The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the 331 chapter demon manager, floating astronomy

After being tortured by Noh Hong-chul for a day, Seok Jin-soo also hangs the manager’s work card and begins to take charge of Jeong Jun-ha’s daily routine.

Early in the morning, Seok Jin-soo handed over the work of the manager and drove to the downstairs of Jeong Jun-ha.

Without saying anything, the phone was hit.

After playing for three times, after ten minutes, Jeong Jun-ha was connected.

“Yah!! Come on, get late.”

In the face of his urging, Jeong Jun-ha was very dissatisfied.

“Why, this is…”

Seok Jin-soo immediately yelled at the phone.

“Get up, pig!”

I didn’t expect him to be jealous, and Jeong Jun-ha was in a hurry.

“Yah!! I am a brother, do you want to rebel?”

Seok Jin-soo doesn’t care about him.

“Damn pig, give me up. Work hard to make you out of the way, to make you an entertainer, to learn to be grateful. Actually, let’s talk to the adult benefactor, don’t you want to live?”

Good guy, swearing out of the skunk, Jeong Jun-ha is finally awake.

When the grass is packed, when you get into the car, you must raise your hand to Seok Jin-soo.

Seok Jin-soo squinted and began to growl again.

“What? Do you dare to disrespect the representative? Believe it or not, block you from today?”

Jeong Jun-ha This is speechless.

“You are my manager, what is it?”

I am venting a sinister fire, and Seok Jin-soo started the car.

Jeong Jun-ha sat behind and muttered.

“Aigoo, my stomach is hungry. It’s still early, let’s have something to eat.”

Seok Jin-soo pointed to the bag next to him.

“Breakfast is already inside, eat less. Wait until the rehearsal of the musical, if you dare to fight, you will die.”

Jeong Jun-ha didn’t have breakfast, so I ate a meal first.

But open the bag and see the fresh and hot sandwiches and milk, and the face quickly became better.

After the meal was finished, the two also arrived at the destination.

“That, manager, you go buy some drinks.”

Seok Jin-soo opened the back of the car, but it was already out of two large plastic bags.

“You guys, don’t worry about anything else. The hard work is going to be done, what do you do?”

Seeing him carrying two bags of drinks, Jeong Jun-ha was shocked.

“No, you have already thought of this? Wow, maknae, you can really do a manager.”

Seok Jin-soo grinned and finally said the truth.

“I entered the Infinite Challenge on the first day, because of this, Park Myeong-su licked the dog blood, I could not forget it forever.”

In the conference room of the musical, Seok Jin-soo started from the director and sent the drinks to the people who worked with Jeong Jun-ha.

“Director, please. I know that our family Jeong Jun-ha is more lacking, but please take care.”

After taking the drink and hearing his statement, the director laughed and leaned forward, perhaps the first time he saw the manager ridicule his own artist.

No matter what, Seok Jin-soo has nothing to say to the brother who lacks his heart.

But when I saw Seok Jin-soo, the director had other claims.

“As far as I know, Seok Jin-soo ‘ssi has great music. Don’t know if you are interested in playing our musicals?”

Seok Jin-soo was shocked.

“Of course, how much is the performance fee?”

The director has never stopped, so I have never seen such a realistic guy.

The musical was busy here, and Seok Jin-soo took Jeong Jun-ha to the beauty salon.

In the back seat, Jeong Jun-ha yawned and said: “When I am doing hair, are you going to buy something back?”

Seok Jin-soo understands it as soon as it is heard.

“Do you eat again?”

Jeong Jun-ha’s eyes wide open and dissatisfied with the tunnel: “What about hungry?”

OK, for pigs, how do you make sense?

Jeong Jun-ha still has no self-knowledge and even said: “Aigoo, how is the trip so much?”

Seok Jin-soo drove the car and killed him in one sentence.

“Brother, you are almost unemployed.”

Jeong Jun-ha 寰堟槸涓嶆Arc銆

鈥渊啊!! 鎴戣浣犲 涓嶈兘璇 涓嶈兘璇 偣濂 偣濂 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑 瘽钖楋纻浣犳槸鎴戠殑

Seok Jin-soo is even more.

