Labyrinth Restaurant

Festival Night (Part II)

"Kamatsu, is not in the world... this one, well... yes, please call me Saku"

When I asked her name because it's hard to call her "that kid" or "that kid" forever, that's what the girl named her. Apparently, your name is Saku.

"This, sooo, chiu, tastes like a yes. Good, good '

Saku will pack into his mouth the dishes that we have all divided up and bought and collected in the stalls with great momentum. Lisa (I) and the Demon Kings also eat, but Saku eats more than the three of us together by himself. Where the hell are you going into this little body? It's like a godson or goddess, it's brilliant eating.

By the way, she is in a condition like shifting the face of the fox she is wearing up and putting out only the bottom half of her face. Speaking of which, I haven't seen my face properly yet, but maybe I'm an out-of-the-box shy guy.

'Oh, this is it, this is it. This apple candy cube is beautiful and good.'

The way you stand your teeth on sticky apple candy and squirm, at first glance, only looks like a normal child. Was it just because of something like the freakiness I've been feeling since earlier, unspoken?

"Oops, is it gone already?

Look, the pile of dishes I had bought more were carapo.

"Don't you eat properly?"

"Shall I buy you an extra one?

Saku ate most of it, so I honestly don't have enough. I can still afford your wallet thanks to a part-time job these days, and let's just say I'm going to buy you some more food.

"Well, let's split up again and go buy it"

"What do you do with the assembly?

"Well... I'm looking at Saku."

"Oh... am I with a brunette? Let's go then. '

Having broken up with the Demon King and Alice, I head to the street lined up with Saku, holding hands. It's pretty crowded, so if you're not holding hands, it's going to come off as soon as possible.

"Um, Watamichi, fluffy and cloudy."

"Hehe, shall I buy that one too"

I paid for my uncle in the stall by taking off the hand I was holding to take out my wallet, and I bought a big piece of me candy. It's usually a treat I rarely get a chance to eat, so when it's a festival like this, I want to stick with it, even if it's a little expensive.

"Yes, please...... is that it?

Saku was invisible when he received the waxed candy and turned around, even though he said it was only ten seconds or so away. Maybe people drank me. Maybe you don't have to worry so much because you said you were the child of this shrine, but if you don't find it soon, it's going to be harder and harder with time to rendezvous again.

"... Saku?

Come on, I caught a Saku-like figure on the edge of my sight, so I'll hurry up and follow that figure. You can't run for crowds, but you still shrink the distance a little bit. Apparently, she is aiming for the main hall of the shrine where she was dining until earlier. Sure enough, the demon kings who finished shopping there will be here soon, and it's a better idea than searching around poorly.

◆ ◆ ◆

"No, nobody's coming, dude."

Saku shrugged as if to reply to the voice of my heart.


"Hey, hey, I just wanted to be alone with you."

Does that mean you didn't just get drunk by a people-wave, but deliberately pretended to be lost and let yourself go after him?

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry to worry about you."

I also issued a line that responded to the voice of my heart. I don't think it's my fault anymore. Happy or unhappy, I'm not so confused because I'm used to the fantastic trouble with that hand, but who the hell is Saku?

"Those two aren't the ones in the world, are they, that golden lady?

Now instead of answering my question, I have thrown the question the other way around. No, it's a wind full of certainty when it comes to questions.

'I thought the golden lady was one of the southern barbarians at first. Hey, I don't have one, but it smells kind of like a ghost. You're better off as a ghost, but you're not one. I don't know what it is. Hey.'

Surprisingly, Saku seemed to have figured out who the Demon King and Alice were. What the hell is she up to?

"I'm not planning anything. I smelled like a ghost, so if it's the blurry one, I'll have to get rid of it. But that old lady was worried because she seemed like a good one. '

Saku laughs at her funny or funny jokes.

"Hey, you're one, aren't you? I'm glad those two aren't fooling you. '

I still don't know who she is, but when she sensed that the demon king and Alice, who are not human, had arrived, she was just pretending to be in contact with her child and trying to figure out if she was dangerous, which seems to be the backdrop to it.

"It's also true that I wanted to eat good things, but hey."

At some point I hold the candy I had in my hand and eat it to stick my face in as I speak.

"Oh, my God, I don't even see ghosts anymore. Until Tokugawa, it still disappeared."

I'll tell you as if I've seen it.

Maybe you've really seen it before.

It's an idea that doesn't even clap, but I was surprised and convinced.

"Oh, did you believe me? Hey, you're an honest good boy. '

Saku is laughing at the pieces.

That's all I see, he looks like a kid who deserves the look.

"Well, I'll give you this to thank you for playing."

That said, Saku removed a small amulet from the hem of his yukata.

"When I went to the clouds, I thought it would work because it was the one I got. I don't need it because I have a bunny."

With that said, he forced me to hold the amulet in my hand.

'Well, it's time for me to go home. Good luck with that golden one. "

Leaving that behind, Saku's appearance happened to diminish, and with every remaining piece of candy he had in his hand, he disappeared like smoke.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Oh, what happened to that girl?

As I stood before the main hall of the shrine, Alice called me back to sanity. I followed Saku so far in the crowd... then what happened?

... Oh, and I thought you said hello to both of us because I'm leaving already.

"Well, unfortunately, I can't help it."

Both the Demon King and Alice seem kind of sorry.

I wanted to play with you more because we got along, but you can't take the little one around too late, either.

"Oh, Lisa, what's in that hand?

"... amulet?

Soon, a small red amulet was held in my hand. Its surface contains four letters: 'Good Friday Prayer'. Did I buy this? Or 'good luck'......

When I turned my gaze toward the Demon King, who has a plastic bag in both hands with yakisoba and a pack of okonomiyaki, my face was kind of getting hot. The Demon King, too, seems to have noticed this sight, and Nico is laughing back... this shouldn't happen, I need to chill my head.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you..."

But the Demon King told me, and precisely me and Alice, like a chase.

"They both look great in yukata. So pretty."

... a little too destructive.

I don't think you're a demon king with a reputation for bluntness, that's the line you're talking about. What the hell kind of blow is it to say something that doesn't look like this?

I cover my face with both hands and hide it, but now my face will be bright red like apple candy. My nose is going to bleed. Neighbor Alice is also stopping her whole body from moving as if time had stopped.

... I can't remember this amulet, how I have it, but its effect seems outstanding. I'm going to take care of it for the time being.

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