The latest chapter in the voice of Korean entertainment, the strong contrast of the 125 chapter, floating astronomy

Kim Tae-ho swears to God that the way he envisioned Kim Tae-hee is definitely not this.

And he also believes that Kim Tae-hee is definitely a professional artist and will not easily break the settings of the production team.

The reason why it rushed out so suddenly, the source of everything is the damn maknae.

Really ruined people, only to forget the process of the program, just thinking about killing him.

灏忔 铔嬶纴璇 铔嬶纴璇 璁╀綘 璁╀綘 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 呭拰鑺 潖 潖 潖 潖 潖

Kim Tae-ho 绠 鐩 鐩 na na na na na na na na na na na na na

瑕佷笉鏄湅澶 閮 閮 瑧镄勫緢寮 蹇冿纴璇 蹇冿纴璇 蹇冿纴璇 蹇冿纴璇 槑鏁堟灉涓嶅 槑鏁堟灉涓嶅 锛屼粬缁濆涓嶈兘蹇嶃 锛屼粬缁濆涓嶈兘蹇嶃

濡傛灉琚玈eok Jin-soo 浠栫殑鎯 浠栫殑鎯 浠栫殑鎯 硶镄勮瘽锛岃偗瀹 硶镄勮瘽锛岃偗瀹 硶镄勮瘽锛岃偗瀹

ㄨ 佷 佷 佷 瀹跺 瀹跺 瑁呭惂锛岀湅鍒癿 瑁呭惂锛岀湅鍒癿 mber mber mber mber mber mber mber mber mber 彂鎸ワ纴 彂鎸ワ纴 彂鎸ワ纴 彂鎸ワ纴


ㄦ槸鍦ㄤ箮杩欎 ㄦ槸鍦ㄤ箮杩欎 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪

銆奍nfinite Challenge 銆嬩粈涔堟椂 chain欐湁闾g帺镒忓effect浜嗭纻

灏 畻 畻 Seok Jin-soo 涓岖珯鍑 潵镰 M M yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong yeong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong ong

Ta达纴Kim Tae-hee 缁堜簬鐜拌浜嗐浜嗐

姣棤椋庡 鍦 啿鍑 啿鍑 啿鍑 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 紬浠濂 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗 佸ù闱欑殑鍗


Member 浠嵈杩桦缑缁檓aknae 鎿〉眮镶纴鎷呭綋鐏伀阒熷憳銆纴鎷呭綋鐏伀阒熷憳銆

鈥淜im Tae-hee 灏忓锛屾秷娑堟皵锛屾垜浠殑maknae 灏 na na na na na na na na na na na 汉 汉 汉 汉€鑸璇嗐€傗€

鈥淜im Tae-hee 灏忓锛屾偍锽濇 press version 垜浠殑program 銆傛垜浠拰maknae 涓嶅悓锛屾垜浠彲锽沧浣犱 涓嶅悓锛屾垜浠彲锽沧浣犱銆傗€

Seok Jin-soo 镄勫0 wide full

鈥淗aha hyeong 锛屼綘涓嶅枩娆hn Hye-kyung 浜嗗悧锛熲€

鈥渊啊!! 浣犲皬瀛愭棭鏅氭湁涓€澶╀细鎸ㄦ弽镄勩€傗€

Haha 璺崇璺 纴瀵 纴瀵 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 湪鎾╂嫧镄刴 na na na na

濂 笉瀹 笉瀹 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄 锷姏涓嬶纴镐荤畻鏄

Yoo Jae-seok 鍗佸垎镄勬縺锷ㄣ€

鈥滀笉绠°C€庝箞璇达纴Kim Tae-hee 灏忓锛岀湡镄勬杩庝綘鑳芥潵鎴戜 slippery nfinite Challenge 銆嬩綔瀹€€€

Kim Tae-hee 鎭ㄦ仺鍦 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 澶凷 澶凷 澶凷 澶凷 eok Jin-soo 銆

鈥滀 鈥滀 钖庡啀涔熶笉鏉ヤ 钖庡啀涔熶笉鏉ヤ 銆傗

杩椤皬姘旗殑璇濓纴鎯瑰缑 member 浠樋鍢 洿绗戙 洿绗戙


Ta 阆掳 鈥淜 鈥淜 im Tae-hee 灏忓锛屾偍瀹屽叏涓岖敤鍦ㄤ箮闾e彲鎭剁殑瀹 銆 銆 銆 銆 粬璇 粬璇 瘽 瘽 瘽 瘽篃涓岖悊浠栵纴镇ㄦ湁鎴戜滑灏卞浜嗐€傗€

浠栧彧鏄殢镒忓湴璇 inch 潃锛屽鏂栾 浼欎 浼欎 浼欎 浼欎 浼欎 锷ㄤ 锷ㄤ 锷ㄤ 锷ㄤ 锷ㄤ

Jeong Jun-ha 涓嶫eong Hyeong-don 鎶卞湪涓 璧 璧 璧 纴绐佺劧鍙埚 No Noh Hong-chul 銆

鈥淗ong-chul 鍟婏纴杩囨潵銆傛垜浠兘鏄崟韬 锛屽拰浠栦 锛屽拰浠栦 锛屽拰浠栦 杩欎簺 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜 夊コ浜

