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缁椤コ瀛╀ 鍒跺畾浜呜鍒掞纴 鍒跺畾浜呜鍒掞纴 Seok Jin-soo 鍙堟 鍒 鍒 Le Lee Dae-gyu 銆

鈥沧棦鐒跺ス浠埌浜嗗嗳澶囧嚭阆撶殑阒舵锛岀浉搴旗殑manager 銆佸姪鐞嗕篃瑕佸紑濮嬮历愪 愪 銆傝缮 chain dust angerial van 銆佺Edited by 櫌浠 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄥ 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄥ 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄥ 涔堢殑锛岀幇鍦ㄥ 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 叆璁 叆璁 叆璁 叆璁 傗 傗

Lee Dae-gyu 閮 鍦ㄥ 鍦ㄥ 岋纴鍙堟兂鍒 岋纴鍙堟兂鍒 岋纴鍙堟兂鍒 岋纴鍙堟兂鍒 岋纴鍙堟兂鍒 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 涔堬纴闂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂 滈偅濂鐞嗕竴涓嬶纻鈥

Seok Jin-soo 鐞(3)(浜嗕竴涓嬶纴钖〉喅浜嗕粬镄勬彁璁€

鈥沧殏镞 笉鐢纴濂 笉鐢纴濂 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 鐩墠镄勫鑸嶅 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 銆傛湁镄勭粍钖埚垰鍑 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 涓や 闂 闂 闂 闂 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆湅濂 镄勬垚缁╀ 镄勬垚缁╀ 镄勬垚缁╀ 镄勬垚缁╀ 銆傗

铏 劧鍏 腑 腑 腑 弸锛屼絾 弸锛屼絾 弸锛屼絾 弸锛屼絾 Seok Jin-soo 姣旷珶鏄紒涓氱殑缁忚惀 咃纴杩樻槸瑕佽 冭槛鍏徃镄勫 冭槛鍏徃镄勫埄鐩婄殑銆

涓 杩椤叚涓コ瀛╋纴鍏徃宸茬粡鍏埚悗鎶曞叆浜嗗ぇ 杩椤叚涓コ瀛╋纴鍏徃宸茬粡鍏埚悗鎶曞叆浜嗗ぇ 杩椤叚涓コ瀛╋纴鍏徃宸茬粡鍏埚悗鎶曞叆浜嗗ぇ 忕殑璧勬簮銆


姣旷珶鍏徃灏 槸鍏徃锛屾敹锲炴垚 槸鍏徃锛屾敹锲炴垚 拰瀹炵幇鐩埚埄 拰瀹炵幇鐩埚埄 拰瀹炵幇鐩埚埄

Seok Jin-soo 涔熸湁涓€瀹氱殑绉佸瀹氱殑绉佸锛岄偅灏锛岄偅灏锛岄偅灏槸槸屾湜阃氲屾湜阃氲杩欐牱镄勬寮忥纴濂寮忥纴濂寮忥纴濂ゅ悎钖岀殑镞跺 欑粰浜堟洿浼樻儬镄勬浔浠 欑粰浜堟洿浼樻儬镄勬浔浠 欑粰浜堟洿浼樻儬镄勬浔浠 欑粰浜堟洿浼樻儬镄勬浔浠

涓 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鏅 鏅 鏅 鏅 oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul oul

Seok Jin-soo 鍧愬湪绐楀墠锛屼竴杈玫瑰灏濈潃楦”灏濈潃楦熬閰掞纴涓杈杈

铏界劧璇翠鎴掗 鎴掗 锛屼絾鏄疞 ee Dae-gyu 杩椤浼椤眳鐒跺伔 钘忎 钘忎 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 Seok Jin-soo 鐪嫔埌涔嫔悗锛岄偅宀傝兘瀹(二)皵浜嗭纴褰撶劧鏄厛锽濅负鏁€

镊 簬 簬 Lee Dae-gyu 骞 ㄧ殑鐪 ㄧ殑鐪 ㄧ殑鐪 锛孲 锛孲 eok Jin-soo 杩欎箞铡氲劯镄殑浜哄綋鐒 槸瑁呬綔鐪嬩笉 槸瑁呬綔鐪嬩笉 佷 佷 佷 銆

鍙嶆閰掔摱瀛愬凡缁忚 揿紑浜嗭纴 揿紑浜嗭纴 Lee Dae-gyu 涓囧垎镞犲锛岃嚜宸 篃鎷 篃鎷 篃鎷 掍笂锛岀劧钖庢 掍笂锛岀劧钖庢Looking for eok Jin-soo 镄勬梺杈广€

鈥沧垜璇翠綘杩椤浼欙纴镞 (3) 劧杩欎箞闂诧纴骞 槢涓嶅幓浣犲コ浜 槢涓嶅幓浣犲コ浜 偅 偅 岋纴鍒 垜杩椤 垜杩椤 垜杩椤 绁 绁 涔堬纻 涔堬纻鈥

Seok Jin-soo 鍜у挧鍢达纴涓纴涓鑴鑴殑鎯嗘€呫€

“Hey, people have to retreat and practice, and they will take the exam three months later. Now their practice room has been banned for me.”

