Labyrinth Restaurant

ss godson vs s cake golem

"Please replace me."

"Ugh, my God... are you really human?

One day, the Divine Son came to a sweet dungeon managed by Cake Golem. A land about the size of a little island was home to a wide variety of sweet monsters living in peace, but they are currently in danger of extinction in their progression.

More than 90% of the island's creatures have already disappeared into the stomach of the Divine Son, and even the most rare rivers of juice and honey fountains have been dried up without a drop.

"Come on, how about this!

"Well, thank you, Golem."

The Golem squeezed the remaining magic, creating as huge a griffon as the house. It is a powerful demon, a lion with the eagle's head and wings, if it is meant to be, but this time it is made of sweets that mimic its shape. The eyes are gummy, the wings are cookies, the head and torso are chocolate and the limbs are made of candy craftsmanship.

The giant griffon sees the divine son at his feet, he has been eaten well… come to be. Confectionery monsters instinctively want people to eat them.

"Thank you very much."

"And I can't believe it......!

The Griffon, which was obviously larger in volume than the body of the Divine Son, disappeared without keeping it for just a minute.

"Where the hell are you going into that body?!?"

"Hehe, that's a maiden's secret."

Maiden secrets sometimes seem to transcend even the laws of physics.

"Now, please replace me"

"Mm, it's actually out of magic on the griffon earlier"

As long as I have the magic power, I can produce as many family members as I want, but I've stuck all the magic left in my earlier griffon. I'm not going to be able to get one chocolate out until I recover. but......,

"Oh, wouldn't it be here if it were a replacement?"

"Oh, where is it?

Shinko pointed softly at the golem, laughing at Nico.

"Okay, I'll take it"

"hey... if i could eat it all i could play it... wait...!?"

"Thank you very much."

Thus, the dungeons that lost the Lord were to be closed at short notice.

◆ ◆ ◆

"I had a dream that..."

"Hehe, don't worry, the wasp won't do that. Anything you can't eat that much."

It was in Golem's dream that the island perished. It's called a dream och.

"Well, there can't be that many people who can eat it by thinking calmly."

"Yeah, I guess even wasps are like 80% of the island."

"... What, are you kidding me?

"Ugh, what do you think"

Whether the word of the Divine Son is a joke or not seems to be exactly what God alone knows.

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