
Episode 179

As the sun goes down, have a meal at the base and have a meeting tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, let's get into the world tree from a different place than today. I want to leave without waiting for dawn. Even with a little wind, I want to enter before the plants become active."

""""Roger that""""

"Tomorrow's members?"

Bow heard. Both Bow and Rita have heard of our story and seem to want to go to Sekaiju.

"Let's go together tomorrow. The purpose is to collect demons and plants in the upper part of the world tree. If time permits, experiment with poison traps in the lower part. I want you to judge which of the demons and plants are dangerous or which ones you need to collect. Let's collect it with Bow and me. "

"Fuha, I understand. I think I'm probably good at collecting because I can use magical hands."

Bow said with confidence, but the Isles looked worried.

"Isn't Bow trying to do that kind of thing?"

"That's what Naoki was able to do. I don't think other guys could do the same."

Aisle and Versa warned me to coach. It probably means the magical compression bag made by the magic wall and the property change.

"Of course, I don't think that. I'm not good at each, so let's do the best we can."

Aisle and Versa seemed not to hear my words, reminding them, "I don't care about Naoki" or "It's a bit disgusting but not bad."

We clean up the supper, let Bow and Rita not take a nap down, and prepare for the night's departure.

When the moon passes through the middle sky, he raises Bow and Rita and heads to the world tree.

Since the walls of magic power are likely to be blown off by strong winds, tie each with magic strings and proceed slowly.

Once inside the world tree, the effect of wind is small.

Ticking ticking ...

The plants are not moving, but the nocturnal monsters are actively moving, and sing from the surroundings.

Applying his detection skills, I saw a nocturnal rat monster running around the branches of the world tree.

Versa says it could be used for experiments, so cover the rat monster with a wall of magic, clean it inside, then compress. After confirming that I was dead, I put it in the bag like yesterday.

"Huha, Ayr and Versa were saying this, couldn't they even realize that the rat monster was killed?"

"Maybe so"

If you compress before you try to escape, you'll get stuck. For a demon, you can't breathe without being able to move, and you can't fight back because it leads to death. Rather, there is a great possibility that you may not even notice me.

"Fuha, can you do that skill only the size of the wall of magic?"

"Well, that's right."

"Then, it's not just one animal. Have you found a strange removal method again?

As an exterminator, we have obtained a useful technique, but as a person, it is a bit of a distraction.

In the upper part, there are several places where the leaves of world trees and other dead and different types of leaves and branches are overlaid one on top of the other, like a natural floor.

Snow is piled up on the trees of the world tree, and the thaw water often flows as a waterfall. When thaw water collected in the hollows of the natural floor, demons gathered as drinking fountains.

I capture the monsters that have gathered. Bow is also caught with magical power, killing everything and putting it in an item bag.

Versa later dissects. Anything that can be eaten will be poisonous. There are many insect-type demons and small animal-type demons, and I feel that my challenge spirit is being tested.

There are spider monsters, rat monsters, and stink bug-like monsters, all of which are medium-sized dogs. It may be the size of the uppermost part of the world tree where it is most likely to live.

The bird monster, which was screaming like a deadly demon, was too small for its volume and was small in size.

When approaching the trunk of the World Tree, a scorpion monster also appeared.

"I thought the scorpion monster was in the desert."

I said, putting a scorpion monster corpse in an item bag.

"No, no, scorpion demons are everywhere. It's just famous for being more poisonous in the desert."

Versa explained. Basically, scorpion monsters that live in places with lots of green are less poisonous and seem to be without danger. The scorpion monster from the world tree has a small tail and has been attacked with scissors.

Honestly, monsters that try to fight with simple force are easier to handle.

"It's awkward to have poison, skills, or a monster in a swarm."

Versa's decision is accurate. The herd of dragonfly monsters encountered near the summit was troublesome.

`` In the case of plants, it feels like growing speed, and it seems that the winning species is pushing out other species. ''

As Rita says, the plants that grew differently in different places. In places where plants that explode when touched to explode the seeds, there was a chain of explosions, and scattered seeds had holes in beetle monsters. It would be terrifying if you didn't deploy the wall of magic.

In other places, there were many dead monsters without any particularly dangerous plants. I'm too scared, so I'm going to bring only the dead.

Of course, we will collect things that can be eaten, such as nuts eaten by rat monsters and bird monsters, and cam nuts that are too ferocious.

