╁ū涔嫔 ╁ū涔嫔 ╁ū涔嫔 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗

缁冧范瀹ょ殑姝d腑闂达纴Seok Jin-soo 鑳屾落岀珛銆

浠栦粖澶╃┛浜嗛粦鑹茬殑瑗胯锛岃缮 撶潃棰嗗甫锛岀湅璧 撶潃棰嗗甫锛岀湅璧 潵鍗佸垎镄勫▉涓ャ 潵鍗佸垎镄勫▉涓ャ

鐩村埌杩欎竴鍒埌杩欎竴鍒纴濂纴濂浠墠镒熷浠墠镒熷鍒鍒纴浠栦笉浠呬粎鏄偅涓镞ラ噷涓岖潃璋镞ラ噷涓岖潃璋 Oppa 锛岃缮鏄 Umbrella跺叕鍙哥殑璐熻矗浜轰箣涓


濂冲浠润勬倓鍦勬倓鍦蛋杩涙潵锛屽啀娆°C伃鏁湴琛岀ぜ闂€欎箣钖庯纴灏辫€佽€佸疄瀹炲湴绔欐垚涓€鎺掞纴绛夊緟镌€Fate 镄勫鍒ゃ€

Seok Jin-soo 鍐嶆鐪嬩 濂 濂 涓 涓 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪硷纴浠庡 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙 鐪嫔埌鍙


鍏 濂 濂 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 涓岖敱寰楁 镐 镐 镐 镐 镐 镐 镐鍦 粸鍦ㄤ竴璧 粸鍦ㄤ竴璧 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 忋

Seok Jin-soo 涓嶅幓绠★纴鎶婃垚缁╄〃鏀纴鎶婃垚缁╄〃鏀湪鐪湪鐪湪鐪墠锛屼竴鏉墠锛屼竴鏉竴鐪竴鐪

鈥 涓 浣嶏纴 浣嶏纴 浣嶏纴 Park In-jung 銆 敱锷焌 锛岃垶韫坅锛屽 锛岃垶韫坅锛屽 锛岃垶韫坅锛屽 锛岃垶韫坅锛屽 讳綋璇勫垎 讳綋璇勫垎 讳綋璇勫垎 讳綋璇勫垎 讳綋璇勫垎 讳綋璇勫垎

璇濋煶钀 湴锛孖 n-jung 闂潃鐪 潧涓岖敱寰楅昵鍑 潧涓岖敱寰楅昵鍑 潧涓岖敱寰楅昵鍑 涓 鍙 鍙 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 皵锛屽悓镞跺 鐑堢殑鍏


Seok Jin-soo 鍗翠笉浠呬粎鍙槸瀹h浜嗘垚缁╋纴杩樻湁旋村姞璇〉敖镄勫唴瀹瑰憿銆

鈥滃ソ镄勬楠闱(一)Ammonia 涓嶈浜嗭纴鎴愮哗涓婂 缁忔樉绀哄嚭鏉ヤ 銆 銆 笅闱 (2) 槸 岖偣锛屾槸浣犱粖钖庨渶瑕佹敼姝g殑鍦版楠銆傗€

In-jung 璧剁揣 撹捣绮 撹捣绮 锛屼笉鏁 (2) 湁涓濇镄勬 犳 犳 犳 犳

铏界劧鎷垮埌浜嗗嚭阆撶殑鎴愮哗锛屽嵈娌°C湁锅埌Argenium chain濂濂濂濂纴鏄纴鏄劧杩樻槸変笉瓒 Chongzhen

鈥滆垶韫堟楠闱纴锷ㄤ綔鍗佸垎镙囧嗳锛岃鏄庡熀纭€寰堢墷銆备笉瓒崇笉瓒Pot hydrogen 笉鍒 粠涓 岀粓锛涘 岀粓锛涘 岀粓锛涘 岀粓锛涘 岀粓锛涘 岀粓锛涘 浣撴 浣撴 闱纴澶 闱纴澶 吙閮ㄥ垎璧樿倝杩囧锛岄渶瑕佺 吙閮ㄥ垎璧樿倝杩囧锛岄渶瑕佺 吙閮ㄥ垎璧樿倝杩囧锛岄渶瑕佺 吙閮ㄥ垎璧樿倝杩囧锛岄渶瑕佺 傛暣浣 傛暣浣撶暐鏄 赴 赴 赴 赴 赴 赴 赴 赴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 瑕佸湪鍑忚 鏂 鏂

In-jung 璧剁揣 佸疄鍦 佸疄鍦 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 瑕佹嫾 瑕佹嫾 瑕佹嫾 瑕佹嫾 瑕佹嫾 瑕佹嫾

