Labyrinth Restaurant

It's black and sweet, in black.

The first thing that popped into my eyes was the vibrant white.

A cold and magnificent white mountain reminiscent of the mountains that rise to the far north.

Lined next to it lies the black grown by Mother Earth.

The color of black can sometimes give the impression of being dark and bitter, except in this case. Gentle and soft everywhere, sweetly swinging people's hearts.

It is the Great River that flows through the valleys of the great white and black mountains.

A clear crystal everywhere that sinks to the bottom of the river and a troll black stream that tries to cover and hide hidden treasures.

Or even these mountain rivers alone are a complete art. It could also have been a finished product.

But the Creator did not allow himself to compromise. At the risk of driving all the gear crazy if we make a mistake, but we tried to further embellish this world.

Red black pearls on the mountain hem, pure white jewels, light peach carpets, and gold rely on an exquisite sense of distance, balance.

Finally, the top of the white mountain was adorned with bright red balls, and this world was finally completed.

But whatever is shaped will soon perish, but it is ordained.

Not long after completion, this world is destined to be destroyed, ravaged and vanished without leaving a prototype.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Hehe, it's delicious, this cream Aminzu"

Lisa was in a good mood for a part-time job this day poking at Cream Aminzu sitting at the table in front of her.

This day I was in the shift of my parents' western restaurant, The One Bridge of Western Food, until after lunch, when the lunch crowd settled out and I came to take a nap to the Demon King's Restaurant in the Other World.

A pile of vanilla ice cream and bean filling stuffed in the center of the vessel.

Black honey of trout and shiny cold weather.

Red-eyed beans with slight salt air.

White balls and fertilizer seeking delighted with the texture of the mochi.

Cut into easy-to-eat sizes, yellow peaches go perfectly with Sacramento on ice cream.

"My grandfather says, 'Creamed is out of the way', it's so delicious"

"Oh, really?

"You said my cousin's son likes simple bean kan. I think it would be better if I had a bunch of utensils."

"Well, it's a personal preference around here."

Alice, who is dating Lisa's chatter, is also in perfect mode now with the customer wave pulling. We've been a lot busy lately, so we've both been enjoying some time to slow down for a long time.

"Speaking of which, I've noticed during this time that coffee fits your system quite well."

"I see, that's why it's hot coffee today"

It's cooled somewhat. I'm sure. No, it's still a tough time for the rest of the heat.

Iced coffee still leaves few customers ordering hot. Alice listened to Lisa and seemed to be good at that unusual order.

"Oh, happiness... I love white balls"

Fascinating white balls with hot potato puffs.

Lisa's expression looses to happiness when she carefully intertwines black honey with a spoon on one of the only two of them and carries it with her to her mouth. He doesn't seem like a brave title bearer, albeit an ex.

"Chilled beans and white balls would be nice to chill."

"Oh, that sounds delicious, that. Shall we add it to the menu?

The decision on the menu of this store is largely left to the discretion of the employees. Try the menu I was curious about and put it in exclusively, and if it responds well, it goes into regulars, etc.

If it's chilled, it may be on the menu as early as this evening, as it can be done with a combination of ingredients that we have now, without needing to purchase new ingredients.

"Leave the tasting to me"

"If you eat too much, you won't be able to enter dinner."

Lisa still doesn't seem to be eating enough of him.

Because I always eat a lot at this rate, I also know repeatedly that I will be the feather to watch the scale with a bitter look every night, but this all seems hard to work with.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Oh, Alice, Lisa, were you taking it in?"

"What is it, Mr. Cosmos?

When Lisa finished eating the second white egg she had left for Cream Amundo, Cosmos came to the restaurant with something like paperwork. Is it still hot out there, thin rashes and sweat on Cosmos' forehead, and his forehead was sticking.

In addition to her usual work, Lisa also knew clearly at first glance that she was busy moving around to do her job as chairman of the steering committee. I don't put it in my mouth, but it's enough to learn hindsight from myself relaxing while eating a guy.

