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铏 劧 劧 夊悇绉嶆 夊悇绉嶆 绗 绗 绗 绗 埌浜嗕綔鐢纴镊 埌浜嗕綔鐢纴镊 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 皯璁╁ぇ瀹 锛岃繛姗囦竴椤 锛岃繛姗囦竴椤繍锷ㄣ€


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鈥渊啊!! 杩椤浗姘憁c瑕佸彉鎴愪筜娲瞒c鍟娿€傗€

鐪嬬潃Team Leader Yoo 镄勪汉姘旓纴Seok Jin-soo 鐪熸槸缇°C厱姝讳 銆

涔熶笉鐭ラ 浠 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 栾嚜宸辫兘 栾嚜宸辫兘 栾嚜宸辫兘 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴鍒 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴鍒 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴鍒 埌杩欎竴姝ワ纴鍒 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

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鈥渊啊!! 鎴戜滑鐪熸槸鏉ュ弬锷犻€夋嫈璧涚殑钖楋纻鈥

Yoo Jae-seok 杩樻槸 夊缑 夊缑 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 庝箞涔熸兂涓嶅埌镊 绛変 绛変 绛変 € € € € €

杩欐椂鎴垮瓙阅岄岄链変汉杩庝简鍑烘潵锛孞eong Jun-ha 涓€鐪硬鍑恒


娌¢敊锛屾鏄笉涔呭墠 嶅 嶅 锷╄ 锷╄ 锷╄ 澶 澶 镄勮 镄勮 浠佽 浠佽 浠佽 浠佽


钖屾椂锲 阒熺殑杩愬姩 阒熺殑杩愬姩 树 涔熷嚭鏉ヤ 涔熷嚭鏉ヤ 涔熷嚭鏉ヤ 锛屽湪闂ㄥ彛钖戝ぇ瀹 锛屽湪闂ㄥ彛钖戝ぇ瀹 锛屽湪闂ㄥ彛钖戝ぇ瀹 锛屽湪闂ㄥ彛钖戝ぇ瀹 锛屽湪闂ㄥ彛钖戝ぇ瀹 尌 尌

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Jeong Hyeong-don 鐪 姏浠 姏浠 緢蹇纴鎸囩潃杩 緢蹇纴鎸囩潃杩 緢蹇纴鎸囩潃杩 緢蹇纴鎸囩潃杩 緢蹇纴鎸囩潃杩 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫嫔悧锛熲€

寰楀埌 畾镄勫洖绛斿悗锛屽ぇ瀹 畾镄勫洖绛斿悗锛屽ぇ瀹 篃涓ヨ 篃涓ヨ 篃涓ヨ 篃涓ヨ 浜呜澶氥

鎭 ソ姝ゆ椂杩愬姩 ソ姝ゆ椂杩愬姩 树 树 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧

Jeong Hyeong-don 闂 锛 锛 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠 滀綘浠


Seok Jin-soo 杩呴 熼 熼 熼 熼 沧 沧 沧 庝箞锛熸垜浠殑鍒 锛熸帴鍙桭 锛熸帴鍙桭 锛熸帴鍙桭 锛熸帴鍙桭 锛熸帴鍙桭 镄勫鍒ゅ惂锛屼复阒电(鏋槸娌$敤镄勩€傗€

涓 缇よ繍锷ㄥ憳瀵 缇よ繍锷ㄥ憳瀵 缇よ繍锷ㄥ憳瀵 粬鐩茬洰镄勮嚜 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ 纴鍙ソ鎶ヤ

Seok Jin-soo 渚濇棫鍦ㄥ彨锸风潃銆

鈥 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 钖э纻鐪嫔埌浜嗗惂锛熶粬浠槑鏄 钖э纻鐪嫔埌浜嗗惂锛熶粬浠槑鏄 钖э纻鐪嫔埌浜嗗惂锛熶粬浠槑鏄 曚 湰镄勫璇濋兘涓嶆暍銆俬 湰镄勫璇濋兘涓嶆暍銆俬 湰镄勫璇濋兘涓嶆暍銆俬 湰镄勫璇濋兘涓嶆暍銆俬 湰镄勫璇濋兘涓嶆暍銆俬 锛屾垜浠缁忓湪姘斿娍涓婇鍏堜简鍟娿€傗€