Although it is a director of the company, Seok Jin-soo still respects personal privacy.

The practice room is the site of In-jung et al. It doesn’t matter if you go in and out. But now that people have made demands, he will not go well.

Besides, Seok Jin-soo doesn’t want to distracting In-jung because of his interruptions, and he can’t prepare for the exam after two weeks.

So since nothing is done, Lee Dae-gyu is a good pastime.

Hearing his statement, Lee Dae-gyu was very despised.

“Cut, pretend. I said what are you doing? The speed at which you are making money now, is not to feed In-jung, but also let her debut? You don’t know how much chaos in this circle, she is a girl. It’s very hard. Just tell her, you two settled in peace.”

Seok Jin-soo gave him a sigh of relief.

“Brother, In-jung is an ideal person, not a salted fish.”

Lee Dae-gyu stretched out and exhausted: “Can you be a happy salted fish, what’s wrong? It’s better than we are tired and tired.”

Looking at his bear, Seok Jin-soo smiled at once.

“Remember that when we first came to Seoul, the poor clinking, I dreamed of owning an own entertainment company and feeling the pleasure of being the president. Although you are the deputy president now, there is no difference between the power and the president. Is it still not happy?”

Lee Dae-gyu is screaming at the sore brain.

“Hey, I didn’t know what it was like to be a president. I looked at the postures of the big presidents and the front-shoulders. I thought it was beautiful. I realized that when I really became a good person, good guys are really terrible. The work of those presidents, the ministers, the directors, the chiefs, one can drink more than one, one can play more than one, and you can’t do it with one. You three are good, all are pickpockets, these Everything in communication is done by me.”

Pat his shoulders for comfort, Seok Jin-soo asked: “That brother, when you return to 2005, are you willing?”

Lee Dae-gyu didn’t hesitate for a moment.

“Crap, of course, not willing. Although tired now, but life is good. The beautiful house lives, the luxury car is open, wherever it is respected, no longer a punk that is called to drink, Who doesn’t want to live like this?”

Seok Jin-soo fell backwards, with only thicker snowflakes in his eyes.

“What is said is that people always want to live in progress. Remember that before, there were 10,000 pieces in their pockets, and they couldn’t sleep with excitement. But now, millions of flowers go out without feeling bad.”

Lee Dae-gyu remembered one thing when he heard him mention the money.

“Right, I got the accounts of this year from the Finance Department yesterday. Good guy, you are the head of our company.”

“Go and go, there is no ivory in the dog’s mouth. What kind of card, I am the lady in the red light district?”

Seok Jin-soo’s angry martyrdom is very dissatisfied with this guy’s metaphor.

Lee Dae-gyu smiled and was in a good mood and did not argue.

“The top three incomes of our company are you, Jong-shin brother and Hyeong-seok brother. But Hyeong-seok brother only has music copyright, the source is too single. Jong-shin brother is doing several programs, but The income from music works is very small. Only you guys, it’s all blossoming, five times more than the sum of them.”

Seok Jin-soo asked with enthusiasm: “How much can I get?”

Lee Dae-gyu calculated it for a moment, and definitely said: “You should be able to get 2.5 billion this year.”

Seok Jin-soo was shocked.

“so much?”

Lee Dae-gyu shook his head and gave him a detailed account.

“You starred in three programs, this is a generous income. In addition, some of your songs are very good, and the production fee plus copyright income is more than all the producers. The most important thing is that you The two TV series written, overseas copyrights are sold out. TV Station is also very generous, giving a lot of commissions.”

Last year, “Wife’s Fate” was broadcast, which not only gave Kim Tae-hee the title of acting award, but also made a big fire.

Therefore, the overseas media saw the influence of the play, and they all generously donated the sbs pockets, and also let Seok Jin-soo drink some soup.

As for “You’re My Destiny”, although it has not been broadcast. However, because of the popularity of Girl’s Generation overseas, it has attracted a lot of attention, so the sales of copyright is also very satisfactory.