濂 瀛愪笉楂桡纴 瀛愪笉楂桡纴 瀛愪笉楂桡纴 瀛愪笉楂桡纴 瀛愪笉楂桡纴 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 锛屼絾灏 槸闀胯倝澶揩銆傛 拰 拰夛纴 夛纴 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 夋晥鏋滀笉濂 € €

璇村畲浜咺n-jung 锛屼笅涓€涓槸Bo-ram 銆


Bo-ram 涔熸槸鍑 涓 涓 鍙 鍙 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 皵锛岀煡阆撹嚜宸辫 鍏

鈥滃敱锷熸楠闱纴鎶€宸ф€т笉瓒 纴 纴 纴 瑕佸锷犵粌涔狅绂鑸炶箞鏂 瑕佸锷犵粌涔狅绂鑸炶箞鏂 瑕佸锷犵粌涔狅绂鑸炶箞鏂 瑕佸锷犵粌涔狅绂鑸炶箞鏂 瑕佸锷犵粌涔狅绂鑸炶箞鏂 锛屽姩浣滀笉鏄緢鏀 锛屽姩浣滀笉鏄緢鏀锛岄渶瑕佽繘琛屽 鐞呜皟 c c c 綘鍦ㄨ 綘鍦ㄨ 綘鍦ㄨ 欙纴镐 欙纴镐 欙纴镐 欙纴镐 欙纴镐 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯緢镊 镄勬劅 镄勬劅 夛纴杩椤繀椤 夛纴杩椤繀椤 夛纴杩椤繀椤 鏀 鏀 锛涘 浣撴 浣撴 浣撴 浣撴 浣撴 闱纴鍑忚 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦 锛岃吙閮ㄥお鐦鸿韩楂桦拰鑴哥殑鍏崇郴锛屾湁涓 绉嶈怅銮夌殑镒熻銆 絾涓嶈兘杩囩槮锛屽惁鍒欎 絾涓嶈兘杩囩槮锛屽惁鍒欎 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 缑骞 灟銆 灟銆 灟銆存 sa 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 浣搒 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

Bo-ram 涔熶笉鏁(二)€犳参锛岀敤蹇冭涓嬨€

鈥淓un-jung 锛屽敱锷焌锛岃垶韫坅锛屽船浣揷锛屾€讳綋璇勫垎b銆傗€

Seok Jin-soo 銆

鈥沧棭灏辫窡浣犺杩囷纴瑕佸湪褰綋鏂 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 锛屽彲鏄綘镄勮吙閮ㄨ缮鏄樉寰楃矖澹纴浣犳槸鍑嗗韪(二)鐗涘悧锛熻浣忎简锛屾櫘鎷夋彁璇剧涓嶈兘鏂涓嶈兘鏂涓嶈兘鏂简銆效嚭阆扑箣鍓嶏纴韬潗镄勬瘮渚嬭鍗忚皟璧锋潵銆傗€

Eun-jung 缇炴劎鍦 绠涓嫔ご锛岀溂娉湪鐪 绠涓嫔ご锛岀溂娉湪鐪 绠涓嫔ご锛岀溂娉湪鐪 绠涓嫔ご锛岀溂娉湪鐪 湺 湺 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

濂圭殑楠ㄦ灦寰埚ぇ锛屾墍浠ユ暣浣撶湅璧锋潵鍗佸垎镄勭矖澹€傝€屼笖锲犱负浠庡皬缁冧范璺嗘妩阆撶殑鍏Chongzhen inlaid 変篃寰堟槑鏄

杩椤 鎴愪 鎴愪 浜嗗伓 浜嗗伓   Seok Jin-soo 垽銆 垽銆 

鐜 湪 湪 槸涓嬩 槸涓嬩 涓ヤ 涓ヤ 涓ヤ 涓ヤ 锛屽ス涔熺煡阆揿繀椤 锛屽ス涔熺煡阆揿繀椤 锛屽ス涔熺煡阆揿繀椤 懡 懡 懡 懡

鈥沦un-young 锛屽敱锷焍锛岃垶韫坅锛屽船浣揳+锛屾€讳綋璇勫垎a銆傗€

钖埌Sun-young 镄勫 浣揿眳鐒 浣揿眳鐒 槸 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 锛屽叾浠栫殑濂 浠 浠 浠 浠

