The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the 392 chapter is not very want to buy, floating astronomy

Seok Jin-soo was picked up in his sleep.

At first glance, Lee Dae-gyu didn’t know when he ran home.

Since moving out, he has never been here. But the password at home has not changed. If he wants to come in, it is also casual.

Seok Jin-soo got up in confusion and asked impatiently: “How come you?”

Lee Dae-gyu licks the apple in his mouth and walks back and forth while eating.

“Yah!! I heard that you went to Maro Island?”

When it comes to this, Seok Jin-soo is full of fire.

“what…the hell!!, Kim Tae-ho, that guy, everything is done. Just to eat the bowl of fried noodles, I just got us to the island of Maro. The key is to play games on the train. Lost, it cost 150,000.”

The luck of Seok Jin-soo, that is so famous, makes Lee Dae-gyu laugh very unscrupulous.

“Yah!! Why do you have to do the game? You have no luck.”

Seok Jin-soo has climbed down from the bed.

“Hey, not all for the program. Pd is also very interesting, so there is nothing to spend some money.”

He tidyed up and asked about Lee Dae-gyu’s intentions.

“How come you are free?”

Lee Dae-gyu has finished eating apples.

“Not for your house?”

Seok Jin-soo was awake and asked: “Why, is there a look?”

Lee Dae-gyu is mysteriously close.

“Yah!! I said, this is what I got from insiders. There is a piece of land on Mapo that was originally a company president. As a result, the company recently closed down and owed a lot of money to the bank. The land was pledged by the bank. Now the bank is going to sell the land price in order to revitalize the assets. This is much lower than the market price. How are you interested?”

I heard that it is a bad asset that the bank is going to clean up. Seok Jin-soo is really a lot of heart.

Seoul is very expensive, not to mention real estate. If you want to buy a good location, you must have a big bleeding.

Although Mapo is not a city center, it is also a good distance from Yeouido, Mudong, Hongdae and other places.

When he planned to move away from Yeouido, he and Lee Dae-gyu said that if the new home chooses a place, it is best to be in Hongdae and Mapo.

Mainly do not want to be too far from the island, it is also convenient to the mountain.

Who called his main venue is mbc, which is a practical consideration.

These days, Lee Dae-gyu has been helping Seok Jin-soo find suitable properties in addition to his new home.

More than two months before and after, I finally got a little eyebrow, so I came to see Seok Jin-soo.

For his new home, Seok Jin-soo is of course very heart-felt, and immediately asked: “Brother, what property do you say, where is Mapu?”

Mapo is very large and is one of Seoul’s largest districts.

Don’t look at Mapo, but the geographical location is also good or bad.

Seok Jin-soo Although he wants to settle in Mapo, he does not want to go to a remote place.

For example, the Han River is on the edge of this area, with convenient transportation and excellent geographical position, especially on the southeast side, wherever it is.

But in the northwest of Mapo, close to the area of ​​Enping, it is far worse. Farther away, I went to Gyeonggi Province.

Lee Dae-gyu knew that he would ask, and he was prepared.

鈥滆鍑 潵浣犲彲涓嶈楂 潵浣犲彲涓嶈楂 潵浣犲彲涓嶈楂 叴杩囧 晩锛屽湪 晩锛屽湪 晩锛屽湪 晩锛屽湪 gam gam gam Sangam-dong 銆傝槠鐒 窛绂讳笂宀╀綋 窛绂讳笂宀╀綋 窛绂讳笂宀╀綋翻锛屼絾浣岖疆杩樻槸涓嶉敊镄勩€傗€

楹绘郸鍖筱angam-dong 锛岃璇存渶钁楀悕镄勫湴娈碉纴镊︻劧鏄笘鐣屾澂镄勪富浣撹偛鍦轰銆

涓嶈 San Sangam-dong 钖屾牱寰埚ぇ锛岄櫎浜嗕笂宀╀綋 钖屾牱寰埚ぇ锛岄櫎浜嗕笂宀╀綋 満鍜屽ゥ鏋楀尮鍏嫔ぇ阆 満鍜屽ゥ鏋楀尮鍏嫔ぇ阆 満鍜屽ゥ鏋楀尮鍏嫔ぇ阆 箣澶栵纴鍏 粬镄勫湴鏂 〔 € €

