╁ū涔嫔 ╁ū涔嫔 ╁ū涔嫔 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛 濡傛

娌°C湁瑙佸埌寮熷纻镄勮佸埌寮熷纻镄勮褰憋纴涓囩煶灏褰憋纴涓囩煶灏褰憋纴涓囩煶灏悓镙效悓镙风殑锛屼粬鐢ㄥ疄闄呰锷ㄨ〃鏄庯纴灏忕 涔熼伃阆囦 涔熼伃阆囦

瑁呮湁灏忕 back shoulder itching on Bin 镄勮剼杈癸纴涔熻浠栫垎鍙戜 瓒呯粷镄勬垬鏂楀姏銆

褰 褰 殑楂樻 殑楂樻 殑楂樻 锛屼竴杩炰 锛屼竴杩炰 锛屼竴杩炰 锛屼竴杩炰 锛屼竴杩炰 绮 绮 绮 绮Stretching

鐗瑰埆鏄疻on Bin 镄勫寱棣栧拰鍧 撼姘 撼姘 撼姘 兓鐜嬬壒鎷夊簱镄勮 兓鐜嬬壒鎷夊簱镄勮 兓鐜嬬壒鎷夊簱镄勮 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 鐖纴鏄 Flooding

Chain 缁堬纴涓囩煶涔熸 缁堬纴涓囩煶涔熸 chain

铏 劧浠栧潗鍦ㄩ槻寮 劧浠栧潗鍦ㄩ槻寮 殑杞 瓙 瓙 涓哄緢瀹夊叏锛屽彲褰揥 涓哄緢瀹夊叏锛屽彲褰揥 涓哄緢瀹夊叏锛屽彲褰揥 涓哄緢瀹夊叏锛屽彲褰揥 Bin on on Bin Bin 笂钖庯纴鍐嶅ソ镄勯槻寮圭幓鐠冧篃鎶ュ幕浜嗐

涓囩煶杩欎 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 镄勫浼欙纴缁堜簬寰楀埌浜嗗埗瑁 and €

涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 埌杩欐椂锛屾墍 夌殑 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 紬浠墠绋嶅 鍙 鍙 鍙 皵銆 皵銆

涓 涓灏忔椂镄勭 涓灏忔椂镄勭 褰憋纴鐪嬬殑澶 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 璺屽畷璧 锛岄珮娼 锛岄珮娼 纴寰堜箙娌 纴寰堜箙娌 纴寰堜箙娌 纴寰堜箙娌 湁杩欎箞杩囩樉浜嗐

鍙 € € € € € € 閮 閮 閮 閮 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 殑鏄纴灏卞湪 on on on on on on on on on on鏋鍑嗕 鏋鍑嗕 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾 镄凾


姝ゆ椂锛岀 褰 櫌 櫌 纴鐖嗗彂浜嗗墠 纴鐖嗗彂浜嗗墠 纴鐖嗗彂浜嗗墠 纴鐖嗗彂浜嗗墠 纴鐖嗗彂浜嗗墠 € € € € 掑惣銆 掑惣銆 掑惣銆

Won Bin 铏 鐞呜 鐞呜 鐞呜 浜嗛偅涔埚镄勪 浜嗛偅涔埚镄勪 浜嗛偅涔埚镄勪 屼笖宸茬粡浜嗘棤鐗 屼笖宸茬粡浜嗘棤鐗 屼笖宸茬粡浜嗘棤鐗 屼笖宸茬粡浜嗘棤鐗寕锛屽敮涓 鎯 鎯 镄勫皬绫 镄勫皬绫 镄勫皬绫 镄勫皬绫 镄勫皬绫

姝 纴瀵 纴瀵 纴瀵 簬杩欎 簬杩欎 欑殑杞 欑殑杞 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲

浣呜浼椾 瀹炲湪镞犳硶鎺ュ 瀹炲湪镞犳硶鎺ュ 瀹炲湪镞犳硶鎺ュ 锛屾墍浠ョ珶鐒跺缮鎯呭湴锽娄 锛屾墍浠ョ珶鐒跺缮鎯呭湴锽娄 璧

鏁撮儴鐢靛 閮 閮 閮 お杩囦簬榛戞殚浜嗭纴璁╀ お杩囦簬榛戞殚浜嗭纴璁╀ お杩囦簬榛戞殚浜嗭纴璁╀ お杩囦簬榛戞殚浜嗭纴璁╀ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ 锛屼豢浣涢櫡鍏ヤ镫 竴镙 竴镙 €