韬 濂 濂 瓙 瓙 跺儚锛屼竴涓︼ 跺儚锛屼竴涓︼ 跺儚锛屼竴涓︼ 鏉愮殑瑕佹眰閮 鏉愮殑瑕佹眰閮 鏉愮殑瑕佹眰閮 揩鎶婂ぇ瀹 揩鎶婂ぇ瀹 揩鎶婂ぇ瀹 揩鎶婂ぇ瀹

浣哠eok Jin-soo 镄勮瘎鍒や緷镞у緢鍐烽叿銆

鈥滀綘镄勯棶棰樻槸涓嶈嚜淇★纴镐画槸瑕佸睍鐜槸瑕佸睍鐜嚜宸卞姫锷涚殑镙峰瓙锛岀粨鏋滆〃婕斿嚭鏉ョ殑涓滆タ寰堣搴 搴] 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 箣鍓嶅 鍜屼綘璇 鍜屼綘璇 锛屾姏寮冭 锛屾姏寮冭 锛屾姏寮冭 锛屾姏寮冭 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 塮 塮 塮 塮 塮 銆傛帴涓嬫潵镄勪笁涓湀锛岃 銆傛帴涓嬫潵镄勪笁涓湀锛岃綘纾ㄧ粌镄勯吨镣广傗€

Sun-young 浠 涔堥兘濂 涔堥兘濂 涔堥兘濂 纴灏 槸鍙兘浠ュ墠娌 槸鍙兘浠ュ墠娌 ° ° 槸鍙兘浠ュ墠娌 ° 湁浠巜 der der der der der der der der der der der der der der

鍦ㄨ〃婕 殑镞跺 欙纴涓岖粡镒忛棿镐 欙纴涓岖粡镒忛棿镐 欙纴涓岖粡镒忛棿镐 欙纴涓岖粡镒忛棿镐 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 槸鎯 璇佹槑镊 璇佹槑镊 澶 澶 澶

缁撴灉琛ㄦ紨鍑 潵镄勪笢瑗匡纴缁欎 潵镄勪笢瑗匡纴缁欎 镄勬劅 镄勬劅 夊 鏄壄鎹忎綔镐侊纴娌 ° ° ° ° 湁娓 垉 垉 変 変 € € € € € € €

杩椤凡缁忔槸Seok Jin-soo 涓岖煡阆撶鍑犳璺熷ス鎻愬埌杩欎 闂浜嗭纴璁 闂浜嗭纴璁logun-young 涔熷绩绁炵揣缁凤纴涓嶆暍镐犳 銆

鈥浙i-yeon 锛屽敱锷焍锛岃垶韫坅+锛屽船浣揵锛屾€讳綋璇勫垎a銆傗€

Ji-yeon 绔嬮┈绗戜 锛岀嫮闀 锛岀嫮闀 锛岀嫮闀 殑鐪 殑鐪 嚎銆 嚎銆 嚎銆 嚎銆

鈥沧棦鐒跺敱涓崭 楂橀煶锛岄偅涔埚湪浣庨煶棰嗗 楂橀煶锛岄偅涔埚湪浣庨煶棰嗗 楂橀煶锛岄偅涔埚湪浣庨煶棰嗗 瑕佸锷犵 缁冦 缁冦 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效樉锛屼絾杩橀渶锷姏銆傛帴涓嬫潵镄勯吨镣镣槸镊閮ㄨ閮ㄨ閮ㄨ拰拰拰嬭哕镄勮嬭哕镄勮纴鍏ㄩ兘瑕佺槮涓嬫潵銆傝劯閮ㄧ殑濠村effective setting ヤ篃鏄棶棰桡纴澶 ヤ篃鏄棶棰桡纴澶 悜 悜 sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa 悜 悜 悜

涓 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 鑳 鑳 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴 嚭褰╋纴

鍒殑鍏徃娌°C湁镄勫船浣搒eonsaeng-nim 銆佺憸浼絪eonsaeng-nim 銆佽繍锷╯eonsaeng-nim 绛夌瓑锛岃 屼竴搴斾 屼竴搴斾 屼竴搴斾 屼竴搴斾 屼竴搴斾

All five people have passed, and Ji-hyun is left, so she can’t help but get to the extreme.

It stands to reason that she is the second-largest girl among the girls, no matter how the row should not be the last one.

Could it be that……

Thinking of a possibility, Ji-hyun can hardly control the tears.

Fortunately, she is not a girl who likes to cry, and there are few tears. Even if she is going crazy, she is about to suffocate, but she can still stand it.

Just as she was tangled, Seok Jin-soo finally said her.

“Lee Ji-hyun, singing c, dance b, form a, overall rating…”

The damn Seok Jin-soo, panting at the crucial moment, made Ji-hyun almost bite the silver teeth, and wanted to crush him too.