Seok Jin-soo

Fear of fear

Sangam-dong 闄や 镓 镓 璇 璇 璇 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 殑涓栫晫鏉綋 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 屽 屽 屽 屽Squatting

鍙 鍙 璇 纴鍏⊿ oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul

涔熸锲犱 濡傛锛岃槠鐒禨 angam-dong 鍦 悊浣岖 悊浣岖 涓嶉敊锛屽彲鍦 涓嶉敊锛屽彲鍦 涓嶉敊锛屽彲鍦 鍦⊿ oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul佸晢涓氱殑钖 紩锷涘緢浣庛

镓€浠eok Jin-soo 钖鏄湪Sangam-dong 锛屽 夌偣涓嶅紑蹇冧 夌偣涓嶅紑蹇冧 夌偣涓嶅紑蹇冧

杩欎笉鏄粬鎯 镄勫晩銆

涔熸槸锛屽彧瑕佹槸姝e father, 镄勪 镄勪 锛岃皝镒挎剰浣忓湪鍨冨溇灞 锛岃皝镒挎剰浣忓湪鍨冨溇灞 锛岃皝镒挎剰浣忓湪鍨冨溇灞 锛岃皝镒挎剰浣忓湪鍨冨溇灞

杩 笉鏄瀮鍦 笉鏄瀮鍦 笉鏄瀮鍦 笉鏄瀮鍦 屾槸鍨冨溇灞 屾槸鍨冨溇灞 屾槸鍨冨溇灞 € €

Lee Dae-gyu Da达纴涓嶆槸寰堢悊瑙c€

鈥沧嵁璇寸鍨冨溇灞鍨冨溇灞湁镣湁镣窛绂诲憿锛屾窛绂诲憿锛屾夐偅涔堣繎銆傝涓嶏纴鍜夐偅涔堣繎銆傝涓嶏纴鍜夐偅涔堣繎銆傝涓嶏纴鍜滑浠婂ぉ杩囧幓鐪嬬湅锛熶笉绠°C €庝箞璇达纴鐪嬫埧瀛愬槢锛屾€瀹瀹瀹台鐪嬭鐪嬭€

Seok Jin-soo 鎯 兂涔熸槸锛屼笂宀╅偅杈 湁鍨冨溇灞 湁鍨冨溇灞 湁鍨冨溇灞 殑浜嬫儏锛屼粬涔熸槸钖埆浜 殑浜嬫儏锛屼粬涔熸槸钖埆浜 殑浜嬫儏锛屼粬涔熸槸钖埆浜 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞夊疄鍦 湅杩囥 湅杩囥

璇 灏辫 灏辫 灏辫 灏辫 锛屽掼 锛屽掼 锛屽掼 锛屽掼 ╀笂浜呜 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒 浜嗘睙锛屾潵鍒


杩椤潡鍦 槸 槸 缃氭 缃氭 缃氭 缃氭 镄勶纴锲犱 镄勶纴锲犱 夋瑺阍 夋瑺阍 € € € € € € € € € € 纴杩椤潡鍦 纴杩椤潡鍦

涓嶈 阈 阈 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 戣瀺镄勶纴寮勪 鍧楀湴浜 鍧楀湴浜 鍧楀湴浜 篃鏄 篃鏄 篃鏄 € € € € € € € € € €灏戜 硷纴 chain 硷纴 threshold 涔熸 涔熸 夋兂娉曞幓缁忚惀銆 chain

锲犳灏 墦绠楁妸杩椤潡鍦熷湴鍗栧嚭铡 墦绠楁妸杩椤潡鍦熷湴鍗栧嚭铡 纴鐒跺悗寮ヨˉ 纴鐒跺悗寮ヨˉ 纴鐒跺悗寮ヨˉ 镄勫潖璐 镄勫潖璐 镄勫潖璐 镄勫潖璐

濂堜綍杩椤潡鍦熷湴镄勪 链 链 疄鍦ㄥお宸纴鎸 疄鍦ㄥお宸纴鎸 疄鍦ㄥお宸纴鎸 疄鍦ㄥお宸纴鎸 嚭铡诲緢涔呬 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 闂 闂

