
Episode 114

Looking at the black smoke, I draw a magic circle of IH on the ground, pour water from a water bag into a pot and boil.

Meanwhile, black smoke rising from the well turned into a man wearing a robe.

"I'm the 7 Great Demon King, the King of Shadows ... wait a bit!"

Apparently, he was hitting himself with a wooden sword.

"It looks like there is an entity."

"It hurts! This yaro"

The man in the robe smoked and came to me and Bersa.

The black smoke turns into a hand and a man's face, and the hand extends to my neck.

"What do they do?"

Say to the Isle.

The smoke hand was materializing and trying to strangle my neck.

I grabbed my thumb and little finger and tried to open.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stupid! You guys!"

A smoke man shouts, glaring at me.

The man's hand turned into smoke and escaped. My gripped hand had something like a black powder.

After Versa touches the black powder on my hand with his index finger to smell or scrub, or see it with microscopic skills,

"It's soot."

And concluded.

"What is the King of Shadows! Is it just a monster of soot!"

Isle said to his face in the smoke.

"Noisy! I'm Shadowrow, Shadowrow! The shadow leader of the 7 Great Demon Kings is me!"

The whole smoke turned into a man's face and shouted out loud.

Are you not ashamed?

"What are the Seven Great Demon Kings?"

While listening to Versa's disapproval, I take the liquid pickled with peppery fruit from Marquez's island from the item bag and pump it.

"Hey huh, listen carefully. The seven devils who carry the deadly sins are the true devils who have been hiding their abilities in the shadows of their predecessors!"

The evil god said he didn't have a demon king, so he's a self-proclaimed. However, because he is that evil god, he may have missed it. Either the genuine or the impostor, exterminates either.

"Why did such a talent come out now?"

"Huh, do you want to know?"

Shadowrow, the smoke face, opened his eyes and listened with a vile laugh.

"No, good. I'm ready."

I pointed the tip of the nozzle at the face of the shadow.


I sprayed a hot spray on the stupid Shadowrow.


A scream echoed throughout the village.

Jude and Berserker, who heard the screams, came running and learned through their detection skills.

"Thank you! What did you do! What's this tingling?"

Shadowlow smoke gathered in one place and turned into a black man's body.

"It's a little spice."

As I explained, I still sprayed a hot spray on Shadowrow.

"Stop it! Stop it! My whole body hurts, my eyes are eyes ..."

Aisle slashed the shadowrow spinning with his sword.

Shadowrow is soot after it shatters. I don't know if he's dead.

Versa put as much shattered soot in a pot of hot water as she could.

"Does this pot go into an item bag?"

Bersa told me that she tried to put the pot in an item bag, but she didn't. There are no creatures in the item bag.

"I'm still alive. Naoki, give me one bomb of that sound."

Bersa said that, and took out the sound bomb she used to catch the fish monster from the item bag and gave it to Bersa.

Throw a sound bomb ball at the shattered shadow row.

Keehn! The shattered soot shook with the sound of


I heard a shouting voice.

The body may have been in the well. Anyway, the pot filled with soot was put into an item bag, so it probably became inanimate.

"Are you OK!?"

Berserker ran and asked us.

"Oh, it's over now."

Isle says.

"What was it? I was saying Devil."

"Come on, let's ask this one!"

I answered Bertha's question.

"Oh, I can't drink tea because the pot is gone."

"Let's buy a new one on the way home"

"No break, okay?"

We store the pump and tea leaves in an item bag and prepare to return.

"Um ... the monster in this village ...?"

Jude behind Berserker asked.

"Oh, it's over. We've eliminated all ghost-type demons. There are no demons within view of my detection skills."

I explain that after a while,

"Is that so"

Said Jude.

"Then we hurry"

With that said, we finally ran away.

I want to leave before the sun sets.

Return to East End and report completion of request at Merchant Guild.

While receiving the reward, the merchant guild master rushed out of the back room.

"It was a disaster this time."

Guild Master was a good merchant. He was saying that he was put in prison.

"Yes, well. Thank you for all the inconvenience."

"What a merchant guild was doing."

"I'll hurry a little.

With that said, we left the merchant guild.

Buy a new pot and a cute cup at a general store and head to the port.

The sun is already tilted.

At the port, Melmo was waving from the ship.

