Chapter 63 Do you think of dancing too?

The video is playing,

In the screen, the first thing shown is the battlefield of the Fourth Shinobi World War.

This is a yellow sand area, and there are stone pillars tens of meters high on the ground, like huge bamboo shoots.

The densely packed ninja coalition army, all with the word “ninja” on their heads, gathered on the battlefield. When he grew up, Naruto, I-Aira, Onoki and others also stood in the troops of the Ninja Alliance. Suddenly, a sentient ninja’s face changed drastically, and he stretched out his finger to a certain high platform in front of him.

“There is a strong enemy approaching! Is that…… Is that…… Such a powerful Chakra, how can there be such a powerful Chakra! ”

When Naruto and the others heard this, they all turned their heads and looked over to the high platform. Duh! Duh! Duh!

There was a sound of footsteps.

A mummy-like man covered in bandages appeared from a high platform. I Ai Luo spoke, “Second generation Metokage!” ”

Naruto was puzzled, “Didn’t you already seal him?” ”

Onoki said solemnly: “Presumably, Master Wu used the art of splitting at the moment he was sealed, which is equivalent to splitting an entity, but in this case, his strength will also be halved.” ”

The sentient ninja was already trembling at this time, his eyes widened, showing an extremely terrified expression, and he trembled and said, “It’s not him, it’s someone else who has that powerful Chakra!” ”

At this moment, everyone in the Ninja Alliance faintly saw that another figure walked out from the high platform.

The moment Onoki saw that figure, he couldn’t help but lose his voice: “This is… This is! ”

Naruto said anxiously, “Who is it?” ”

On Onoki’s forehead, a drop of cold sweat the size of a soybean oozed out, and he said in amazement: “This is… Uchiha Madara! ”

I saw a hedgehog with long hair and a red armor on the high platform, holding his arms, looking down at the ninja alliance army, his eyes were full of indifference.

It was as if these ninjas, in his eyes, were like little bugs 087.

Uchiha stood there like this, without making any movement, but his body exuded an almost substantial sense of oppression.

Ling Onoki and other powerhouses were a little breathless.

Naruto muttered, “Is this guy Uchiha Madara?” The face under the mask turned out to be like this. ”

Onoki said, “It’s exactly the same as when I met him when I was younger!” ”

At this time, I Ai Luo opened his mouth in confusion: “Something is wrong, what is going on?” ”

Naruto asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

I Ai Luo said, “Look carefully at that guy’s eyes!” He was resurrected by the rebirth of dirt! ”

When everyone heard this, they stared.

I saw that on the high platform, the pupils of Uchiha’s spots were red three-hook jade chakra eyes, but the whites of his eyes… But black!

This is the eyes that only people who have been reborn in filthy soil will have!

I Ai Luo continued, “The rebirth of filthy soil can only bring back people who have long died to this world, which shows that Uchiha spots… Long dead! ”

Naruto was surprised, “You mean, the one in the Xiao Organization who wears a mask and calls himself Uchiha is actually not Uchiha Madara, but someone else?” ”

Onoki nodded: “That’s right, I’m sure that the person we are facing now is indeed Uchiha Madara, I had a fight with him when I was young, then…”

His gaze froze abruptly: “So… Who is that one with the white mask? ”

The screen suddenly turned and switched to Uchiha’s perspective.

Uchiha hugged his arms and said in a calm tone: “The five major powers are clearly distinguished, and their attire is different, but everyone wears the word [Shinobi] to protect their foreheads, is this the new legion of the Ninja Alliance?” ”

The second-generation Metokage-sama spoke, “After all, this is the war we declared against the entire ninja world, and it is only normal for them to unite. ”

Uchiha said in a deep voice, “Did that guy do it?” There must have been his considerations, and it is estimated that his plan did not go well, and he resurrected me in this way. ”

After a pause, he asked, “Who is the magician of this filthy earth rebirth?” ”

Wu Dahumane: “I don’t know.” ”

Before the words fell, Wu Da’s eyes widened suddenly, his body was like a lightning strike, and when he spoke again, his voice had already changed.

“I’m Pocket, the Mask Man’s helper.”

Uchiha hugged his arms and said, “You are really dark enough to talk to me through the rebirth of the soil.” ”

The medicine master’s voice said, “Your filthy soil rebirth is specially prepared for you, so that your strength now is even greater than in your heyday!” ”

Uchiha suddenly turned his head, a cold glint flashed in his eyes, and spoke, “You… Ever seen me in my heyday? ”

The medicine master’s voice said, “No, so now, please let me see it, Uchiha’s legendary power…”


The words did not fall, on the left side of the two, the sand and dust hit like the waves!

Uchiha and Master Wu both jumped up in an instant, easily dodging this sudden attack by my Airo!

Uchiha landed on the ground, the armor on his body made a rattling sound, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he said in a deep voice: “Good! ”

Uchiha stood up, his back straight, and indifferently looked at the tens of thousands of ninja coalition troops in front of him. Duh!