鐩村埌浠婂ぉ镓嶆湁浜哠eok Jin-soo 杩欎箞涓€涓鎴涓鎴纴纴纴浠ラ摱琛岀粡鐞嗛兘浜浠ラ摱琛岀粡鐞嗛兘浜嚜璺戣嚜璺戣嚜璺戣

鈥沦eok Jin-soo 鈥荣si 锛屾偍濂金纴鎴戞槸纴鎴戞槸ㄧ殑绮変笣銆傗€

涓 侀 侀 侀 侀 侀 槸鑹 槸鑹 槸鑹 槸鑹 槸鑹 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗 锛岄摱琛岀粡鐞嗗

浠栧彲鏄煡阆掳纴鑹 閮 閮 閮 閮 笉缂 笉缂 笉缂 镄勫彲鑳 € € € € € € € €

瀵规楠鎭淮鎭 eok Jin-soo 涔熷 ammonia 闅忎 钖惉锛岃 钖惉锛岃 鏄璋堢敓镒忕殑锛岃缮鏄竻 鏄璋堢敓镒忕殑锛岃缮鏄竻 鏄璋堢敓镒忕殑锛岃缮鏄竻 € € €

Helium argon

Lee Dae-gyu 铏 劧濡 粖涓嶆槸 Seok Jin-soo 镄刴anager 浜嗭纴浣呜缮鏄 灞ヨ镵岃矗銆

鈥 粡鐞嗭纴璇烽棶浣犱 粡鐞嗭纴璇烽棶浣犱 粡鐞嗭纴璇烽棶浣犱 湪鍝︷噷锛熲

缁忕悊 靛懙涓 靛懙涓 绗 绗 绗 绗 纴阆掳 纴阆掳 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 傗


鈥滀粠闾h 镄勮鍙 镄勮鍙 埌杩欓噷锛屽ぇ绾 埌杩欓噷锛屽ぇ绾 叓锏 叓锏 叓锏 叓锏 叓锏 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫 绫

鈥滆 Umbrella

Seok Jin-soo 钖 涓 涓 澶 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆

浠栧师 chain  涓哄 涓哄 涓哄 鏄綇瀹呭尯 纴 纴 纴 浠ユ渶澶 浠ユ渶澶 浠ユ渶澶 浠ユ渶澶 浠ユ渶澶 浠ユ渶澶 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸浜嗗昆涓︼阆撶殑闱 (3)Н銆


Lee Dae-gyu 绀 剰浠栫◢瀹夊嬁韬侊纴闂 剰浠栫◢瀹夊嬁韬侊纴闂 剰浠栫◢瀹夊嬁韬侊纴闂 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 滈偅杩欎簺鍦熷湴锛岄摱琛屾 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二€

镞(3) 劧鏄棶浠 锛岀粡鐞嗙珛椹憜鍑哄ジ鍟嗘湰鑹 锛岀粡鐞嗙珛椹憜鍑哄ジ鍟嗘湰鑹 €

鈥滃懙 碉纴 碉纴 碉纴 ㄤ簩浣崭篃鐭ラ 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 锛屾渶杩戦夯娴 湴鍖 湴鍖 湴鍖 湴鍖 湴鍖 湴鍖浣曟垜浠摱琛屾 浣曟垜浠摱琛屾 夊疄涓 夊疄涓 夊疄涓 夊疄涓 夊疄涓 纴钖 纴钖 纴钖 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃 垯镄勮瘽锛岃傗€


Seok Jin-soo 鐩存帴涓帴涓鎽嗘鎽嗘鎽嗘锛岄樆姝浠栫殑鑳浠栫殑鑳钖钖钖钖



鈥滆 鍧楀湡鍦 鍧楀湡鍦 鍧楀湡鍦 鍧楀湡鍦 纴鎴戜 缁椤嚭镄勪 缁椤嚭镄勪 缁椤嚭镄勪 镙 镙 浜 浜 浜 浜 簲鍗冧竾銆 簲鍗冧竾銆 簲鍗冧竾銆 簲鍗冧竾銆 簲鍗冧竾銆 簲鍗冧竾銆鈥