“Overall rating b.”

Fortunately, Seok Jin-soo didn’t have the poison to the extreme, and he took a breather, but it still broke the score.

Ji-hyun is like this. When all the pressure goes, the whole person has no strength. A glimpse of the body, the mind is dizzy.

Fortunately, Eun-jung and In-jung were next to each other, and helped her with one left and one right. But she saw her tears crystal clear, the first time I saw her crying.

Compared with others, Ji-hyun knows that he has no advantage at all.

In addition to the beauty that everyone praises, there is no singing, no dance, no dance, only hard work. Can you debut, but you still have to look at God.

Finally, Huang Tian pays off, and b’s score is not high, but debut is enough.

For a time, the six girls gathered in a circle, crying and laughing, enjoying the hard-won happiness.

Six of them, in the past few months, spurred each other, spurred each other, sprinkled sweat and tears, and finally harvested the sweetest fruits.

Now that the door to debut has been opened, they will also welcome the flowers that belong to them.

“Children, congratulations, all of them have passed. But the debut is happy, but it is just the beginning of your life. Mi-rae will have more hardships, more pain, more hardship waiting for you. So don’t relax even if you debut, you can afford to pay for it now.”

As the president of the company, Yoon Jong-shin gave the final encouragement on behalf of all the judges and then left.

Seok Jin-soo didn’t leave, still waiting for the girls to come over.

This selection is only the beginning. Since they have all passed, then the next is the fast lane of debut.

But he did not bother, just stood still.

On the contrary, because of the departure of Yoon Jong-shin and others, the girls were completely released. For a time, the ghosts in the practice room were crying and screaming.

They are really tired during this time, and they should vent their anger.

The girls rushed for an hour before they finally returned to normal.

“Hey, Oppa, are we doing a good job?”

In-jung began to be gay with the girls.

Seok Jin-soo still looked down at the plan, but the words didn’t have much temperature.

“It’s just qualified, and the distance is far worse.”

Seeing that he was not sure about the efforts of others, the girls raised their mouths.

Seok Jin-soo is very busy, really don’t have the heart to worry about their feelings.

“Okay, now quiet, I convey something more important.”

This is very useful, the girls really did not dare to make trouble, and they resumed standing in a row.

Seok Jin-soo first reported an important and invaluable situation for girls.

“First of all, your portfolio name has been fixed, called t-ara.”

Speaking of this, Seok Jin-soo laughs very warmly.

From the information provided by the sound, he knows the experience that t-ara has had and was touched by the persistence of these girls. Even more, in the opposite of the ocean, there is a group of sleepy deaths for girls.

With such a meaningful name, he did not make sense to change.

What really needs to change is their bad luck. From now on, they are guarded by him.


The girls learned about their name and they tasted it.

“Yes, it is the deformation of Tiara, the meaning of the crown. It means that in the future you will become the queen of the singing world.”

When the detailed explanation of Seok Jin-soo was heard, the girls’ expressions all shone.

I really can’t think of it, the company actually valued it so much.

Is there any reason not to like it?

Is there any reason not to work hard?

Let the girls be happy for a while, Seok Jin-soo clap again.

“Okay, t-ara’s children, Me Gustas Tu… Going out!”

The girls were also infected by his pride, shouting together: “Go!”

Seok Jin-soo began to lay out the task.

“From today, in the next four months, what you need to do is to create the image, practice the debut, and master the necessary courses in the entertainment industry. Singing lessons and dance lessons can not be thrown, acting. The class company also invited you to the famous acting seonsaeng-nim. In addition, I will come to teach in acting class and art class. Although the four months are very long, but the blink of an eye is over, so you have to work harder than ever.”

Although they have to work harder, the girls are so powerful that they are not afraid at all.

After all, I have already decided to be a debut, to become an artist, and to let them do nothing to fear.

“Oppa, since you want to practice the debut song, where is the song?”

Eun-jung adorably asked, is Seok Jin-soo too anxious?

In this regard, Seok Jin-soo smiled and walked to the player on the side, and inserted the USB flash drive on it.

Soon, the soft, fresh melody of a piano played, as if the fragrance of the girl was in the air.

After a few turns, it seems that the beautiful girl has walked from the flowers to the grass, and the heavens and the earth are suddenly bright, and the beat of the music is also agile.

What makes the girls even more gratified is that the lyrics are so refreshing.

Facing your heart

Me Gustas Tu

Praying and dreaming

Me Gustas Tu

In the rays of the wind

Communicate my heart to you

Bring together the missing hearts

I like you

Sututuru likes you


like you……

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