He took a step, and in an instant, it was actually a person, and he walked towards the tens of thousands of ninja alliances!

An invisible sense of oppression emanated from him, which seemed to cover the entire battlefield, and even the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds!

The ninjas of the Ninja Alliance, under this strong sense of oppression, couldn’t help but show fear on their faces.

Some people swallowed their spit in fear, some people oozed large drops of sweat on their foreheads, and their clothes were soaked in cold sweat!

Uchiha looked calm, as if he was going to drink tea, rather than fighting tens of thousands of ninjas at the same time. As he walked, he suddenly ran quickly and rushed towards the Ninja Alliance!

The ninjas in the Ninja Alliance also roared one after another, in order to vent their extreme fear and oppression, and also launched a charge towards Uchiha!

Next moment!

Uchiha has already rushed into the army!

He didn’t hold any weapons in his hands, nor did he use any ninjutsu, but it was purely physical… Fight against tens of thousands of armies!

I saw Uchiha coming and going in the army, and as soon as he made a random move, he could kill several ninjas immediately. And the ninja who besieged him, no matter what means they used, it would be difficult to stain the corners of his clothes!

Uchiha’s fighting posture seems to contain a certain rhythm, because it is too elegant, it does not look like a battle, but more like a certain war dance.

But in the elegant posture, every move contains terrifying killing moves!!!

Suddenly, I saw the two ninja bosses roaring, one after the other, and suddenly raised their knives to slash at Uchiha!

Uchiha didn’t look at it, one sideways, actually dodged the attacks of two ninjas at the same time, and his posture was extremely elegant.


A shuriken strapped with an explosive charm suddenly shot at him from a distance.

With a flick of one hand, Uchiha flicked down the shuriken, removed the detonation charm on it, and attached it to the ninja on the left.

With another backhand, he stabbed his shuriken into the neck of another ninja who was attacking in the distance. His movements are extremely smooth, as if he has been rehearsed a thousand times!

This is the supreme killing skill that Uchiha has cultivated since the Warring States period and fought with countless masters such as the Thousand Hand Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar for decades!

I saw Uchiha coming and going in the ninja alliance, almost unstoppable. Countless ninjas screamed, either flying high or falling heavily to the ground.

In less than a moment, Uchiha was actually one person, and he was about to defeat the entire ninja alliance!

Suddenly, another ninja rushed over, holding a Chakra condensed long sword, and slashed at Uchiha three times in a row.

He was extremely fast and obviously the elite of the Ninja Alliance, but these three swords were easily dodged by Uchiha Madara as if it was effortless!

Uchiha suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched the ninja’s neck, and asked lightly, “Do you think of dancing too?” ”

Outside the video, in the different space, all the ninjas who watched this scene, although they didn’t understand why Uchiha asked such a question, they were all shocked!

Different from the invisible pretense between the thousand hand pillars, Uchiha’s every move exudes a strong aura of forcing kings. Whether it is facing tens of thousands of ninja alliances alone, or the elegant killing war dance, and the last line. It all shows that Uchiha’s forced aura is about to overflow the screen!

Just this first video has established the status of Uchiha in the hearts of everyone! The second forced king… Deserved!

On Konoha’s side, Senjukuma covered his stomach and laughed, while his other hand patted Uchiha’s shoulder.

“Do you think of dancing too? Do you think of dancing too? Hahahahaha! Madara, bullying a group of juniors, you are too capable of pretending, hahahahaha! ”

Uchiha’s face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: “Is there any problem?” ”

He glanced at the Thousand Hand Pillar who was almost rolling on the ground with a smile, and it was this guy who almost destroyed his pressing frame.

After all, except for the Thousand Hand Pillars, all the ninjas in the entire alien space were stunned by the powerful posture he displayed in the video!

Even Sasuke and Itachi were surprised by the combat power shown by this ancestor of Uchiha! Uchiha suddenly turned around and searched in the dark alien space, as if he wanted to find someone. And the moment he saw Obito with a swirling mask in his gaze, he couldn’t help but flash a touch of essence.

But he did not immediately walk towards Obito, but still stood in the gathering place of everyone in Konoha Village, quietly watching the change.

Judging from his future rebirth from the soil, rather than being resurrected through reincarnation, Obito… It does not appear that it was carried out according to his intended plan.

The third generation of Hokage flashed with a cold light in his eyes: “Medicine Master Pocket? This person seems to be on the list of people who took the Chūnin exam this time. ”

He didn’t find that the shadow of the different space came out, and the medicine master held up his glasses, his mind moved, and he took the initiative to withdraw from the different space.

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded from the video.

“Fire escape, fire extinguished!”

Subsequently, the ninjas who were watching the video all widened their eyes in shock and exclaimed in shock.

“Wouldn’t you?”

“So strong!”

“This is also terrifying!”

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