鈥滆伞浣嶏纴浣犵殑鎴愰昵寰堜笉椤哄埄鍟娿€傛垜杩欐槸鍦ㄩ灜绛栦綘锛岃浣犲湪纾ㄧ牶涓垚闀垮晩銆效啀Key borrowing 涓嫔幓锛屼綘鍙 庝箞锷炲晩锛熶簨涓氭 庝箞锷炲晩锛熶簨涓氭 夎繘姝ワ纴杩炲コ浜 夎繘姝ワ纴杩炲コ浜 兘娌 兘娌 湁锛屼綘镄勪 湁锛屼綘镄勪 湁锛屼綘镄勪 湁锛屼綘镄勪 湁锛屼綘镄勪镄勫晩銆傗€

Jeong Jun-ha 椤朵简涓€鑴戣镄勯楂咃纴鍙戠幇璇翠笉杩嘢eok Jin-soo 锛屾槑鏅虹殑闂槾浜嗐€

鍒 缇庡闄纴鎶奂 缇庡闄纴鎶奂 eong Jun-ha 鏀句笅锛孲eok Jin-soo 鍙堢揣镐ュ嚭锷ㄤ 銆

鎯崇潃镞堕棿杩樻棭锛孞 eong Jun-ha 镄勫 浣滀篃涓嶆槸寰堥 浣滀篃涓嶆槸寰堥 鍒╋纴 鍒╋纴 Seok Jin-soo 鍐 畾杩樻槸灞ヨ涓 涓媘 涓媘 ger ger ger ger ger亴璐c€

璺戝幓涔 涓 涓 鍫嗛浂椋熴 鍫嗛浂椋熴 e e e e e e e e e e e e 侀ギ鏂欎粈涔堢殑锛岀劧钖庢妸 e 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚 涓婏纴鍙埚Gallium 樼殑璇濓纴Seok Jin-soo VV Station 銆

浠栫涓 涓幓镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 涓幓镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 涓幓镄勫湴鏂癸纴灏 ome To Play 銆嬬殑锷炲叕瀹ゃ€

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鈥滀 浠 涔堬纻涓 涔堬纻涓 涔堬纻涓 涔堬纻涓 粈涔堬纻浣犱笉鏄粰鎴戜 粈涔堬纻浣犱笉鏄粰鎴戜 涔 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

闱(一)镌镌浣滃镄勮浣滃镄勮鐤鐤鐤纴Seok Jin-soo Haha 澶х瑧銆

鈥滀綘浠兘鏀 鎴戠殑璐胯祩鍟婏纴涓嶈蹇樿浜嗐 鎴戠殑璐胯祩鍟婏纴涓嶈蹇樿浜嗐 洖澶 洖澶 洖澶 洖澶 J J J J J J J J Jun-ha 鍝ュ畨鎺掍竴 chain 焢 rogram 锛屼粬閮芥病链変粈涔堣绋嬨€傗€

钖鏄 umbrella涔埚洖浜嬶纴program 缁勭殑浼椾汉鍏ㄩ兘镞犲鑻》瑧銆

鈥浙 eong Jun-ha 镄勮绋嬩负浠

Seok Jin-soo 鎸囦 鎸囧 鎸囧 浣 浣 浣

鈥沧垜浠婂ぉ鏄粬镄刴anager 鍟娿€傗€

Ong 鈥滃鏋 粰 粰 粰 粰 粰 粰 粰 粰 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Jin-soo 鈥荣si 锛屼綘鏄嗳澶 涔埚仛钖楋纻鈥 涔埚仛钖楋纻鈥

Seok Jin-soo 鐬︻潃浣滃锛屾 濂 濂 濂 € 渊 渊 渊 渊!! noona 锛屼綘涔熻鏄庢櫤涓 镣 镣 镣 晩銆傛垜 晩銆傛垜 氱殑濂 氱殑濂 氱殑濂镄勶纴涓 粈涔堜笅杞 粈涔堜笅杞 晩锛熸垜鐜 晩锛熸垜鐜 湪鍙槸鏀 湪鍙槸鏀 湪鍙槸鏀 湪鍙槸鏀 鐜囩殑 鐜囩殑 鐜囩殑 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽 瑁呭偦瀛愶纴瀵筽娌°C湁浠€涔埚府锷╁晩銆傝浠栭殢渚挎潵涓€链熸 娣峰缑浜嗭纴骞缑浜嗭纴骞槢闾箞涓ヨ箞涓ヨ

