
Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Seeing this scene, everyone who had some thoughts about the resurrection of their loved ones changed their faces. Only at this moment did they really see the essence of Qingming’s existence.

Qingming, resurrected as a Mozu, is not a person at all, but a torture tool. In addition to carrying the memory of the legendary Shining Craftsman Qingming, Qingming, who exists as a Mozu, essentially follows the karma that can be seen everywhere. There is no difference.

After absorbing most of the Chakra in the Mozu, the ninth division captain Wuliangta felt very uncomfortable. His chest felt like a fire was burning. After the chakra was absorbed by his Dark Style, he couldn’t move it. He even suppressed his own Chakra in turn.

“Release Chakra to the beast’s mouth!”

Chongguo noticed the abnormal situation of Wuliangta, the captain of the ninth division, and said quickly. The heavy country Chakra already has his spiritual brand, and the heavy country Chakra will autonomously condense the sealing technique, Qingming can bear it, that is because Qingming is not a human being at all, he is just a ninja called the Mozu , And Wuliangta, the captain of the ninth division, is not a cold endurance tool, he is a living person.

“Dark Style·Evil self-defeating fight!”

The ninth division captain Wuliangta heard Chongguo’s order, and without the slightest hesitation, directly slapped the beast’s mouth on Qingming’s chest, and the blue flames rushed into Qingming’s body.

Qingming was like a dead vibrator connected to the charger, and soon regained energy, but this time Qingming recovered, but after pushing away the ninth team leader Wuliang Tower, he said nothing. About to run.

“Chongguo, here you are!”

Uchiha Chieri let out a breath, and took a scroll from the seal ninja on the side. After unfolding, he saw a big “Qing” written in the center of the complicated technique.

Chongguo bit his finger and lowered his blood on the technique. At the same time, Qingming, who was about to escape, became stiff, and then his body flew back uncontrollably back to the center of the laboratory.

“Damn it, what did you do to me, I am Takumi Qingming, I am the founder of Takumi Ninja Village, I… I ask to join Konoha!”

Qingming, who was controlled by the sealing technique, was still roaring at first. However, as Chongguo showed an impatient look, Qingming’s attitude changed in an instant. Then, when he saw Chongguo look at him, Qingming seemed to feel playful and hurried. Loudly shouted: “You Konoha annexed the Takumi Ninja Village. It must be a ninja. I am Qingming, and even the Takumi Ninja Village was established by me. There are thousands or tens of thousands of them. Less than me, let go of my restraints, I am willing to join Konoha, help Konoha build a ninja, and let Konoha stand on top of the ninja world!”

After Chongguo hehe sneered, he ignored Qingming, but after handing over the seal art scroll to Uchiha Chieri, he scratched his head and said to the patriarchs of the major families: For the Qingming R&D of Ninja Village, the follow-up research was completed by the four elders of the original craftsman Ninja Village, led by all the Ninja craftsmen.”

Chongguo glanced at Qingpu. The Qingpu four suddenly became the focus of many big figures because of Chongguo’s words. At this time, they seemed very flattered, seeing that they could not accept Chongguo’s words at all.

No way, Chongguo can only continue to say: “The Mozu is a combination ninja, which can attack with feathers, can absorb Chakra, can release Wind Style, and can also control light. For ninjas, it is a very practical piece. Ninja, so I plan to ration ninjas on a large scale.”

“However, after the first generation of ninjas were made, there were also some flaws. For the ninja, the mozilla based on Qingming was too big to hide, and the sense of autonomy was too high, and it was not conducive to the ninja’s control.”

Having said that, Chongguo glanced at Qingming below, shook his head and said, “I plan to let you, Qingpu, continue to lead Konoha’s ninja craftsman to develop a new generation of Mozus, the size of which is as small as a sparrow.”

Hearing Chongguo’s words about the flaws of the Mozu bird made based on Qingming, Qingpu’s face became a little embarrassed. He was bragging just now, and now the face is coming too fast.

“Yes, Master Chongguo, but the Mozu’s manufacturing technology has been perfected. If you want to make improvements on the original basis, the effect of the Mozu will surely be weakened.”

Qingpu glanced at Qingming, feeling a little sad. Although Chongguo treats Qingming as a tolerant tool, as a descendant of Qingming, it feels a bit strange for him to discuss his ancestry with Chongguo.

“It’s okay, just make improvements slowly!” Chongguo did not embarrass Qingpu and the others, and then Chongguo said to the senior Konoha who had been invited by him: “I invite everyone to come over this time, one is to see The ultimate weapon of human resurrection is to tell everyone that Konoha will have our own ninja craftsman from now on.”

“In the past, Konoha did not have our own ninja craftsman, so we could only purchase from outside, and the major families could only make their own ninja, but now it is different. There are altogether 673 ninja crafts in the craftsman ninja village. In addition, there are many ninja craftsmen apprentices, enough to supply Konoha’s ninja!”

Speaking of this, Chongguo’s face and tone remained unchanged and continued: “So I hope that the major families can suspend the creation of ninjas privately. From now on, all ninjas will be issued by Konoha.”

“Later, I will send people to the major families to number the ninjas that everyone has. This is just for good management. I hope everyone understands!”

“Konoha has already embarked on a different path at this time. If Konoha can reach the pinnacle of the Jōnin world, then as a part of Konoha, we will naturally get the reward we deserve!”

After Chongguo finished speaking, the patriarchs of the major families kept silent. Chongguo’s move was the first of its kind. In the Ninja World, it has never been heard that the Ninja Village will control the ninja families in the village.

And the first step is to control the ninja, then the second step is to control the movement of the ninja family?

Uchiha Fugaku thinks he understands the heavy country. Seeing the heavy country raised his brows, his heart sank. The Uchiha family finally got out of the quagmire. He didn’t want to get stuck again, so he was the first to stand up and say, “No problem. Our Uchiha clan will fully cooperate with the village in registering the ninja number.”

“The Hyuga clan is also willing to cooperate with the village!”

When Uchiha Fugaku Hyuga Hiashi stepped forward, numbering the ninja and registering it was a no-brainer. Seeing that the two great families had succumbed, the rest of the families did not insist.

After that, nothing happened to the major families. After leaving the research department building, the patriarchs of the families gathered in twos and threes, seeming to be worried about the matter of heavy national control.

But compared to the patriarchs of these small families, Hyuga Hiashi and Uchiha Fugaku didn’t feel any worries. Uchiha Fugaku was because Youyu Chiba Chieri was there, so he didn’t worry about being cheated by the heavy country.

On the other hand, Hyuga Hiashi has no mess at all. The Hyuga clan has no ambitions at all. As long as they don’t touch the Hyuga clan’s bottom line, Konoha will do whatever they want.

Moreover, in the face of the increasingly wild Hinata, Hyuga Hiashi has no intention of participating in the battle in the village!

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