The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the perfect performance of the 42 chapter, floating astronomy

The messy opening made both Noh Hong-chul and Seok Jin-soo hit hard.

In order not to hurt each other, they decide wisely or focus on the performance.

“Everyone, everyone knows about “Infinite Challenge”?” Noh Hong-chul asked Haha.


The audience’s answer is still very loud.

“Infinite Challenge” is now a bit famous, especially in a conservative place, unlike the fashion-forward Seoul, the TV is still the main viewing channel. So for this program, the audience is still a bit well-known.

This is the beginning of the routine, and Seok Jin-soo is busy.

“Do you think that we are gagman, must we come to perform comedy? Hehe.”

The audience was a bit surprised, but I didn’t expect anything else.

No, I saw Noh Hong-chul and Seok Jin-soo. Everyone thought they would perform comedy.

Gagman, don’t perform comedy, what else can you do?

I noticed that everyone was surprised, Noh Hong-chul was happy.

“Haha Haha, everyone is shocked. Today we are here, don’t show everyone a comedy, but… prepare a trot.”

These two goods have to sing trot?

Sure enough, it was an accident.

The audience was shocked and the movements were very unified.

I saw thousands of people raised their palms silently, holding their ears well.

It seems that they are not convinced of the singing of the two men on the stage.

The two people who had suffered numerous critical strikes looked at these audiences in a stupid way, feeling that their hearts were bleeding.

Ladies and gentlemen, are you really just an audience?

This ability to make a smile is about to make us unemployed.

Seok Jin-soo is also getting angry.

Damn, even Kim Hyeong-seok said that my singing is good, you dare to swear at me.

So good, let’s take a good look today, I will not only be funny.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand in the direction of the backstage.

The staff who had been prepared immediately started mr, and the music that was flying fast but strange was ringing.

Taking advantage of the prelude, Seok Jin-soo does not forget to advertise himself.

“Everyone, the name of this song is “Sparkling Shine”, which is what I have done some time ago. This is the first time I have met everyone, I hope everyone can like it.”

He saw that there were many government officials sitting in the VIP seats.

As long as the performance of this time is good, there will be no less invitations for similar events in the future.

I heard that he actually made music, and the audience under the audience finally became curious and silently concerned.

Seok Jin-soo said that when he finished talking, he danced with the music with Noh Hong-chul.

The dance of this song is also designed by Kim Hyeong-seok with the help of famous dancers.

It’s not as dazzling as the dance of the idol combination, the simple action is refreshing, it is suitable for places like celebrations and events.

Especially the teas that are draped in one body, so twisted, it is like a tea garden blown by the wind, a very image.

Eighty percent of the audience present were locals and naturally used to see the tea garden.

At this time, I saw such a familiar scene on the stage, and my heart suddenly raised a sense of pride, and they slaped.

Entering the rhythm, Seok Jin-soo grabbed the microphone and tried to capture the syllable.

The damn equipment, the noise is too big, and can’t be compared with Kim Hyeong-seok’s studio. Plus here is also on the beach, the sea breeze roars, listening to it is not clear enough.

Fortunately, local people do activities, nothing matters, only the horn sounds louder.

So Seok Jin-soo can still grasp the rhythm as long as he is serious.

Everyone loves me very charming.

Attracted by a woman

His beautiful look is so sexy…

Hey, the audience under the audience was surprised and looked at Seok Jin-soo, who was singer.

This ugly maknae, which has no pick, is so vocal.

Such garbage equipment can make the sound of the beads be smooth and succinct, and it is like a spring breeze. It is really impossible.

Especially the content of the song, really happy.

In the season of this celebration, everyone was very happy. At this time, they couldn’t help it anymore. They all learned how the two people on the stage twisted.

For a time, the stage and the stage finally interacted, and the scene became spectacular.

Seeing the audience reacted, Seok Jin-soo is even more energetic.

The face is also shining

Noh Hong-chul: shiny and shining

The body is also shining

Lu: Shining and shining

Everything is shining and shining

Lu: Shining and shining

Well, Noh Hong-chul, the fifth-in-one guy, the only thing that can be done is the chorus.

Taking advantage of the big door, it’s fine.

Anyway, it is not a music festival, nor is it a song program. No one cares about his voice, but he is happy.

The song is simple and the dance is simple.

After Seok Jin-soo sang the first section, the audience at the scene had already learned.