濡傛灉鍒 简 简 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 钖庯纴鍞竴镄勫ソ浜 箞鍕囨暍镄勫ぇ鍙斾篃杩欐牱姝诲幓镄勮瘽锛岀湡镄勬槸澶︼浜哄 鐥涗 鐥涗

鎴栬鏄笂宁濆惉鍒 濆惉鍒 浜 浜 浜 镄勫憪锽婏纴灏卞湪 镄勫憪锽婏纴灏卞湪 镄勫憪锽婏纴灏卞湪 Won Bin 瑕佹墸锷ㄦ壋 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 殑镞跺 阒佃 阒佃 阒佃 阒佃氭澹板搷璧枫€

闅忓悗涓 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 寮 寮 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 潃涓嶅彲缃 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔

鈥淎jhussi 锛熲€

绱ф帴镌€锛岄暅澶翠竴杞纴鍦╓on Bin 鎯婅镄勭洰鍏変腑锛屽畲濂 棤鎹熺殑灏忕 棤鎹熺殑灏忕 灏忓 灏忓 缈 缈 缈 缈 缈 缈 粠姹 粠姹Splashing

璋佷篃娌°C湁鎯 埌锛岄偅涓拰Won Bin 鎯ㄧ儓瀵 喅镄勫潶绾 喅镄勫潶绾 銉荤帇鐗 銉荤帇鐗 媺搴掳纴浼 媺搴掳纴浼 媺搴掳纴浼 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇 埍蹇宁】纴鍦ㄧ揣瑕佸叧澶存尳鏁戜 灏忕 灏忕 灏忕

涓囩煶 嬩腑镄勭溂镌涳纴骞 嬩腑镄勭溂镌涳纴骞 笉鏄皬绫 笉鏄皬绫 笉鏄皬绫 笉鏄皬绫 屾槸闾 屾槸闾 屾槸闾 鍙樻 鍙樻 佸尰鐢熺殑銆 佸尰鐢熺殑銆 佸尰鐢熺殑銆


鍙笉绠°C€庝箞璇达纴灏忕背镄勨€滆捣姝诲洖鐢熲€濓纴涓崭絾娉伃浜哤on Bin 镊潃镄勫媷姘旓纴涔熻褰櫌 屾 屾 屾 屾 罐 句 句 句

镓€ chain 変 閮 閮 閮 潗涓崭綇浜嗭纴绾 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺 悍璺

杩椤満闱纴鍝儚鏄湅鐢靛 鍟婏纴绠 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 瘮鐪嬬悆璧涜缮瑕佺儹闂 瘮鐪嬬悆璧涜缮瑕佺儹闂 瘮鐪嬬悆璧涜缮瑕佺儹闂

Seok Jin-soo 涔熸 夋兂鍒 chain 夋兂鍒 纴杩欎 纴杩欎 灏忓皬镄勫墽鎯呰璁 纴浼氱粰澶 纴浼氱粰澶      潵杩欎箞澶 潵杩欎箞澶 殑镒熷姩銆


鈥渌ppa 锛屽お濂 锛 on on on Bin sunbae-nim 涓崭 姝讳 姝讳 銆傗 銆傗

Son Ye-jin 绋嶅井鐭沧寔涓€镣癸纴浣嗕篃缁嗗0缁嗘皵鍦 with 锛 锛 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 滆 渶钖庨兘 渶钖庨兘 渶钖庨兘鏄帇鎶戠殑銆傝 Umbrella

銆娄笉鍙ザ鎭曘€嫔ス涔熺湅杩囷纴浣嗕篃鍙︼涓嫔ス涔熺湅杩囷纴浣嗕篃鍙︼涓槸涓槸涓閮ㄤ笉阌欑殑褰閮ㄤ笉阌欑殑褰閮ㄤ笉阌欑殑褰墖墖屽屽锛屽苟娌°C湁瑙夊缑瀵Go shopping

浣嗘槸浠婂ぉ鐪嬩 銆婂鑳嗙壒宸ャ 嬶纴 嬶纴 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye

浜 镌 澶 澶 镄勬帉澹 镄勬帉澹 纴 纴 Seok Jin-soo 涔熷 鎯呭緢濂 纴娌 纴娌 °C湁蹇冩 濆拰 Son Ye-jin 鏂楀槾銆


Won Bin 涓哄皬绫 浜嗕 浜嗕 鍖呭拰瀛 鍖呭拰瀛 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ 鐢ㄥ姏鐢熸椿镄勫垢绂忚捣鏉ャ

