Five days later, Wan Guifen was discharged from the hospital with her daughter, who was not related to her by blood. At that time, Wu Yong looked a little embarrassed and awkward.

Because he met Zhou Mengyu's husband Zhao Fenglin, who politely thanked Wu Yong in person and then focused all his attention on his wife.

When Wu Yong met Zhao Fenglin, he was already a little ashamed of himself. Not only the other person's height and appearance, but also his clothes, decent conversation, and general demeanor all showed that the other person was not on the same level as him.

Wu Yong smiled a little reluctantly and explained politely:

Zhou Mengyu and I were high school classmates. We lost contact after she went to college. If my wife hadn't also given birth in this hospital, we would never have met!

Then we are destined, I don't know your lover

Zhao Fenglin had never seen anyone before. He could see Wu Yong's discomfort at a glance, but he didn't show it. When things happened suddenly, it was indeed the inconspicuous man in front of him who helped his wife.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, what he can say now is that he doesn't intend to embarrass the other party.

My wife is in good health. She was born naturally and the baby girl weighs four pounds and two ounces.

Wu Yong said with a smile.

Congratulations on your daughter! Meng Yu also gave birth to a girl.

My daughter is very good, she is daddy's little cotton-padded jacket.

Wu Yong said sincerely.

My wife and daughter were discharged from the hospital today and will leave first.

Wu Yong didn't want to say anything more and took the lead in saying goodbye. The two men shook hands and walked away. In this way, little Lianli became the daughter of Wu Yong and Wan Guifen.

Wan Guifen's purpose for doing this is very simple. She wants her daughter to become a master and let Wu Yong's Bai Yueguang raise her daughter for her, while Zhou Mengyu's daughter has to make a living under her hands.

At first, she didn't take the baby seriously at all. After breastfeeding, her chest no longer swelled, so she fed the baby with every meal. The baby, who was almost two months old, looked like a baby. As if she was just born, she cries all night long, disturbing the surrounding neighbors.

Wu Yong was so noisy that he couldn't rest, so he voluntarily transferred to the night shift, leaving Wan Guifen to take care of the baby alone. Since she was not his biological daughter, Wan Guifen naturally wouldn't take it seriously. Little Lianli almost died of crying, and her face was so suffocated. Bruise.

As a result, a neighbor reported that the couple abused the baby because they gave birth to a daughter. They deprived the baby of food and water and made the baby cry all day long. The baby was about to die before his eyes.

The factory security department came to investigate on the same day and saw Wan Guifen with a red face and a little baby with a weak voice who was about to expire.

This is great. In one day, Wu Yong and Wan Guifen became famous for favoring boys over girls. At this time, Wu Yong was competing for the position of team leader of the technical class. Because of this matter, the section chief asked him to talk to him about the team leader. It’s also yellow.

He then hurried home, had a big quarrel with Wan Guifen, and took his mother over to take care of the child. At least he did not let the original mother die early.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a family relationship that will never be harmonious. Although the arrival of mother-in-law has relieved Wan Guifen's burden of taking care of the children, it has also increased the family's expenses. Wu Yong's mother is a very shrewd old lady. She told her neighbors clearly:

Both the young couple are parents for the first time. It is inevitable that they will do something wrong. As an elder, I naturally have to help. Besides, I am here to help take care of the children, which also reduces their burden. They go to school After a long day's work, at least I can have a hot meal when I get home.

Give money? How can I, a mother, ask for money for a child? I just have to feed the child and raise the child. Our old Wu family does not favor boys over girls. The old saying goes that flowers bloom first and then bear fruit. The young couple has a good relationship, so they want another child. That's fine, as long as my body allows it, I will naturally help carry it.

Under this operation of the old lady, the rumor that the couple did not pay attention to their daughter was turned into a rumor that new parents did not know how to take care of their children, and they were tormenting themselves and their children. As a result, the neighbors misunderstood.

After this incident, Wan Guifen completely stopped abusing the child. She knew that the child had nothing to do with Wu Yong, but did she dare to say it? If she dared to speak out, Wu Yong's mother would tear her alive. In the old lady's view, although Wu Lianyi was a girl, she was from the old Wu family, so it was not her turn to dislike her.

When the child was one year old, the old lady also raised the child to be chubby, and it looked like he was in good health. The old lady was a veteran and had a high emotional intelligence. She overwhelmed Wan Guifen, and it was her mother-in-law. Surrounded by employees of the same factory, if there was a slight disturbance, everyone in the entire factory would know about it the next day, so Wan Guifen changed her strategy.

If the child loses weight, she will be preached by the old lady, and will be told to favor boys over girls and abuse children, so she will raise the child to be fat. She also learned a trick from palace dramas, shouting to kill, but she will not believe anyone. What else can be said.

This trick was still very effective. As Wu Lianyi's weight continued to increase, the old lady no longer found fault, and people around her would not make a fuss about it. Two years later, Wan Guifen became pregnant again, and this time she gave birth. Next boy.

Having a child of her own, she naturally wants to give the best to her son, but she also doesn’t want the good mother persona she has managed to build to collapse, so she still prioritizes her eldest daughter on the surface, but secretly her son is the priority. The one who got all her love.

Human genetics are very miraculous. Under Wan Guifen's doting, Wu Lianyi did not grow crooked, and her academic performance was excellent, surpassing Wu Junyi by a few blocks.

If you are not as good as others, why are your children not as good as others? This time it made Wan Guifen a little crazy!

Moreover, after Wu Lianyi slowly opened, there was a bit of Zhou Mengyu's shadow. Wu Yong would sometimes frown in surprise when looking at his daughter. This made Wan Guifen alert, and then began the process of fattening her daughter.

Naturally, the original person could not refuse the love from his mother, and over time he grew into a fat man. Because of his fatness, Zhou Mengyu disappeared, and the crisis was completely resolved.

Moreover, Wan Guifen noticed that her children had reached puberty and had requirements for body shape and appearance, and began to become sensitive and inferior. However, as if she didn't know anything, she still brought delicious food and drinks to Wu Lianyi and returned the favor. He tried hard to brainwash her, saying that she was not fat.

When the original person was taking diet pills randomly, she pretended not to know and did not stop her. Until the original person was admitted to the hospital, she put on another show to let everyone know how much she loved her daughter, even though her daughter was fat. It is also the best. Losing weight will harm the body. As a mother, she is unwilling to do so.

From then on, Wu Lianyi completely fell into the trap of maternal love and lived her short life without knowing who her biological parents were until her death.

Is this Wan Guifen out of his mind? He can do such immoral things! Using a child who knows nothing to avenge a cheating husband is an eye-opener for me.

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