Even the government officials on the VIP seats, at this time, have also twisted up the fat body, and the interest has come up.

You see the police there is very dedicated, even if the body becomes s-type, you can also pay attention to the venue to ensure the safety of everyone.

The aunt here is relatively calm, and the body’s movements are small. But aunt, your head can move like a pirate ship, that is also the skill.

At the foot of the stage is a glorious stage, in front of the lively and extraordinary audience, in the distance is the bright white tea garden lights, the sky is a star.

杩欑编涓界殑鏅壊锛岃 Seok Jin-soo 涔熼櫠阅変简锛屽敱镄勬洿锷犳繁鎯呫€




鎴戦兘宸茬粡鍑嗗濂 简


Attracted by a woman

鐪 鏄庝 鏄庝 鏄庝 鏄庝 劅 劅 劅 劅 劅 劅


镞犲笀镊︷ 氱殑锛岃 氱殑锛岃 氱殑锛岃 瀹 瀹 绔熺劧瀛 绔熺劧瀛 绔熺劧瀛 浜嗗懠鍞ゅ簲鎻

姝屾洸姝e spinning 杩涘叆楂樻 锛屼篃鏄湰娆 ° °椿锷ㄧ殑 chain 楂樻 銆傛暟鍗冨悕 銆傛暟鍗冨悕 紬 紬 紬 紬 氮 氮镄勫0阔抽兘缁椤帇涓嫔幓浜嗐


鍝 曟槸鍐ぉ锛屽摢镐曟槸鍦ㄦ埛澶栵纴鍙槸锲犱 曟槸鍐ぉ锛屽摢镐曟槸鍦ㄦ埛澶栵纴鍙槸锲犱 曟槸鍐ぉ锛屽摢镐曟槸鍦ㄦ埛澶栵纴鍙槸锲犱 曟槸鍐ぉ锛屽摢镐曟槸鍦ㄦ埛澶栵纴鍙槸锲犱 chain 嶏纴杩樻湁涓嶅仠镄勮垶锷纴褰撴瓕旋茶惤骞旷殑镞跺€欙纴Seok Jin-soo 鍜孨oh Hong-chul 涔熷凡缁忎竴韬殑鐑难锛屽枠鎭0镐Achievements

涓 简 简 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 镄勬椿锷纴涓诲 鏂 鏉ャ 鏉ャ

浣嗕笉绠°C€庝箞璇达纴纴 鏉ョ殑瀹 浠灉鐒 浠灉鐒 浠灉鐒 浠灉鐒 槸 铡夊镄勩 铡夊镄勩 铡夊镄勩 铡夊镄勩



“Encore, Encore…”

鍏堟槸涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 镄勫 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓帉楂桦懠璧锋潵銆

Seok Jin-soo 鍜孨oh Hong-chul Chain 夌偣鎱屼 锛屾兂瑕佷笅鍙 锛屾兂瑕佷笅鍙 紬銆 紬銆 紬銆 紬銆

浣嗘槸涓崭笅鍙 殑璇 殑璇 〔 〔

浠栦 娌 ° ° °



浠栧噾鍒 簩浜 簩浜 腑闂 腑闂 腑闂 腑闂 纴镐傛伩璧 潵銆

鈥滀簩浣嶏纴浣犱 鐪嬶纴鐜 湪姘旀皼杩欎箞濂 湪姘旀皼杩欎箞濂 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃 紬浠篃寰埚枩娆纴闅鹃€

Noh Hong-chul


涔熺煡阆 涔熺煡阆 粬璇 粬璇 殑鏄疄鎯咃纴浣嗕 殑鏄疄鎯咃纴浣嗕 殑鏄疄鎯咃纴浣嗕 锷炴 锷炴 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹柇浜嗭纴涓岖鐢ㄤ粈涔堟楠娉曘€

鐪 镌 镌 夌偣璇 夌偣璇 夌偣璇 夌偣璇 夌偣璇 夌偣璇 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 嬮攺浜嗐

鈥滀簩浣嶏纴鍐嶅姞涓 锏 锏 锏 竾銆 竾銆 彧瑕佷綘浠啀琛ㄦ紨镣 彧瑕佷綘浠啀琛ㄦ紨镣 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲 粈涔堬纴涓诲勬紨鍑鸿垂銆傗€