Seok Jin-soo 鍗婄偣 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅


浠栫幇鍦ㄨ 鎴烽噷鍙湁鍗佷嚎澶 鎴烽噷鍙湁鍗佷嚎澶 鎴烽噷鍙湁鍗佷嚎澶 竴浜涳纴鍗 竴浜涳纴鍗 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 嵆浣垮彲浠ヤ粠 璐 璐锷涗篃姣旇缉澶с€

姣旷珶鐪 墠杩椤潡鍦熷湴涔冩槸钀 墠杩椤潡鍦熷湴涔冩槸钀 悗镄勫皬鍖 悗镄勫皬鍖 纴鍏ㄦ槸涓 纴鍏ㄦ槸涓 浜涚牬镞 浜涚牬镞 浜涚牬镞 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆 殑鎴垮眿銆瑕佹帹 掗 掗 寤 纴杩欎篃鏄竴澶 纴杩欎篃鏄竴澶 纴杩欎篃鏄竴澶 镄勬敮鍑 镄勬敮鍑 镄勬敮鍑 镄勬敮鍑 €

浠ヤ粬镄勬敹鍏ユ 鍑嗭纴浠庨摱琛岃捶娆 鍑嗭纴浠庨摱琛岃捶娆 鍑嗭纴浠庨摱琛岃捶娆 鍑嗭纴浠庨摱琛岃捶娆 崄浜斾嚎鏄 崄浜斾嚎鏄 崄浜斾嚎鏄 夐棶棰樼殑銆 夐棶棰樼殑銆 彲瓒呰 彲瓒呰 彲瓒呰 彲瓒呰 彲瓒呰鍙樻垚宸ㄥぇ镄勮礋鎷呬 銆

Although artists are high-income people, because of the instability of income, banks are also very cautious when lending.

When he heard that Seok Jin-soo didn’t want to, the manager was a little anxious and immediately began lobbying.

“Mr. Shi, now in Seoul, I can’t find such a large area of ​​vacant land. After passing this village, there is no such store.”

Seok Jin-soo still has no loose mouth.

“First of all, it is not the city center, and the surrounding supporting facilities are not complete. Secondly, it is too close to the garbage mountain and the environmental pollution is also serious. This land is not of such high value.”

Although he does not understand business, basic common sense is still there.

As a residential land, it is quite unqualified here.

Otherwise, in such a large area of ​​Seoul, such a large area of ​​open space can not wait until he comes to inquiry.

What he said is also true. Even though the manager is so clever, he can’t change this fact.

However, the land cannot be sold, and the pressure on their banks is very high. It is also difficult to complete the tasks explained above.

After a few entanglements, the manager decided to give up some.

“I don’t know what the price of Mr. Shi’s psychological price is?”

This is bargaining.

Seok Jin-soo still shook his head.

“I’m sorry, manager. After the actual investigation, this is not my ideal goal. So… 2.4 billion, can’t be higher.”

Originally Seok Jin-soo was intended to refuse, why did it change?

Because when he was about to refuse, the sound of “squeaky” in his head, the sound of the appearance was rarely heard, and he was prompted with a word.


Seok Jin-soo doesn’t know why the sound will come out at this time?

When the gadget appeared in the past, it was basically when he was composing music or facing a film and television drama.

But seeing this word, Seok Jin-soo still can’t help ridicule.

“Buy your sister to buy, I have no money!”

This time the voice was very proud, from one word to six words.

“Let you buy, you buy.”

Well, since the voice is so persistent, Seok Jin-soo is also moving.

He knew that since the voice was stationed in his mind, he had provided him with tremendous benefits.

He can have the life of today, and the success of today, can not be separated from the help of the voice. In other words, the sound never hurts him.

Although the voice did not say why, but it is definitely not a bad thing.

So when it came to the end, he made a one hundred and eighty degree turn and started bargaining.

The manager is also a university graduate, and he has been in the community for so many years. Listening to the meaning of Seok Jin-soo, I thought that this business that was coming soon would be finished.

I didn’t expect to have such an abrupt turn, so I couldn’t hang the manager’s waist.

Looking at Seok Jin-soo, who suddenly changed his mouth, there are obviously five words in his eyes.

“Are you funny?”

Thank you for your love – 瓮, 钱坤方石, 牛魔王 generation’s reward!

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