钖潃浠栧湪鑳屽悗Canned silicon Jeong Jun-ha 锛宲rogram 缁勭殑浼椾汉鍏ㄩ兘鏄妫绗戜笉宸 layer

涓嶈 浠栬镄勪篃娌¢敊锛岀浉姣旇捣 浠栬镄勪篃娌¢敊锛岀浉姣旇捣 Jeong Jun-ha 鏉ワ纴杩欓噷镄勪 浠綋鐒 浠綋鐒 槸鑸崭笉寰楁斁浠栬 槸鑸崭笉寰楁斁浠栬 槸鑸崭笉寰楁斁浠栬 槸鑸崭笉寰楁斁浠栬


鈥滃鏋滆瀹夋帓Jeong Jun-ha 鍑 紨镄勮瘽锛屼篃涓嶆槸涓嶈銆 紨镄勮瘽锛屼篃涓嶆槸涓嶈銆 笉杩囨垜浠篃 夎姹傦纴鈥濊鍒 夎姹傦纴鈥濊鍒 夎姹傦纴鈥濊鍒Se€Seok Jin-soo 銆

鈥沧垜浠渶瑕丼eok Jin-soo 鈥荣si 缁害嶈銆傗

Seok Jin-soo 杩欐墠鎯 捣鏉ワ纴镊 捣鏉ワ纴镊 鍜屻 奀 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To

鈥滀粠鎴戜 鈥滀粠鎴戜 浜 潵璁诧纴鑳 潵璁诧纴鑳 潵璁诧纴鑳 缁 缁 锛屾槸钖勪綅鍜岃浼椾 锛屾槸钖勪綅鍜岃浼椾 锛屾槸钖勪綅鍜岃浼椾 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 纴鎴戝綋鐒 纴鎴戝綋鐒 纴鎴戝綋鐒 纴鎴戝綋鐒 纴鎴戝綋鐒銆 銆 p p p p p p p p p p p p p 澶

鍒湅鏄湪program 褰曞埗褰扑腑锛屼絾杩椤彲鏄浜嬶纴涓嶈兘褰撴垚璇 inch瑧镄勶纴瑧镄勶纴€浠eok Jin-soo 蹇呴』闂竻妤氥€


浠栨槸鐪熺殑宁屾湜鐣欎笅Seok Jin-soo 镄勩€

Chain 変 Se Seok Jin-soo 鍦╬rogram 涓纴Yoo Jae-seok 鍜孠im Won-hee 杞 涧璁 涧璁 涓嶈锛屼粬 涓嶈锛屼粬      埗阃犵瑧鏂欍

鍜屽槈瀹句簰锷ㄧ殑涔熷緢濂斤纴鐜板湪夊緢澶氱殑鑹夊緢澶氱殑鑹閮閮(一)嚭婕斻€奀ome To Play 銆嫔憿銆

钖鏄竴骞村昆镄勯昵绾】纴Seok Jin-soo 涓岖璋ㄦ厧浜嗕竴浜 €

褰揿垵绛 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To 紨 紨 紨 紨 紨 槸 槸 槸嗐€

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涓嶈 浠栧拰銆奀 ome To Play 銆媝rogram 缁勫悎浣 殑寰埚ソ锛屽杩欎 殑寰埚ソ锛屽杩欎 program program program program program program

鈥滆 Umbrella 镙峰晩锛岄偅浠锋牸鏂牸鏂鈥[€[€

灏 浠栨 浠栨 夌 夌 缁涓嫔幓锛屽彲鏄偅鎼撶潃 缁涓嫔幓锛屽彲鏄偅鎼撶潃 缁涓嫔幓锛屽彲鏄偅鎼撶潃 绗戝柗浜嗐 绗戝柗浜嗐 绗戝柗浜嗐

杩欑湡鏄疄闄呯殑鏉 鍟婏纴璁 鍟婏纴璁 鍟婏纴璁, d涔熷啋姹椾 銆

鈥滆€惰 €€惰讹纴璇讹纴璇斁蹇冿纴杩欎竴娆斁蹇冿纴杩欎竴娆纴鎴戜纴鎴戜纴鎴戜纴鎴戜浼氱粰鍑竴涓︼浣犳竴涓︼浣犳镒忕殑浠镒忕殑浠牸镄勩€傗€

涔嫔墠Seok Jin-soo 绛剧 Toome To Play 銆嬬殑镞跺€欙纴姣忔湡镄勮柂閰彧chain変竷鍗佷竾銆

鍦ㄥ綋镞讹纴阍埚Seok Jin-soo 镄勪汉姘旓纴杩欎姘旓纴杩欎姘旓纴杩欎浠綅杩樼畻鏄彲浠ャ


杩炪€奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬫楠闱粬镄勮柂閰兘鍒 姣忔湡浜岀栌涓冨崄涓囷纴瓒呰 姣忔湡浜岀栌涓冨崄涓囷纴瓒呰 浜咼 eong Jun-ha 鍜孞eong Hyeong-don 锻€ €