鍙ソ鍢诲樆Haha 镄勮浣沧病钖锛屽彲涓笉璧烽偅浜哄晩銆

潵澶 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 鍙槸锲 鍙槸锲 鍙槸锲 佸埌浜嗗浗瀹堕槦镄勬 佸埌浜嗗浗瀹堕槦镄勬 暀缁冨鍏夎 暀缁冨鍏夎 暀缁冨鍏夎 暀缁冨鍏夎 岖煡 岖煡 岖煡阆掳纴浠栦 涔熻璺熺潃铡 涔熻璺熺潃铡

濂 浼欙纴杩炲崃楗兘娌 悆锛屼篃娌 悆锛屼篃娌 °C湁浠讳綍镄勪紤鎭椂闂达纴澶   夎崏鍦 妸琛屾潕鏀 妸琛屾潕鏀 妸琛屾潕鏀 妸琛屾潕鏀 妸琛屾潕鏀纴灏卞紑濮嬩 鏉ュ埌镞ユ湰钖庣殑绗竴娆¤缁冦

Outside the sleigh race, everyone got the brand of the national team’s alternate candidate, all excited.

“We are players.”

“We want to be a true country representative.”

“Let those kids go home and cry, only we can represent the national team!”

How loud is the shouting, when you see the real national team training, everyone is dumbfounded.

Still walking on the road, I heard the lightning-fast sound swiftly passing by.

Everyone did not react, and a sled was already on the next stage of the track.

“Wow, this is too fast?”

Unfortunately, I was not prepared, so we did not see it.

“Would you like to see it on the bridge over there?”

In front of everyone, there is a bridge across the track. Standing on top, you can see more clearly.

“Run up, run up!”

In order to really see what the sled is like, everyone rushed to the bridge at the fastest speed.

Everyone just stood firm on the bridge and there was a roar in the track.

Then, almost everyone’s blink of an eye, a white lightning flashed under the bridge with lightning speed.

When everyone turned to look at the other side, the shadow had disappeared in the corner.

Still a one-person sled that is much slower than a sled…

At this moment, in the snow and ice, the big guys all open their mouths, leaving only the exclamation to fly in the air.

“I didn’t see it, I didn’t see anything.”

“This is a bullet, bullet!”

“What to do, what to do? How can it be so fast?”

“It’s finished with a loose hand!”

Seok Jin-soo felt his legs a bit soft and quickly grabbed the Yoo Jae-seok on the side and carefully proposed it.

“Brother, now, no one notices. Let’s run, now it’s time to go back.”

Looking at his panicked look, Yoo Jae-seok, who was scared to death, laughed directly.

“Haha, maknae is going to cry.”

Seok Jin-soo almost scared the urine.

“I don’t want to die, what is this? In the end, which madman invented the gadget? Can people live well?”

It is rare to see the virtues of maknae gibberish, the big guy is finally a lot easier in his roar.

Unfortunately, there was no opportunity for everyone to repent, and training began immediately.

Fortunately, the training is not on the real track, the fixed rails are used, and the speed is much slower.

First, everyone practiced a single trip on the train. Except for Park Myeong-su, because of the weak footsteps, he was able to see and go straight, and everyone else was hanging over and over again.

But then the most difficult team to cooperate with, the time to test everyone is here.

The first time the train was on the train, Yoo Jae-seok’s calf was injured on the irons. Then Park Myeong-su did not finish the ride, completely let everyone experience the difficulty.

From here on, the official sled training began.

At the beginning, everyone was not optimistic, just holding the mentality of trying and not doing.

But now, in the snow fluttering in the sky, everyone will soon compete with the national representative.

Because this is an overseas trip, there is not much time to waste for everyone.

This day is a variety of training and testing.

When I returned to the dormitory in the evening, everyone was tired and had no strength.

No one found out that when I didn’t know when to start, Seok Jin-soo’s words were less.

