Chapter 96 The brothers join forces against the immortals [middle].

In the dark alien space,

The dazzling red light flashed, but it fell on an ordinary Konoha ninja. This man had a pair of white eyes, and when he found that he had been chosen, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Seeing this, Hinata Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, said in amazement: “It was actually Hyuga Fire Gate that was chosen, this guy…”

This person is none other than the Hyuga Fire Gate of the Hyuga clan, an ordinary Shinobi of Konoha.

Ape Flying Sun stared, his figure just moved, and he instantly came to Hinata’s fire gate, attached to his ear, and said a name.

This name is the most likely candidate discussed by Konoha’s high-ranking people before. Hinata nodded, his face remained stunned, and he said blankly: “Wan, Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms, we guess that the tenth place of this strongest ninja is Jiraiya.” ”

The voice of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms sounded: “It’s a pity, it’s not. ”

“Shayin Village, it’s your turn.”

The voice just fell.

Red light 03 suddenly appeared on the body of a certain ninja in Sand Hidden Village, and immediately began to beat. Everyone in Konoha Village saw that the answer was wrong, and their faces were quite regretful.

According to the currently known information, if you want to select the ten strongest ninjas, Uchiha Madara, Senjukuma, Senjukuma, Nagato, Naruto in immortal mode, and Sasuke with an eternal kaleidoscope, these are bound to be on the list.

And such as Jiraiya, Uchiha Itachi, Wave Feng Shuimen, and the Old Five Shadows are also likely to make the list.

However, if you want to guess the right candidate, the real difficulty lies not in the list, but in the ranking. Nagato is strong, but he may be sixth or fifth.

If Nagato is fifth, but when guessing the sixth place of the ten strongest ninjas, it is Nagato, of course, it is also wrong.

It is necessary to guess both the right candidate and the correct ranking, which is the real difficulty.

Therefore, for Hinata Fire Gate not being able to guess, although the high-ranking people of Konoha Village felt sorry, they were also able to accept it.

After all, it’s just too hard.

However, only such a difficulty is worthy of such a rich reward given by the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms! Suddenly!

The gathering place of everyone in Shayin Village, the red light that had been beating for a long time, suddenly stopped. But it fell in… Chiyo’s mother-in-law’s body.

Chiyo’s mother-in-law was also a little surprised, but fortunately, she was already a high-ranking member of Sand Hidden Village, so she had a prepared answer for a long time.

Only to hear Chiyo’s mother-in-law speak: “We guess, the tenth strongest ninja is Uchiha Itachi!” ”

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms spoke, “The answer is wrong. ”

“Yunyin Village, it’s time for you…”

Next, each Shinobi village is like this, and the red light randomly selects a person and then answers. But no matter who everyone guesses, whether it is Uchiha Itachi, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Ape Flying Sun Chopper, Wave Feng Shuimen,

Even Sasuke, Naruto, and even Uchiha and Senjukuma were judged to be wrong. Until the end, to the side of the Iron Country.

To everyone’s surprise, the red light fell on Mifune’s body.

Mifune twisted his beard and muttered, “The old man guessed that the tenth place of the ten strongest ninjas in the ninja world was the old man himself. ”

Ninjas: “??? ”

These three ships, last time guessed that they were the first forced king, this time they guessed that they were the strongest ninjas, it was really… Some narcissistic.

The voice of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms sounded.

“I guessed wrong, well, since everyone has not been able to guess, then I will announce the tenth candidate for the tenth place of the ten strongest ninjas.”

“This tenth place is exactly from Konoha Village… Medicine Man Pocket! ”

When the words fell, everyone had a confused expression.

“Medicine Master’s Pocket?”

“Is that the guy who controlled the conversation between Mu-san and Uchiha in the previous video?”

“That’s right, and judging from the intelligence in the video, the rebirth of dirt was performed by him!”

“No wonder he can rank tenth, he is probably a very powerful guy.”

“I’m curious about how strong he is, and I’m looking forward to the video that the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds will play next.”

“That’s right, even if it’s only the tenth place, it’s a existence far beyond the shadow level.”

On the side of Konoha Village, Tuanzo couldn’t help but look gloomy when he heard this result.

Yakushi is a ninja who was favored by Orochimaru, and then Tuanzo personally appeared and negotiated with the director of the orphanage, and brought out of the orphanage.

At that time, the medicine master pocket was not called medicine master pocket, and the name was only one word, pocket. Later, the pocket was asked by the big snake pill, and it was renamed the medicine master pocket.

Tuan Zang never expected that the medicine master could actually rank tenth. You know, this is different from the top ten forced kings.

Among the top ten forced kings, those who are especially good at pretending, such as the Jiaodu of the Xiao Organization, can also be on the list, and the ranking is quite high.

But the ten strongest ninjas in the ninja world, the significance of this list is far more than everything! In any case, the ninja world still honors the strong.

It can be seen from the previous Uchiha playing the five shadows.

With the great status of the five shadows, he was teased by Uchiha like a chicken boy, and he had no majesty at all. The strong is the only answer in the ninja world.

Therefore, compared with the previous top ten forced kings, the series of videos of the ninjas for the top ten powerhouses really paid hundreds of millions of attention.

The third generation of Hokage also smoked his pipe and muttered, “Can it be ranked tenth in 503?” This medicine man’s pocket… What kind of existence is it? ”

At this moment, as the village chief of Konoha Village, even he sincerely felt that Konoha Village was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. On the other side, the big snake pill disguised as a female ninja of Kusanagi Village was also shocked after hearing the words of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms. The medicine master pocket is very strong, he understands that at least he has the strength of the shadow level.

But the big snake pill didn’t expect that the medicine master could actually rank tenth!

You know, from the Warring States period of the Ninja Realm to the present, just counting the number of strong people, starting from the row between Uchiha and the Thousand Hand Pillar, there must be hundreds of people!

Pharmacist can rank tenth, what is the concept?

“Could it be… This guy also hides his strength from me? It shouldn’t be…”

At this moment, above the pitch-black alien space, there was a sudden light. A video that starts playing.

“[Inventory of the ten strongest ninjas]”

“Tenth Place: Medicine Master Pocket Immortal Mode”

“Character commentary: The enhanced version of Orochimaru, using the reincarnation of filthy soil to single out the existence of the entire ninja alliance.”

Then, the text disappears and the picture appears.

I saw that this was a dense forest.

Growing up, Sasuke is jumping in the dense forest, chasing someone. Only to hear him yell, “Uchiha Itachi! Answer me! Why would you do that! ”

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