屼粬涓岖镐庝箞璇 屼粬涓岖镐庝箞璇 纴锲犱 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 浜嗗お澶氱殑浜 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗 疗

骞 ソ锛屼袱涓﹄ ソ锛屼袱涓﹄ 浜哄叕缁堜簬鎽呜劚浜嗗巹杩愶纴 嶆柊锲炲埌浜嗛槼鍏変笅銆

澶 鐢氲呖婊 鐢氲呖婊 ° ° ° ° ° 熷緟锛岃 熷緟锛岃 熷緟锛岃 熷緟锛岃 鍜屽皬绫 阃 阃 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三

鐢靛 寰愬緪钀 寰愬緪钀 箷锛屼 箷锛屼 鍒涗 樼殑钖嶅崟寮 樼殑钖嶅崟寮 樼殑钖嶅崟寮 樼殑钖嶅崟寮 濮嬮棯鍑 濮嬮棯鍑 濮嬮棯鍑 € € 效 效 效 效 效 效 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 剰瓒 殑娆”鐚笂浜呜”蹇冭€岀儹鐑堢殑鎺屽0銆

杩欐帉澹 姽濡傛 姽濡傛 姘 姘 姘 纴杩炵 纴杩炵 纴杩炵 纴杩炵 涓岖粷锛屽搷褰 涓岖粷锛屽搷褰

涔熻Seok Jin-soo 銆佹潕妗(一)嚒銆佹潕缇庨润銆乄on Bin 绛変富鍒涗Chinese forged 桦 鎯呭ぇ濂 鎯呭ぇ濂 鎯呭ぇ濂 纴鐭ラ 纴鐭ラ 纴鐭ラ锷熶 銆

钖屾牱涔熸槸鍦ㄧ儹鐑堢殑鎺屽0涓纴浣滀负涓画寔浜虹殑Kim Je-dong 鍐嶆闾€璇峰ぇ瀹朵笂鍙like €

鈥滃搰鍝】纴鐪熺殑浜嗕笉璧枫傝傝阿璋(二)潕妗(一)嚒瀵兼嚒瀵阿璋eok Jin-soo 缂栧墽锛岃阿璋 on Bin 鈥荣si 镄勭褰╂紨缁庯纴璁╂垜鐪嬩 褰╂紨缁庯纴璁╂垜鐪嬩 涓 閮ㄩ毦蹇樼殑濂 閮ㄩ毦蹇樼殑濂 閮ㄩ毦蹇樼殑濂 閮ㄩ毦蹇樼殑濂 閮ㄩ毦蹇樼殑濂 傗 傗 傗 傗 傗 傗

涓€涓婃潵锛孠im Je-dong 灏变笉钖濆じ璧烇纴瀹屽叏娌°C湁浜嗗线镞ラ噷鍐烽润镌挎櫤镄勬牱瀛愩€

娌 ′ 娉曪纴杩欑 娉曪纴杩欑 娉曪纴杩欑 娉曪纴杩欑 娉曪纴杩欑 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 娌 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲 嘲浜涘彲鎭剁殑缃︻姱銆


骞 ソ浠栫殑璇濆缑鍒 ソ浠栫殑璇濆缑鍒 ソ浠栫殑璇濆缑鍒 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 镄勪竴鐩 啀娆 啀娆 搷浜呜捣鏉ャ 搷浜呜捣鏉ャ 搷浜呜捣鏉ャ 搷浜呜捣鏉ャ

Kim Je-dong 棣栧厛鎶婇棶棰樻姏缁欎 涓 涓 紨 Won Bin 銆

“Won Bin ‘ssi, this movie is different than any of your previous works. I don’t know what kind of sentiment you have after playing the role of Che Taizhi?”

Seeing the work was welcomed by everyone, and Won Bin’s mood was very good, so I said a few more words.

“For this movie, we all worked very hard. Taking the cold shooting, but also after a long hard training. But today I see the movie is liked by everyone, then all the hard work is worth it. Thank you for your support, future I will continue to offer better works for everyone.”

Won Bin’s words once again won everyone’s applause.

As an actor you like, everyone certainly hopes to see his work.

It’s just that this one is too lazy, and the number of works is horrible.

After Won Bin, Kim Je-dong interviewed Li Yifan.

“Director, did you feel that it was very tired if you took this dark and dark content?”

Li Xiaofan shook his head and looked very excited.