It was not until the room was entered that everyone was busy with their own sorting, and Seok Jin-soo quietly returned to a room.

It’s just that his movements are hidden, but they are still seen by Yoo Jae-seok.

Quietly following, Yoo Jae-seok opened the door and saw that Seok Jin-soo had taken off his pants and was groaning his left leg in pain.

Yoo Jae-seok is just in my eyes, Seok Jin-soo’s left leg is below the knee, I don’t know when it has broken the skin, even if I can see a large piece of blood through the warm pants.

“Maknae, why don’t you say that you are injured?”

Yoo Jae-seok was shocked and hurryed in.

Seok Jin-soo is struggling with the underwear that has been stuck with the skin, seeing Yoo Jae-seok, a bitter smile.

“Everyone is so tired, time is very tight, how can I handle the work?”

Under the help of Yoo Jae-seok, the underwear was finally taken off. After a long time, the broken place on the leg was blurred, and even the wound could not be seen.

Looking at the way Seok Jin-soo grinned, Yoo Jae-seok’s tears fell and he fell.

“Maknae, you have worked hard. You are the youngest, but you bear the most.”

Seok Jin-soo silently disinfected with alcohol and tried to keep himself calm.

“Hey, brother, what are you talking about? Are there people who are more tired than you? Every time we record overseas specials, it is not very hard. Everyone works hard to get past.”

Yoo Jae-seok is even more sobbing, and is very sad for not guarding his brother.

This is the “Infinite Challenge”, which is the long-term special feature of “Infinite Challenge”.

The audience just watched the blood or the tears, and they gave up applause.

However, as one of the witnesses, they have to bear the blood and tears that the audience cannot see.

Just like the current Seok Jin-soo, I have been injured, and I have no consciousness on one leg, but I dare not talk to anyone.

It is not so much that you don’t want to show your own pain, but more than the concern of others.

Because that would delay the time, it would make the original less funds less useful, and ultimately affect the shooting effect.

Even so, because of the lack of funds, six people had only four beds, and the remaining two had to sleep on the ground.

Yoo Jae-seok wanted to give his bed to Seok Jin-soo, but he was pressed to the bed.

He is maknae, although he was injured, but his brothers are actually more exhausted because they are older.

If you still have a bad break, this special feature will definitely fail.

Looking at Seok Jin-soo different from the past, more mature and steady, Yoo Jae-seok hiding from everyone’s eyes secretly made up his mind.

Everyone like this must lead them all the time.

The next day was the memory track. For the first time, everyone experienced the real sledding.

Under the speed of a hundred-fold horror of the roller coaster, I completely forgot about life and death, leaving only the last fight.

In this day’s practice, Jeong Jun-ha and Jeong Hyeong-don were also injured. Jeong Hyeong-don was so serious that he could not continue practicing, so he had to stand on the side to cheer for everyone.

Even so, it has already reached this point, but everyone has not retreated.

The final destination is in front and there is no reason to stop before the final step.

Even if you are hurt, even if it is bleeding, even if it is very painful, even if it is even more dangerous, at this moment, you must bravely and fearlessly go on.

At the last minute of the Forsythia Special Edition, Seok Jin-soo, who was in charge of the brakes, looked at Yoo Jae-seok and Park Myeong-su, who were going to start together. They shouted with all their strength: “Don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate, the last thing is all Give it to me, set off!”

The 1300 meter track carries the conviction of everyone, like the Mi-rae of Infinite Challenge, bravely and fearlessly rushing forward, only for self-transcendence.

When Seok Jin-soo was at the end of the final, bearing the impact of 3g, the moment of desperately pulling down the brakes, the cold snow could not stop the tears of no hot people! !

Thank you jiyeon2 constant, runningchao, squinting, wind, world, there is a North melon, a lonely wind, krezreal, Korean entertainment ashes, I go to Shushan, Lin Lianhao, betald, eyes nose mouth, roney2013, the ball parents , otaku waiting for the book, Jintai X’s fruit, tzzy369, fire crow worship, 喵喵仙人, very 痞iiikry, God of War opened the game!

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