Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 160 Tribe members protest [asking for monthly votes]

The next day.

Before dawn, Aozora got up and prepared breakfast for Shisui.

After sending Shisui away, Qingzora started his morning exercises as usual.

He has already revealed all the information he knows to Zhisui. If Zhisui is still dead outside, then there is nothing he can do.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Qingkong was studying basic sealing techniques with a scroll when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

When he opened the door and saw Jiudai, Qingkong said: "Clan leader, do you want to see me for anything? I'll go change my clothes."

Jiudai said: "When summoned by the clan leader, he will be at the clan leader's house. There is no need to fight."

Qingkong nodded, closed the doors and windows, and walked to the patriarch's house with Jiudai.

Walking to the clan leader's house, Qingkong found that many clan members were surrounding the clan leader's house.

It's cold, but they're full of energy.

"The police department belongs to us Uchiha, why do we want to recruit those despicable civilians?"

"Those civilians took our positions!"

"I don't know who came up with this crazy idea. There shouldn't be other ninjas in the police department!"

"The police department is expanding its recruitment, why not recruit members of our own tribe?"


Qingkong listened to a few complaints from the clan members and followed Jiudai into the clan leader's home.

Entering the door, Qingkong saw Fugaku escorting several gray-haired tribesmen out of the living room.

Fugaku said to the leader of the tribe: "Uncle Tetsuya, I will consider your opinions carefully and give you an answer as soon as possible."

Tetsu Uchiha stroked his gray beard and said earnestly: "Fugaku! Don't forget your roots. You must remember that you are an Uchiha first!"

Fugaku nodded, respectfully sent everyone out, then glanced at Qingkong and the others, and walked back to the study.

The three of them sat down, and Mikoto came up to add some tea, and then closed the study door.

Fugaku took a sip of tea and then asked: "Aozora, Kudai, you all saw the scene just now, what do you think?"

"The reform of the police department will be more beneficial to the future development of Uchiha. We should not stop the reform because of the opposition of a small number of tribesmen."

After expressing his opinion, Kudai complained: "Why don't the great elders understand the minister's good intentions?"

After becoming Fugaku's assistant, Jiudai was exposed to a lot of intelligence and information every day, participated in many major events of the police department and the family, and his horizons gradually broadened.

He very much agreed with Aozora's speech at the regular meeting: If Uchiha wants to develop, it must recruit civilian ninjas!

Fugaku was noncommittal and looked at the blue sky.

Qingkong said calmly: "What the Great Elder did is only human nature!"

Jiudai seemed to have been betrayed and said: "Aozora, the reform of the police department is your proposal!"

Hearing this, Fugaku glanced at Qingkong in surprise and said, "I thought you would think that the great elders are narrow-minded and inadequate!"

"The elders must have their own considerations."

Qingkong shook his head and said seriously: "Everyone sits in a different position. We can encourage the clan members to sacrifice themselves for the development of the family, but we cannot ask them to sacrifice."

Fugaku savored Aozora's words, nodded and affirmed: "I'm very happy that you think so."

Jiudai said excitedly: "Chief, we can't give up on reform!"

Fugaku picked up the tea cup, blew on it and said, "Drink some tea!"

Aozora and Kudai followed the instructions and tasted the hot tea on the table.

The hot tea enters the throat, and there is a fragrance after the bitterness.

Kudai didn’t understand tea ceremony, but the process of slowly tasting tea made him calm down.

He recalled the performance of Fugaku and Aozora just now, and found that he was impatient. Fugaku and Aozora never said that they would stop the reform.

Seeing Kudai calm down, Fugaku nodded slightly.

Both Qingzora and Jiudai are his assistants, but compared to Qingzora, although Jiudai is older, he is more immature.

However, this immaturity gave Fugaku the pleasure of training and polishing him.

Jiudai's every bit of progress made him feel very gratified.

"The reform of the police department cannot be stopped, but the opinions of the tribe cannot be ignored either."

After setting the tone, Fugaku asked, "Do you two have any plans?"