In any case, with the income of the two TV series, Seok Jin-soo earned a lot of money this year.

At the same time, Seok Jin-soo curiously asked: “Brother, how much income do you have?”

When Lee Dae-gyu was his manager, the agreement between the two was divided into five five.

Later, the two joined myMystic89, and the previous agreement naturally failed.

Seok Jin-soo and the company are divided into proportions, and Lee Dae-gyu naturally has another source of income.

When I heard Seok Jin-soo ask, Lee Dae-gyu smiled.

“Haha, trusting your blessing, income is OK.”

In his own virtues, Seok Jin-soo knows that this guy’s income this year will definitely not be less than one billion, or else he will not stink into that virtue.

Three years ago, the brothers also tangled in a bowl of seafood.

Nowadays, you can sit in a large and spacious office and watch the world busy, taste the most high-end red wine.

I have to say that the opportunity of life is really embarrassing.

Seok Jin-soo drank the wine and asked, “Make so much money, what are you going to do?”

Lee Dae-gyu thought about it and finally said it.

“I plan to move out, so you are more convenient.”

Now they are still living together in a house of more than 70 square meters in Yeouido.

If you are an ordinary person, living in such a big house is enough.

But now these two people are the president of the entertainment company, one is a hot artist, but also squeezed in such a small space, it is uncomfortable.

Not to mention anything else, Seok Jin-soo is an artist, but his own things are more than a few.

The total need for a cloakroom, or hundreds of clothes will be scattered everywhere, and will be sorted out when needed.

Can be a two-bedroom, one-bedroom house, one person and one bedroom, do not think about the cloakroom.

So after considering it for a long time, I saved enough money, and Lee Dae-gyu planned to move out.

Seok Jin-soo, I didn’t think that Lee Dae-gyu actually thought so. For a time, I couldn’t help but feel excited, but my lips were shaking but I couldn’t say a word.

It is Lee Dae-gyu who is very calm.

“I know that I am moving a bit late, but I am not financially enough. Now, I will create an independent living space for you.”

Seok Jin-soo finally slowed down.

“Brother, how do you know that I have to say this?”

Lee Dae-gyu sneered at it.

“Cut, grow up together, you don’t even think about what you think. Can you expect this guy to stay? It’s better to expect ivory in your mouth.”

Although it was smashed, Seok Jin-soo was really happy.

“Yah!! You guys are finally willing to move away. I wanted to talk to you six months ago, just to see if you want to be homeless.”

Lee Dae-gyu is even more insightful.

“When you and In-jung determined the relationship? Cut, I often don’t go back, I didn’t bother your two worlds.”

Seok Jin-soo This resentment.

“I don’t always worry about when you will come back. You guys, since you are so kind, call in advance and say nothing.”

Lee Dae-gyu is not allowed.

“You guys are so poorly understood, can you blame me?”

Knowing that the quarrel had no results, Seok Jin-soo let him go.

“How do you plan to move out? Do you want to buy a house?”

Lee Dae-gyu has long planned.

“No, I plan to rent it all. If I buy it, a good house will not work. I almost bought it.”

The two are too familiar, Lee Dae-gyu has about a few assets, and Seok Jin-soo still has a lot of thoughts.

Knowing the financial resources of Lee Dae-gyu, it is still difficult to buy a house in Seoul.

After all, people like them don’t just buy a house and live. To match the identity, at least five billion.

However, compared to Lee Dae-gyu, Seok Jin-soo is enough.

“I am also planning to move away. The house in Yeouido is too small to do anything.”

Lee Dae-gyu asked: “Are you going to buy it?”

Seok Jin-soo nodded.

“Yes. I will go to the bank tomorrow to see how much I can borrow. If I can, I plan to get it all at once.”

Lee Dae-gyu was amazed.

“Yah!! You guy is really poisonous. Don’t you plan to invest in real estate? Seoul’s house price is so expensive, as long as you get it right, you can return it in one go.”

Seok Jin-soo shook his head and had his own ideas.

“I just want to have a home. There is really no concept about investment, or forget it.”

Lee Dae-gyu knows a lot about his brother and he doesn’t persuade him.

“Also, depending on your ability to work, you don’t need to worry about anything else. Estimate that loan, you can pay off in two years.”

Indeed, Seok Jin-soo has now established itself in the fields of art, film and music.

As long as good works continue in the future, there is no worry about income.

Therefore, his comprehensive person does not need to make up for the lack of income through investment like other artists.

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