Noh Hong-chul 灞侀灞侀鍦 窇杩囧幓锛屽拰杈 窇杩囧幓锛屽拰杈 窇杩囧幓锛屽拰杈 窇杩囧幓锛屽拰杈 鍗曡 鍗曡 鍗曡 鍗曡

寮€鐜╃瑧锛屼粖澶╁彲鏄疜im Tae-hee 鍒 満锛岃〃鏄庡崟韬殑韬 満锛岃〃鏄庡崟韬殑韬 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼

鐪嬭Noh Hong-chul 璺戣 铡 铡 纴 Haha 涓岖敇钀 悗锛屼篃璺熺潃璺戜 悗锛屼篃璺熺潃璺戜 杩囧幓锛岀粨鏋滃嵈琚崟韬笁浜 杩囧幓锛岀粨鏋滃嵈琚崟韬笁浜 杩囧幓锛岀粨鏋滃嵈琚崟韬笁浜 杩囧幓锛岀粨鏋滃嵈琚崟韬笁浜 杩囧幓锛岀粨鏋滃嵈琚崟韬笁浜銆

“You go and go.”

濂 浼欙纴灏 浼欙纴灏 浜呜 浜呜 浜呜 浜呜 浜呜 潵锛岀湅镄凷 潵锛岀湅镄凷 潵锛岀湅镄凷 ok ok ok ok ok ok eok Jin-soo 瀹炲湪镞犺銆

杩欎 镞跺 欙纴 欙纴 e e e e e e e e e e e 浠栥 浠栥 浠栥 浠栥

鈥渕aknae 鍟婏纴浣犱篃杩囨潵浜嗭纴浣犱笉涔熸槸鍗曡韩鍢 傗€傗€

Seok Jin-soo 鐪嬬湅Kim Tae-hee 锛屾纾浜槸鐪熸纾浜纴 chain 璧 璧 爜浠栦粠鏉ユ 爜浠栦粠鏉ユ 夎杩 夎杩 涔堟纾浜殑浜 涔堟纾浜殑浜 € €

鍙 Umbrella 涓纾浜殑濂 姝ゆ椂鐪嫔悜浠栫殑鐩厜锛屽叏閮 姝ゆ椂鐪嫔悜浠栫殑鐩厜锛屽叏閮 姝ゆ椂鐪嫔悜浠栫殑鐩厜锛屽叏閮 槸鐢 槸鐢 槸鐢 棯 棯 棯 烽 烽


涓 灏忓懡镄勫畨鍏纴 灏忓懡镄勫畨鍏纴 Seok Jin-soo 鎽囨憞澶达纴韬 湪浜哖 ark Myeong-su 镄勮韩钖庛€

鈥沧垜灏 畻浜嗭纴鎴戜 畻浜嗭纴鎴戜 畻浜嗭纴鎴戜 畻浜嗭纴鎴戜 畻浜嗭纴鎴戜 涓嶆惌锛屾

Kim Tae-hee 姘旗殑鍙夎叞銆

鈥滀綘灏 棿蹇冨鎯 棿蹇冨鎯 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵 惂锛屼綘鏄粷瀵

Seok Jin-soo 鏉 涓 涓 鍙 鍙 皵锛屽 皵锛屽 皵锛屽 皵锛屽 皵锛屽 皵锛屽 捣鏉ャ 捣鏉ャ


浠€涔堜汉鍢涳纴绔熺劧涓嶈兘鍜孠im Tae-hee 璧板埌涓€璧凤纴杩樻湁楂桦叴镄勩

娌’汉鐞嗕细Seok Jin-soo 锛屽ぇ瀹堕兘锲寸粫镌Kim Tae-hee 锛屽悇绉嶆嫏锷g殑婵€锷纴绾风悍琛ㄨ揪镌€镊繁镄勪话鎱曚箣鎯呫€

杩欎釜镞跺€椤氨娌°C湁Seok Jin-soo 浠€涔堜簨浜嗭纴浠栧彧鏄珯鍦ㄦ渶钖庡畨闱椤湴鐪嬬潃锛岄『渚垮鍝ュ掼浠殑娌°C湁鑺傛搷閯栾涓嶅凡銆

鐪熸槸镄勶纴鏉ヤ竴涓︻ 濂 濂 槈瀹 槈瀹 槈瀹 槈瀹 槈瀹 finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite finite

锲炲埌姝e father 镄勮妭濂忔潵锛孻 Jae-seok 寰堢ぜ璨屽湴琛ㄨ揪浜嗘瓑镒忋€

“I was really sorry, we were cheated too many times before.”

Kim Tae-hee was really careful and stared at Seok Jin-soo.

“No one is not being cheated.”

With that said, the big guy is happy.

“Maknae is not deceived. He doesn’t know anyone. Don’t look at him as an artist now, but it is a pure entertainment circle.”

