Labyrinth Restaurant

gossip - it's like a star at night

The smell of grass came from somewhere on the wind.

Alice remembered only a few moments ago because of the nostalgic smell she had been incensed with, when she was still alone with the Demon King and quiet in a restaurant with no visitors as one.

Those days were boring, but they were quiet, serene, and above all, I was alone with the Demon King all the time, so that was full of it.

Until a year and a while ago, this place, which was just plains and woods, and caves, now flourishes with big cities, full of alcohol, the smell of food and people's sales. Alice doesn't hate that kind of hustle and bustle either, but she also missed just a little bit that made it harder to feel soil and grass close to her.

Even as the sun sets, the city shines brightly, as if it were a star that fell to earth.

There are so many stars sitting in the night sky that tens of millions of people shine their own light on the earth.

Glitter, shiny.

It's like a jewelry box.

That's like a kaleidoscope.

Alice has lived a long time, but this past year has been a little more dense than I've ever experienced in my life. That's enough to make me wonder if I'll ever be able to shoulder more than a decade, no, a hundred years in my life.

To be honest, Alice wasn't very interested at first to hear that the Demon King would open a store in the human world.

Demon King's confusion was not something that started now, and he would start playing another game if he got tired of it after a while. I thought so, too.

Wherever the place is for Alice, whoever's around her, if only the Demon King, that would have been fine.

Now, no.

to new friends and shop regulars, and a little facial acquaintance. Various edges have been created and the shops and cities have become completely attached.

Alice herself was more surprised than anyone else as it changed, just to know herself more deeply than anyone who once existed as a ruthless demon king. It's the first transformation that makes me want to laugh at it, but honestly, I didn't hate that change. Rather, I could even afford to look forward to seeing how I would change myself.

The mind is a pile of memories and edges with others that have lived until then that continue to change every day into a form that even the person can't anticipate.

That's like clay craftsmanship.

It's like a cloud in the sky.

From now on, Alice's heart, and the hearts of the people who hold her together, will be transformed into what form?

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