Melmo says he is hungry and takes a break.

You can hear the sounds from above.

Looking up, the sky seen from the gap between the branches and leaves is blue.

It seems that the day has been breaking.

It seems that it has moved around quite a bit, but only a small part of the world tree is still rotating.

Aisle was trying to make a map, but Sekaiju made a three-dimensional natural floor, so it seemed difficult to make it flat.

"I wish it was a law."

Aisle was regrettable about removing charcoal and parchment.

"Is that a law? In the first place, what kind of tree is a world tree?"

Rita looked up at the sunbeams and muttered.

"Isn't the World Tree a kind of tree? Is there any other plant that grows like this ..."

Melmo is thinking while eating a sandwich.

"Because it was raised by the evil god. It is possible that the original plant seeds have been changed to be larger."

"Is it possible to identify the type in the form of leaves?"

In my opinion and Bersa's opinion, I decided to collect the leaves of the world tree.

There are many giant green leaves around, but they are all different types and it is not clear where they grow from. Follow the branches of the world tree and hit the mountain surface when heading to the narrow side.

As a result, we headed to the lower level with the idea that the world's leaves might be at the lower level.

The border between the upper and lower layers is full of dead leaves. When the dead leaves are rejected, a layer of stacked leaves appears and peels off while checking each one.

Many of the leaves turned brown or red, such as those with jagged edges, thick and hard leaves, maple-like leaves, etc. do not know.

"Well, this is the biggest leaf."

What the aisle spread was the jagged edges of the leaves.

"I've only seen the flowers growing from the ground, so it's kind of ... just like in a book ..."

Rita said in trouble.

"Hmm ... I've seen it somewhere. It's very similar to the leaves that my father grew up, but what kind of tree was it ..."

Versa is trying to remember her hand on her head.

"I feel like I've seen it somewhere."

In my case, from the previous world, I think it was a pretty famous tree. But I can't remember at all.

Without anyone remembering, he continued turning over the leaves and reached the lower part.

"Wow! Fuha ..."

"Huh ..."

Bow and Rita had lost words in the sight of the forest below.

We breathed as much as possible and descended to the shrub area to check the surroundings.

No monsters are aware of this.

"It's humid today"

Isle said. Indeed, the distant forest appears to be hazy.

I prepared a smoke-type trap, went to the forest entrance and set it up. I'll try starting with a demon remedy.

Looking at it with his detection skills, he gradually escaped from the monster who noticed the smoke to the depths of the forest.

"Okay, the demon repellent is effective even in the world tree."

Returned to the shrub area and reported to everyone.

"Well, so why don't you go to where you said there might be a dwarven tomb? Maybe you have some relics."

It's dangerous to go into the forest without a destination, but you may be able to go and return as far as you can see. If you have any artifacts, you can give them to the dwarves.

"Let's do it, but we'll leave as soon as the danger approaches. Everyone has a flying broom ready."

I took out the pump and got some demon repellent and two neck flower paralysis liquids.

The demon elimination smoke has wiped out the demon near the entrance to the forest, but it is not clear what will happen if you go deeper. Attack from the ground is also dangerous.

Make sure everyone has a flying broom in their hands and enter the forest.

Dark green smoke was floating in the woods.

Neither a small insect monster nor a leopard monster was found. Only giant immovable monsters responded with their detection skills. Probably a wooden monster. If you don't get close, there is no sign of attack.

Aisle prunes the path and I sprinkle a demon remedy. The scary thing is that they attack in groups and try to destroy the walls of magic.

When I was going straight, my eyes suddenly opened.

In the middle of the flower garden, a thick trunk tree is spreading its branches and leaves. There is only one kind of flower in the flower garden. It is a flower with many small white bell-shaped flowers like lily of the valley.

"It's full of demonic carcasses."

According to Ayr's words, she was hiding in white flowers, but bones and hairs of the demon fell all over the flower garden.

"This is dangerous. Let's go around."

"But the area around the tree is like a dwarves tomb."

Versa pointed. Around the thick trunk, white dwarves, see through, look up at the floating luminous slimes. White balls called thin memories also gathered on the branches and leaves of a thick tree.

"I'm beginning to be a monster."

Bertha then told me to remove the liquid healing drug from the backpack.

I replace the pump fluid with a healing drug.

"How do you get to that tree? Have the Isle cut the flowers and make a way?"