“When I saw the script, I knew the specific content. But after the filming was finished, when I was editing, watching the plots, I would have a nightmare to sleep at night. But as far as I know, the story inside. They are all based on real events. That is to say, in the world we live in, there are indeed such terrible things happening. So we hope that we all work together to care for our beautiful world.”

In the end, it is a director, with a strong atmosphere of culture. Starting from a movie, you can also be sad and caring.

But for his words, Seok Jin-soo also applauded.

Indeed, when writing this script, out of curiosity, he also read a lot of information from the police.

After understanding the actual situation of those crimes, the scalp was numb and felt deep fear.

No wonder that South Korea can produce so many good movies every year, all of which are inseparable from the ideals of filmmakers who care about society and the country and the nation.

The Korean filmmaker’s attitude of always taking the world as his own responsibility has also allowed Seok Jin-soo to learn a lot.

After the director, Kim Je-dong will not let him play this screenwriter.

“Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, let’s talk about it with us. How did you think of writing such a script? We are very good friends in private and have a good understanding of you. Didn’t you hear that you have this experience? ”

This is really a place where Kim Je-dong is more curious. As a friend, Seok Jin-soo is in a state of peace. He knows everything.

In his view, Seok Jin-soo’s way of living and working is not like someone who can write a script like “Lonely Agent.”

In this regard, Seok Jin-soo is ready.

“Oh, brother, actually, you don’t know me very well. You hide at home every day to read the Buddhist scriptures. How do you know what I am doing?”

Yes, this sentence went back, making Kim Je-dong dumbfounded and letting the audience laugh.

Kim Je-dong is very dissatisfied, this kid is too difficult to engage.

“Then do you know that today, your movie has left many people with tears. Say, why write such a tragic story?”

Seok Jin-soo is careful about this issue.

“Oh, actually… there is something that everyone doesn’t know. At the beginning, when I was writing the script, I was going to let Won Bin commit suicide at the end…”


“Don’t touch Ajhussi!!!”

Good guy, Seok Jin-soo just said it, the audience rebelled. Everyone strongly condemned it and looked very angry.

It seems that if he really does, everyone will kill him.

Seok Jin-soo’s forehead sweats and sighs.

“Well, you know that you will be like this, so I changed it.”

This made the audience laugh and took Seung-ri’s pride.

Sample, if you dare to write Won Bin, you will tear down your house tonight.

Seeing the audience suppressing Seok Jin-soo, Kim Je-dong is just like Seung-ri.

“Oh, how about Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi, is the audience even better?”

Seok Jin-soo quickly nodded and said modestly: “The audience is the food and clothing parents of our filmmakers. It is the mission of our filmmakers to create a good and enjoyable work for the audience. I am honored that the lone agent can get everyone. The love, our efforts for more than half a year have not been in vain.”

The lively premiere ended and almost everyone involved was satisfied.

The masters saw the popularity of the work, expecting Mi-rae’s good results, and the corners of his mouth are always open.

The audience came here with satisfaction and returned with a very enjoyable film. Relaxing the spirit does not say, but also has an important talk.

After returning, these people will become the spreaders of word of mouth, attract more and more people to the cinema, and become a booster at the box office.

The entertainers rushed to a lively field and got a great exposure. They showed their loyalty and promoted themselves.

After the film critics spent a long and boring long period of time, they finally greeted a good movie that made the heart move.

After going back, they will make full use of their penpower and turn it into a wonderful film review.

These film reviews can not only attract the audience to the cinema, but also make them famous.

Overall, this is a premiere that everyone is happy with and a successful event.

So I am very pleased that Li Meijing proudly announced that she had arranged a dinner at Hotel Shilla and invited all the founding guests, guests and film critics.

In the end, it is a cj group. It is rich in money and is different from the general crew. The dinner is arranged in such a luxurious place as Hotel Shilla.

“What are you doing?”

Seeing that Son Ye-jin seemed to want to go, Li Meijing grabbed her with one hand.

Son Ye-jin didn’t get away from it, and he was bitter.

“Eonni, it’s not too late, I should go back. If you have fun, I won’t bother you.”

Although the dinner party will be very lively, you can also meet many people in the circle. But Son Ye-jin didn’t want to be on the same occasion as Seok Jin-soo, so he was ready to leave.

Why is she a cj sister, Li Meijing can let her go?

“Xiao Nizi, you give me a happy and quick scene, otherwise you will never spare you.”

Yes, Son Ye-jin smacked his shoulder and had to be pulled by Li Meijing to come to Hotel Shilla.

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