredients.

Yes, because we used a lot of ingredients, including enzymes that break down proteins, we were able to achieve a soft texture so far, even in a cooking method where meat called oven baking tends to harden.

Besides, I'm not just softening it to no darkness, I keep my teeth to the point where I feel moderate eating. I wonder how much research we did on sauce preparation and soaking time. I could tell that the slightly burnt part of the sauce was again fragrant and that it was a dish that allowed me to taste the taste of the pork well enough

"Thank you very much."

"They were both wonderful."

The lucky general judges chosen in the lottery are also eating guts, forgetting that it's a review. So much so that you can hear grudges and bellyworm choruses from the audience leaking from the lottery.

"Now, I'd like a vote from a judge who's finished eating,"

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I'm sorry to hear that, Demon King.

"Hey, I lost. I lost. The boulder is the head chef."

Alice was comforting the Demon King, who, as expected (...) lost his battle with the Chief Chef.

Has the Demon King enjoyed that much in the Demon King, or has he not looked depressed for the consequences of losing World War I. Perhaps one end of the defeat lies in this lack of obsession with winning and losing, but it doesn't seem to care in particular.

By the way, what were the causes of defeat other than spirituality, in a nutshell, were in line with the theme or not.

"Well, wasn't it a fair review as far as I could see"

"Yeah, I lost, but I'm convinced."

In addition to the pork in question, eggs, vegetables and white rice were served, which in itself was well received, but there is no denying that it still felt like a flying tool. Furthermore, the Demon King used to serve white rice with his usual senses, but rice is also the epitome of a type of ingredient that people who are unfamiliar with eating can resist the smell. The Demon King seemed to have lost track of that point.

Advice, some randomly selected general judges mixed tourists from afar that they didn't like the smell of rice, and that was the downside.

Whatever it was to be served in a restaurant as usual, there was a feeling that the choice of food was misplaced in a contested setting with a particular theme.

Besides, even if we combined all those flying tools, so it was finally chef's product and mutual appreciation. As a demon king, I had to admit it was a complete defeat, making it not so much of a difference if I just looked at the results of the vote.

If there had been no Demon King's loss, there would have been little Demon King's victory. The boulders were just the best geniuses to the best of the chef, demon king and alice's knowledge.

"Unfortunately, they can't help but be chefs. Restore your mind and enjoy the festival."

"Right. I think it's better to lose early."

As a result, Demon King's culinary tournament scores ended with a loss of World War I.

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