Konoha: Son of the Fourth Hokage

Chapter 47: Naruto left the group chat

Naruto closed his eyes and prepared to activate the No. 9 telephone line.

"Big fox, do me a favor!"

"What do you want to do?" Jiuwei heard Naruto saying that he wanted to make a call, but he didn't know what the call was. Is he strong enough to ask the old man to help him make a call?

Naruto smiled and said: "You should be able to contact another you, call my mother for me."

Nine Tails stared at Naruto in disgust.

Naruto continued to use his trump card: "Help me, you can go back to eat Konoha's delicacies soon after you finish things here.

In this country, all the poor are fish except for fish. Let's go back and let your third child live here. "

That's right, so Nine-Tails contacted the other half, and Naruto was pulled into a strange space at the same time, and saw another Nine-Tails.

This is the special way of communicating with tailed beasts. In the anime, during the fourth battle, Naruto used this method to meet other tailed beasts and human Zhuli, and even gave Naruto their chakras.

Naruto here feels like a video voice chat room. Better than the virtual video conference call organized by Xiao.

"Yo, another big fox, how are you!" Naruto greeted with a smile.

Since there was no yin and yang distinction at the time of the seal, the two nine tails were no different in appearance.

For the sake of distinction here, the ones in Kushina's body will be called the red nine-tails, and the ones in Naruto's body will be called the orange nine-tails.

Hong Jiuwei stared at Naruto for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Hello, kid."

System prompt: Uzumaki Kushina joined the chat room.

Of course, the above sentence was made up by Naruto when he saw Kushina's appearance.

"Here is it?" Kushina just came over and was still a little confused, but Kyuubi suddenly said that Naruto was looking for her and asked her to cooperate, and she came over in a daze.

"Mom." Naruto waved and shouted.

"Naruto? What's going on?" Kushina, who was still thinking about what kind of ninjutsu this is, asked.

"This is the special contact information of the big fox and the others, let him explain it to you himself.

Can you help me find my father now? I want to ask him for something. "

Naruto told Kushina about everything he encountered after the departure, and then focused on the situation of Zaifu and Shiro. Said he wanted to help them, but didn't know how to do it.

We are still a twelve-year-old child, so of course we have to ask our parents for things that cannot be solved. It's not too much for a father to think of a way for his son's kindness?

"That's right~" Kushina basically understood what Naruto meant. The child wanted to save the two rebels, but he didn't know what to do.

"I'm taking Hinata and the others on a mission now, so send a shadow clone to tell Minato."

"Well, well, let the big fox contact me like this for a while."

System prompt: Naruto Uzumaki has left the chat room.

Of course, this is also the voice of Naruto.

"Thank you, big fox. My mother will call me later."

"It's annoying." Nine Tails complained.

Naruto opened his eyes and said, "I've already told my mother everything, and this will give my father a headache in a while."

"Do you have ninjutsu that can directly contact Konoha here?" Kakashi considered a lot of tactical and strategic uses of Naruto's communication method for a moment. At such a long distance, it is much stronger than radio.

"No, this trick can only be used by me and my mother now."

Unless you distribute nine-tailed chakra to other people, and then try to build a nine-tailed telephone line network, but this matter must have nine-tailed as a server, with his own vixen character, it is strange not to be picky. .

Or there is another way, as Naruto saw in the novel before, is to move the slug fairy out of the wet bone forest, or only move out part of it, let it split into multiple small slug clones, and then use one of each hand. .

Since all the small divisions of the slug fairy share the same server - the slug fairy body, their information is synchronized, and the little slugs are used as mobile phones, so that real-time calls can be made.

The difficulty is that the slugs summoned by the psychic technique have a time limit. When the time comes, they will return to the Wet Bone Forest, so they cannot exist for a long time, and the slugs that can be summoned by Tsunade's chakra are also limited.

In the future, when Tsunade returns to Konoha, he can study the flaws of the psychic contract, and find a way to make the psychic beasts who have been psyched no longer consume the contractor's chakra. Naruto's family is proficient in sealing and proficient in space ninjutsu. There are those who are proficient in spiritism and those who are proficient in spiritism. Maybe they can really succeed?

Kakashi had already guessed after hearing Naruto's statement. It seemed that it was either due to the special blood connection of the Uzumaki clan, or it was because of another commonality between Naruto and Shi Niang, the special ability of the nine-tailed person Zhuli.

No matter which of these two methods are used, it seems that there is no way to popularize them. It seems that there is no way to apply it on a large scale for the time being.

Taking advantage of the time when there was no reply from Konoha, Naruto ran up to Zaibuzhan and asked, "Hey, why hasn't Kado sent his subordinates to do things these days?"

Zai Zai snorted disdainfully, "He has no men anymore."

"No subordinates? What do you mean?"

Talking about this, if you don't behead, you will be angry: "Do you remember that my beheading sword was broken by you a few days ago?"

Everyone looked at the big sword, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Naruto thought about the ability of the beheading sword, and probably knew what was going on.

"I remember that the broken blade must have sunk to the bottom of the water?" Kakashi picked up the beheading sword lying on the side, and there was no trace of artificial restoration at all.

Zaibuzhan sneered: "The beheading sword is not an ordinary sword, whether it is broken or damaged, as long as it is contaminated with human blood, it can gradually recover.

Now that my broadsword is completely restored from being broken in half, how many people's blood do you think he got on it? Where did those people come from? If it weren't for the principle of ninjas not to kill their employers..."

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all figured out the reason.

Bai seems to be trying to save his image of not being cut, and explained the reason:

Probably on that day, Zaibu Zhan failed to assassinate Dazna, and after returning with his wounds, he was ridiculed by Cardo and his subordinates, and he drew a knife and put X on Bai's neck.

Originally, he was in a bad mood if he had been ruined by a few kiddies, but these guys wanted to move the people he cared about the most, and they went crazy on the spot, so Cardo became a bare commander.

If you don't die, you won't die.

This is interesting, there are not a few people who hate Kado in the country of wave, and Kado used to just relied on those samurai, ronin, and ruffians to oppress civilians, and now he has no subordinates, so the angry country of wave What civilians will do, it's uncertain.

Naruto doesn't care either. It's his own business in his own country. He is only responsible for telling Dazner the news. As for what to do with him, he can do whatever he wants.

If Cardo is killed by the angry civilians, then it is just right, it is estimated that Dazna will have the money to pay for the task by then.

When everyone was about to chat, Naruto received a text message from Konoha.


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