Noh Hong-chul 涓岙eok Jin-soo 瀵Si浜嗕竴鐪硷纴鍏ㄩ兘浜呜 浜嗕竴鐪硷纴鍏ㄩ兘浜呜浜嗗鏂浜嗗鏂

Noh Hong-chul 锛 滀笉鏄纴 滀笉鏄纴 eon sa sa sa sa eon 殑闂鈥 殑闂鈥 殑闂鈥 殑闂鈥 € € € € € € € € € €

Seok Jin-soo 锛气€粰鎴戜粰鎴戜滑粰鎴戜€傗€

Noh Hong-chul 锛气沧垜浠缭璇佹嬁鍑哄ソProgram 鏉ャ€傗€


浣犱 涓や 涓や 涓や 楁瘮钖楋纻 楁瘮钖楋纻

Seok Jin-soo 鍜孨oh Hong-chul gallium umbrella 涓€镣镣

寮 鐜╃瑧锛屼 鐜╃瑧锛屼 鐜╃瑧锛屼 浜嗕竴锏 浜嗕竴锏 program program program program program program program program program

绛尘c涓嫔幓涔嫔悗锛孨oh Hong-chul 绗戠殑寰堢柉镫伞€

鈥滃搰Haha 鍝堬纴maknae 锛屽璧 涓 涓 锏 锏 锏 竾鍟娿 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 娆 娆 娆 娆 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞 垜浠叕骞

Seok Jin-soo 娌” ソ姘斿湴锏 浠栦竴鐪笺 浠栦竴鐪笺 浠栦竴鐪笺 €


Noh Hong-chul 镊湁涓€鐣︼杈炪€

鈥沧垜鏄綘镄勯璺汉鍟婏纴浠庝粖浠ュ悗浣犵殑鍟嗘紨涔嬭矾灏卞紑阃氢鍟娿鍟娿鍟娿傝寰楁傝寰楁婕斿嚭涓鍦鍦缁欐垜锏 垎涔嫔崄镄勫煿鍏 垎涔嫔崄镄勫煿鍏 垎涔嫔崄镄勫煿鍏 垎涔嫔崄镄勫煿鍏 銆傗

Seok Jin-soo is full of black lines.

鈥滃掼锛屼綘灏 笉镐曟垜铡 笉镐曟垜铡 紨鑹 紨鑹 紨鑹 鍗忎 鍗忎 鍗忎 鍗忎 鍗忎 娄綘钖楋纻鈥

鎷夊搱瀹屼 锛岃缮寰楀晢 锛岃缮寰楀晢 忔紨鍑 忔紨鍑 忔紨鍑 忔紨鍑

鈥渕aknae 鍟婏纴娌” 娉曚 娉曚 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 锛屼綘涓婂幓婕斿敱銆奁 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾 镄刾屽 ammonia 鍓╀笅杩欎 浜嗐€傗€

Seok Jin-soo 镞╁ 鏂椤埌浠栦 鏂椤埌浠栦 杩欎箞璇 杩欎箞璇 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗

鈥 湡鏄殑锛屽 湡鏄殑锛屽 鍙﹄ 鍙﹄ 鍒╃敤鎴戙 傜瓑涓嬫櫄楗綘璇 傜瓑涓嬫櫄楗綘璇 傜瓑涓嬫櫄楗綘璇 傗 傗 傗 傗 傗

鍙︼鑳 璧 璧 埌涓 锏 锏 锏 锏 竾锛岃椤 竾锛岃椤 キ鍙堣兘浠讳綍锛 キ鍙堣兘浠讳綍锛


Finally, I recovered something, and Seok Jin-soo took the stage.

“Everyone, I am back. Thank you very much for your kindness. It really touched me. Everyone knows, I am our Jeonnam, I am from the next door.”

As soon as I heard that the celebrity on the stage was a hometown, the audience was even more happy, and they all applauded.

Seeing the good atmosphere, Seok Jin-soo continued: “Speaking of our whole south, there are so many beautiful places. When I was at Seoul, I dreamed about the beauty of my hometown every day. I thought about it, night. I dreamed, so I made a song about our panoramic view of the whole country. I hope everyone likes it.”

Oh, I really have a heart.

It’s like this, the audience is more like it, and the applause is more enthusiastic than ever.

The soothing music sounded, and Seok Jin-soo slowly calmed down and began to brew the atmosphere of the new song.

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