The departure procedure seems to have already been completed, and it seems we were waiting. As expected, captain.

Untie the rope tied to the pier and board the ship.

Jump over the mast and set sail.

"I'm leaving!"

Seth at the helm declares loudly.

I thought that there was no one to see him off, but in retrospect there was one man raising his hand on the rooftop of the guard's station. Fluden.

The sun has already set to the west and the magic hour is now shadowless.

We waved toward Fluden, and Fluden shook his hand slightly.

The ship slowly left the East End and headed east.

When I was looking at the sea while developing my detective skills on the bow, Versa brought me a cup of tea.

"Thank you. Well, what was a self-proclaimed summoner grandfather?"

"I wonder what the 7 Great Demon King is. If you think that there are 6 more, you are worried that this world is OK."

Have a conversation without drinking while drinking tea.

"Ah, yes, this is it."

I take out the bag with the flower apis nest from the item bag and give it to Versa.

"Yes, this is this."

Versa said she wanted to find out because Flower Apis died with a strange move.

With a sweet scented bag, Versa headed for the captain's office. The captain's office has already been turned into a laboratory.

Aisle is watching on the mast with a magic stone lamp. Even though he is a lookout, he swings a wooden sword in the sky. Melmo seems to be making a large basket in his room for the poison spider.

Captain Seth is fixing the rudder wheels and making rice.

The wind is tailwind, but very weak, sailing eastward in the waves.

When the sun falls completely, the monsters in the sea seem to be active, and many of them approach the ship. However, most of the monsters were through when they realized that the ship was not a living thing. Nevertheless, occasionally there were fish monsters that appeared on the surface of the sea, and sometimes sounded warning sounds by banging the bow. Sometimes I showed a dragon ball I got from a red dragon before. So most monsters dived into the sea.

"Hey! You can see some light in the sea ahead of Naoki!"

Aisle on the mast said, pointing at 1 o'clock ahead.

Certainly, pale light can be seen in the sea.


I call Seth while expanding the range of detection skills.

The sea that emits light is shallow water. If you proceed as it is, you may encounter a collision. Visually, it turns pale, but when you look at it with your detection skills, it turns out to be red and pale.

Seth, in his apron, came out and began to steer.

"What is that?"

Seth asked. Melmo and Versa also appeared on the deck.

In the world before, I think that it is called sea fireflies or luminous worms, but in this world I do not know anything but monsters.

"It's a phantom of the sea, a phenomenon called sealight. It is said to bring dead people or sirens."

Bersa explained.

I went there so close and found that the shallows with sealights were part of a donut shaped island. This is a small island and is not on the map. I don't think the altitude is less than one meter.

Tonight I decided to stay on the island and stay overnight.

"Well, that's a little monster?"

Many magic stone lamps are installed on the deck, and everyone has dinner. I told Bertha when I said there were such creatures in the previous world about sea fireflies and luminous worms.

"It looks red when viewed with detection skills, and I just thought it would be more accurate to say a group of demons rather than a phenomenon."

"Well, let's go get it."

Bersa was motivated by rolling up the robe sleeves.

"Once you've finished eating, is the Flower Apis nest good?"

"Oh, that's not honey. The nest was black."

"What's the culprit? Is it sick? Or is it something insect smaller than Flower Apis?"

"I don't know. I looked at it with microscopic skills, but I couldn't find any such traces. Is it a curse?"

Curse? Since I came to this world, I sometimes come across curses.

Eat a special seth spicy boiled fish, tea time.

While other members are drinking tea, I and Bersa go for sealight.

Shake lightly in a bottle to emit a pale bluish light.

Returning to the ship and seeing it in the light of magic stone lamps, it only looks like a brown turbid liquid, but when Versa used his microskills, it seemed to be a creature that also emitted light. It seems strange whether it is a monster or not.

"What is this ?! Is it really a monster? Is there something like this?"

"Is that rare?"

"Oh, if it's a monster, the magic stone should be somewhere in the body, but I can't find it. But the magic is flowing in the body. Strange.

"Hmm-Sure. It's like we don't have magic stones in our bodies."


"Oh, there are no magic stones in the body of a human-like creature, like a race or a beast?"

"Oh ... yes! That's not surprising if you think so."

Bertha was snarling, staring at the bottle of sealight.

The stars were blinking in the sky, and the sealight was shining in the sea.

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