鏂 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆 姞鍏ョ殑銆奆炴硶闾 璇 璇 璇 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 埌浠栬 镙 镙 镙 浜嗐 浜嗐

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涓 缁橨 缁橨 eong Jun-ha 镓 惧 浣滐纴缁撴灉镊 浣滐纴缁撴灉镊 浣滐纴缁撴灉镊 鍗 鍗 鍗 锛孲 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

鍜宲d鍗忓晢浜嗕箣钖庯纴Seok Jin-soo 蹇冩Arc镒忚镒忚鍦鍦寮锛屽锛屽杞埌浜嗗埆镄刾杞埌浜嗗埆镄刾rogram 缁勩€

鍦ㄨ 岋纴浠栧嵈 岋纴浠栧嵈 岋纴浠栧嵈 岋纴浠栧嵈 岋纴浠栧嵈 岋纴浠栧嵈 佸埌浜嗙啛浜 €

鈥淎igoo 锛岃 涓嶆槸鏉冮 涓嶆槸鏉冮 yeong hyeong 鍢 俬 俬 俬 锛屾偍濂 锛屾偍濂 锛屾偍濂 锛屾偍濂

闱(一)墠镄勪汉涔冩槸銆奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬬涓€浠g殑pd鏉冮鏉冮锛屽浠娄篃鏄锛屽浠娄篃鏄奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬬殑couple 銆

纰 埌浠栦 锛岄偅杩樻湁瀹 二 (2) 皵镄勶纻

“hyeong, you know our Jun-ha brother. Although stupid is stupid, but really hard. So anyway, give him a way to live. Even if the money is less, it doesn’t matter, let him eat.” What is dirty and tired, even if you call him.”

Seok Jin-soo is holding hands, and Quan Xi is very helpless.

“But compared to Jeong Jun-ha, we prefer the manager. If you want to pack it with the manager, Jeong Jun-ha is just a fool, can’t afford the program.”

How come this is the case?

This Seok Jin-soo is… happy to die.

“Aigoo, it is still clear that righteousness hyeong sees it. That brother really has no future, so I will not do it today. hyeong, if you need to contact me, I will give you a cheaper fare.”

Seeing that he was so happy, he sold Jeong Jun-ha, and the people here were all crazy.

Turning around in mbc, and helping Jeong Jun-ha take a job in “Changing the World’s Q&A”, Seok Jin-soo went to help Jeong Jun-ha buy lunch and then returned to the beauty salon.

“What? How are all good, I want to eat meat. How can I eat without meat?”

Seok Jin-soo slaps a shot on the back of his head.

“Yah!! Waiting for the expedition team to eat, continue to eat. How to eat so much now? You look at you, all become pigs. From tomorrow, there are two hours of physical exercise every day. If you dare to take a minute, you will die.”

Good guy, this skunk makes Jeong Jun-ha stupid.

After a long time, he was awake.

“Wow, I thought it was when I first debuted, I was jealous of the president. Yah!! This manager is too much like it?”

Seok Jin-soo is in the old god.

“Brother, you have grown up in the past few years without a person.”

The strong diss made Jeong Jun-ha completely scorched.

Thank you tzzy369’s Wanjue, well, add to the 160 chapter!

Thank you yir, holy nineteen, darknight, favorite – slang, fragmented d3 melody, iiikry, basic mechanic, wandering like a cloud, really nothing, Oppa Zach, eyes and nose mouth, beginning to nothing, squinting , o shape, eternal harmony, krezreal, only for you, dark angels, suddenly blue, up and down, _dirmal, not love the world, milk nning tide, darling fox, flower stink, roney2013, Idiot said that dreams, o heaven to emperor, Chuan Shie, last nebula, love you wrong, it is very love, fire crow worship, finally redemption, 喵喵 immortal, otaku waiting for books, lonely wind, dragon training, One leaf blue pavilion, Han entertainment ashes Nan Nan mixed child, rainy sun, obutt month, Y9o after ☆ 妗 妗 15. 捣缁 捣缁 捣缁 Easter reward!

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