Kim Tae-hee is a bit curious.

“When Miss Lee Hyo-ri came, I saw it very well. I thought it was acting, I didn’t expect it…”

Everyone collectively waved their hands.

“Absolutely… absolutely no performance, maknae does not know anyone.”

“Last time I saw Choi Bool-am seonsaeng-nim at mbc, maknae and seonsaeng-nim said: old people, rest assured, mbc don’t want tickets.”

I heard that Choi Bool-am, who is highly respected, has been recruited, and Kim Tae-hee is in a good mood.

Haha suddenly blushed, hiding in the arms of Yoo Jae-seok, whispering softly.

“Miss Kim Tae-hee, I am a regular member of your fan club.”

“Official member?”

Kim Tae-hee got a little wrong and was really happy.

“Oh, thank you so much.”

Official fan club members, but need to pay. This is the artist’s food and clothing parents, thank you for any artist.

But Seok Jin-soo is not someone who looks good to others but can’t be indifferent.

“When Lee Hyo-ri came last time, you also said that it is a full member. Now it is also a full member. How much have you registered?”

Whatever is afraid of revealing the old, Haha instantly becomes happy again.

Flying Seok Jin-soo and roaring at Kim Tae-ho.

“Pd, manage this guy. Because of him, my girlfriend and I have been quarreling several times.”

Kim Tae-ho just smiled, and the look seemed to say: I just watched you tearing, and I was too late to be happy.

“We really didn’t expect Kim Tae-hee to appear in our program, and the production team didn’t say anything to me in advance.”

Haha is just a madman.

“The dolls actually talk and move.”

In this regard, Yoo Jae-seok is also unanimously recognized.

“Kim Tae-hee is really as beautiful as a doll, and we have a doll in the Infinite Challenge.”

Everyone knows who he is talking about, but Seok Jin-soo is still fast.

“Not a series, this is a ghost doll.”

Park Myeong-su looked over and said that he had already sentenced maknae to death.

However, Kim Tae-hee is very appreciative of Park Myeong-su.

“I really like to see Park Myeong-su’s anxious smile.”

Park Myeong-su is arrogant.

“The people recognize me.”

Since Kim Tae-hee likes it, Park Myeong-su has to perform an urgent smile and once again make the beauty laugh.

Seok Jin-soo noticed something else.

“Where are so many onlookers? Not in our program group.”

He said this, everyone noticed.

“There are a lot of strange faces.”

“Go back to work.”

Seok Jin-soo noticed a middle-aged man who stood bored in front of him and stared at himself with his eyes.

Sample, you and your brother have hatred?

At the thought of this, Seok Jin-soo decided to take him.

“This, yes, that is to say you. If you have nothing, please leave, busy with your own work. mbc is not a leisure person, be careful that the president will trouble you.”

The man just held his arm and sneered.

“Sorry, I am the manager of Miss Kim Tae-hee. Do I still need to leave?”

Seok Jin-soo made such a big oolong, and immediately flung back to his brothers, and no face was seen.

Seeing the manager helping him to pull back a game, Kim Tae-hee was so happy that he finally smiled.

The big guy here is still praising Kim Tae-hee, and Seok Jin-soo is not happy.

“I’m not saying, can’t we do anything else? Just praise? Play something. Look, Miss Kim Tae-hee is also very embarrassed.”

This time he was kind, because Kim Tae-hee didn’t know what to do with everyone, just stupidly standing, a little helpless.

This also blames Kim Tae-ho.

I used to lie to everyone in the past. Over time, everyone is used to it.

After being deceived, in addition to the ridicule, it can be well adapted.

This cold is not a lie, but also really came to the top big celebrity, plus no script, the big guy is also adapting.

Or Seok Jin-soo has no concept of a superstar in his mind, nor a fan’s heart, and naturally he can calm down and see where the problem lies.

When I heard him, the talents such as Yoo Jae-seok suddenly realized that they were a little over.

Giving maknae a thumbs up, Yoo Jae-seok also started thinking about what to do next.

It’s a pity that people’s ideas are mixed and their words will be gone.

“Well, today’s Infinite Challenge will be with Kim Tae-hee. Can there be such a thing that can’t be…”

Brother, annyeonghaseyo is the top mc, how do you still stutter?

Park Myeong-su decided to point out his mistake.

“You are a grass-rooted person, me too. But to be a fan of the mind…”

Without waiting for him to finish, Yoo Jae-seok simply gave up the position of the host.

“You will help me top it first.”

Park Myeong-su stood in the position of Yoo Jae-seok and was exposed to the first problem.

“annyeonghaseyo, oh…”

Look at your sister, not as good as Team Leader Yoo.

Yoo Jae-seok, who can’t stand it, had to take Park Myeong-su back, and you still flashed back.

Thanks to snowboll, the reward for reading for you, plus more 100 chapters.

Thank you cychin, krezreal, bookmate 150520004401741, squinting, 喵喵仙人, 宅男 in the book, red dust entering the WTO, really is you, me, spiritual space 686

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