"I don't think it's inseparable, but it's better to look at the components of the flower. If it's a flower that absorbs magic, it will break the wall of magic."

Aisle and I asked Bersa and Rita to judge.

"No, the collection of thin memories has already recreated the shape of a dwarf. If a magic stone rolls, it will soon become a monster. Because this flower garden seems to kill the monster, I have no time without hurry. ''

Versa's face shows a color of impatience. Are the transparent white dwarves a collection of thin memories?

"Well, why not go from above with a flying broom?"

"OK! Let's go!"

Adopting Rita's idea, I immediately straddled a flying broom.

"I don't know what attack will come, so be ready to evacuate everyone. Bow, take the end of this magic string."

"Fuha, I understand."

I wrapped a string of magic around my waist and flew all at once with a flying broom.

Suddenly, the luminous slimes were surprised at me floating on the tree, and they left. The light has diminished.

Slowly descends to a thick trunk tree, spraying high-purity recovery medicine.

A flock of thin memories is spraying.

"The devil's residue is coming ..."

"The fruit of the world tree ..."

"I want to meet you again"

The transparent white dwarves screamed faintly and disappeared like smoke.

In the darkness, look around the tree and check that all thin memories have disappeared. Silver-rimmed glasses had fallen to the base of the tree, so I picked it up.

He raised his hands to the aisles on the other side of the flower garden, saying, "I'm going back now," and straddled a flying broom.

The smoke from the demon has begun to fade, so I want to return as soon as possible. I didn't want to be surprised by the luminous slime, so I decided to fly low on the way home.

I did not climb to the top of the tree, but I flew just above the flowers.

イ リ…!

The bell-shaped petals sway, and the sound of the bell resounds around.

There was the ground before my eyes.

Even though it should have been flying straight, the scenery is spinning around.

Nevertheless, never remove the walls of magic.

I crashed while thinking so. In addition, the sound of bells echoed.

"Everyone evacuates-!!!"

While shouting, he took the cotton out of the item bag, moistened it with saliva and thrust it into his ear.

Of course, that didn't cure the semicircular canal, and the scenery I'm seeing is going around Gurungrun.

Although the flower garden escaped due to the magic string wrapped around the waist, the red dot is seen approaching with the detection skill.

"Run away! Something is coming!"

In the rolling scenery, I saw a stupid snail monster advancing while knocking down a tree. The next moment, my body seems to be under the snail's demons. The wall of magic has been crushed and deformed.

Aisle and Mermo seem to be attacking while shouting, but they do not seem to be working on snail monsters.

Sorry, please earn some time. Now I can't use it at all. Isn't human being able to use his own body just by turning his eyes? All I can do now is take cotton instead of earplugs. He searches for an item bag for something, but his eyes turn too much, causing nausea.

"This is it! The monster!"

Rita seems to be creating a rain cloud around the snail monster and trying to guide it in another direction, but it has no effect.

"Dor oh oh oh oh !!!!!!"

The roar of the bow was heard, and suddenly a snail monster rose and flew away.

A bow whose whole body turns red looks into me, who is falling.

"Fuha, is Naoki safe?"

It seems that he threw a snail monster with an oversized magical hand.

Bow's eyes are hollow and about to lose their magic. I stopped breathing for a moment, lifted the wall of magic, and covered the bow with the wall of magic. Of course, put some cleanup inside.

"Sorry. Someone carry me a bow."

Soon Aisle and Mermo approached. I wrapped a string of magic around the wall of magic and brought them to me.

In the surrounding forest, there is no smoke for monster repellent, and monsters have heard the sound of the flowers.

"Bad, but hurry. The demons are approaching."

I called Aisle and Versa.

"Yeah, I'll be back at full speed!

Isle said. Me, Bow and one more?

"Bersa opened up the wall of her magic and protected everyone from the sound of flowers."

"Because Versa was the closest to the flower garden."

From behind, Bersa's voice, "Oeh," is heard.

Thus, we finished the second World Tree Survey and returned to our base.

There was already Seth at the base, waiting for our return.

"What happened?"

Seth asked, "I will explain later," and he was taken to the dwarf cave.

When I showed my dwarf aunt waiting for our return to the silver-rimmed glasses I picked up,

"This is the glasses of my host! Thank you! Thank you"

I was pleased to shed tears.

It seemed worthless.

For the next two days we spent resting.

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