"Are you working, thank you for your hard work"

"No, it's so light"

Lisa also heard and knew from Alice that the exquisite words and behavior of Cosmos have been decreasing here recently and that she is working seriously.

In fact, Lisa herself has seen a large number of homunculus busy running around in the city on earth, and there was only room to observe the busy cosmos of the position that governed them.

"If you need help with the Demon King or Alice, I'll take it off."

"No, Lisa, take a look at these documents with you."

"What is it, this?

I extended some of the paperwork Cosmos had to Lisa's sitting table.

""... 'Certificate of Attendance in the Main Battle'?

"Yeah, congratulations"

Alice and Lisa's questionable voice was beautifully hammered.

"Um, we're not even in qualifying yet?

Various competitions as an eye-catching event for the festival.

As they entered one of them, the Performing Arts Games, they were sewing and practicing between work and schooling, preparing for the upcoming qualifying round.

Regardless of Freya, who is a professional at first, two amateurs would have even jeopardized the qualifying passage of a large number of professionally participating competitions if they objectively appreciated their strength with a level of singing skills such as not being extremely bad but not particularly good.

However, it is decided to enter the main game without even participating in that qualifying round. How did this happen?

"That's right."

Cosmos explained to both Alice and Lisa, with a questionmark floating over their heads, for the following reasons:

Unlike the Battle Royal format martial arts competitions, the performance and culinary competitions were in the qualifying format of making random eight-pack combinations for a mini tournament. Due to the nature of the competition, this is a measure because of the large part of the judgment entrusted to the evaluator's subjectivity.

Until then, Alice and the other participants were informed.

However, not many athletes signed up to participate in the tournament for the sole purpose of chilling, and they were more than assumed by the operational headquarters. It won't cost you any money to compete, and it would be a harm that made it easy for you to participate by simply writing your name on the forms you keep in every part of the street.

Some of them were written with a drunken momentum to fill out an application form, or a toddler who could barely write his own name without knowing what it meant.

When that happens, there will also be cases of later refusal to appear, parents letting you quit, or forgetting that you signed up in the first place.

It was only very recently that those examples were revealed that the drawing of lots for the mini tournament combination of the qualifying round had come to an end.

And surprisingly, Cosmos explained that all seven groups, except Alice's team, had declined to qualify or signed up to be invalid, and had decided to advance to the main game in the undefeated.

"I also considered redoing the combination, but I don't have time for anything, and I let it take this form at my discretion"

"Yes, what is it?

"Well, I can't help it...... right?

While you feel something unexplained somewhere, the two of you who know how busy Cosmos is cannot pursue it in depth. Basically, they have the personality you like. Besides, in terms of profit or loss, this story only benefits Alice and the others.

"That will be all for now. I apologize for the inconvenience this time. Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, Freya, but I need you to tell me about this."

"Ah, yes. Good luck with that."

"Cosmos, don't push yourself too hard."

Alice and Lisa seemed unable to hide the confusion, but Cosmos walked away early enough, regardless.

◆ ◆ ◆

As soon as he left the store, Cosmos perspired with a handkerchief and wiped the water he had sprayed on his body, not his. You don't need it anymore because it makes you look really sweaty and it's a prop to create a hard air to pursue under the guise of being more busy than you actually are.

In actual business, Cosmos, the chief officer, does his paperwork mainly while drinking drinks in a magically cooled room, so he shouldn't even bother to sweat and run around the table. Running this sight in front of Alice and Lisa from time to time my men Homncrus was also part of a performance to make them think that their work was harder than it was actually.

"Oh man, coincidence is a horrible thing, hehe"

This "coincidence" is naturally a "coincidence" that Cosmos intentionally made by abusing his authority, but at this point Alice and the others are not even supposed to notice.

But to this extent, the preface of Cosmos' plan is still preface as well.

It was still the real deal from now on that her true horror or blackness would be demonstrated.

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