Jiudai lowered his head and thought, while Aozong sat upright and smiled.

After a long time, Jiudai shook his head slightly. He was not a quick-witted person.

Fugaku was not disappointed and turned his attention to Aozora.

Qingkong nodded and said: "Clan leader, don't panic, I have..."

Fugaku answered: "Three strategies?"

Qingkong shook his head and said: "There are no three strategies this time, only two strategies. Strictly speaking, they are two steps of one strategy."

Fugaku's eyes lit up and he said, "Please explain in detail."

Aozora raised his index finger and said: "First of all, the police department recruits family ninjas while recruiting civilian ninjas."

Jiudai frowned and said: "The police department does not have much staff. After recruiting civilian ninjas, we may have to eliminate some clan members. How can we recruit more family ninjas?"

After listening to Jiudai's words, instead of frowning, Qingzora smiled.

"That's better!"

Under Jiudai's surprised gaze, Aozora explained: "Originally, the old team members were eliminated, and I'm afraid they will also hate the civilian ninja because of this, which will widen the gap between the family and the village.

Now we wait for everyone to be recruited and then compete. The capable ones will stay and the weak ones will be eliminated.

Fair competition, with the pride of the clan, even if the loser has resentment, he has no face to protest, and the newly recruited family ninja can also share the resentment. "

Kudai asked: "Would it be unfair if the old and new competed together, and Uchiha and non-Uchiha competed together? What if all non-Uchiha were eliminated?"

Qingkong faced the upright Jiudai and said speechlessly: "We are the referees! Even if we don't tamper with the results, we can still design the rules. For example, we can include the villagers' satisfaction into the assessment criteria."

Fugaku nodded and said: "This can indeed solve the temporary difficulty, but it will not eliminate the resentment!"

Qingkong also nodded in agreement, "This is the first step."

After saying that, Qingkong asked: "Does the clan leader still remember that night?"

Fugaku recalled: "Of course I remember!"

Jiudai looked at Fugaku and Aozora in confusion. Why are they both assistants, but the clan leader and Aozora have a little secret?

Qingzora said: "In the final analysis, this matter still has that problem. The police department is too small and cannot accommodate Uchiha's ambitions and ambitions."

After a pause, Qingkong said: "Clan leader, do you still remember the 'Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit'?"

Kudai on the side was itching uncontrollably, and the conversation between Fugaku and Aozora made him confused.

Aozora glanced at Kudai and asked if he wanted to tell Kudai.

Fugaku thought for a moment and nodded.

The reason why Kyuudai was concealed in the first place was that he was not trustworthy because he had just taken office, and the situation in Uchiha was critical at that time. Kyoto City was a specially prepared escape route. The less people knew about it, the better.

The situation nearby has changed, Uchiha's situation in Konoha is excellent, and the intelligence of Kyoto City is no longer as important as it was before.

Aozora briefly explained the strategy of "Three Cunning Rabbits" to Jiudai, but ignored Natsuki's presence.

Jiushi nodded suddenly and said: "So the second elder has been going to Kyoto City in the past few months?"

"Yes, the second elder has built an izakaya in Kyoto City and gathered a lot of information."

Fugaku nodded, and then asked: "Aozora, what do you mean?"

Aozora first expressed his views on the situation in Konoha: "After Danzo's defection, the overall situation in Konoha has changed from one super power to a situation where many powers are competing for hegemony. The Hokage, Uchiha, Hinata, and Inokacho , civilians, neutral families and many other forces are strong and weak, but there is no absolutely strong force.

At this time, powerful forces and ambitious forces will be feared by everyone, especially Uchiha.

Our family's public opinion is not very good. If we show our strength, it is likely that other families will unite. "

After finishing his analysis of the situation, Qingzora paused for a moment to let Fugaku and Kudai think.

Then, Qingkong said: "Therefore, I think our actions in Konoha should not be too big at this time. We only need to maintain strong strength, slowly improve our image, and win more allies.

What we should do is to release our excess strength, jump out of Konoha, and build Uchiha's second cave. "

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