Chapter 55 Sunset Red: I’m not an idiot! (New book for collection!) )

“Things really exceeded my expectations!” Xia Yan slapped his forehead helplessly.

Uchiha Madara actually became an Internet celebrity figure and was worshipped by the entire ninja world.

And the ninja world itself is also full of gunsmoke, and it looks like it may dry at any time.

This is completely different from the original!

Natsuhiko understood that this was his butterfly effect, because he attacked the root many times, causing Konoha to have a great sense of crisis.

And Konoha’s vigilance has also aroused the vigilance of other countries.

Spies from all sides frantically dispatched, mutual reconnaissance, and open and secret battles escalated in an instant….

The ninja world has been recuperating for a long time, and it is really not surprising that a big war can break out at any time!

In fact, three years later, in the middle ninja exam, if it weren’t for the fact that Kazekage was slaughtered by the Great Snake Pill, and the Hokage was also slaughtered by the Great Snake Pill, and both sides lost their leaders at the same time, maybe the fourth Ninja World War would have broken out.

Don’t look at the fourth ninja world war, the five great powers join forces to fight Xiao.

In fact, if Obito can wait a few more years, the ninja world itself will also fight – the strength is strong, naturally want to obtain more benefits, naturally cause more contradictions.

Everyone has reached a certain level of cultivation and recuperation, and it’s time to get dry!

“It’s better to be honest lately, don’t stimulate the group to hide them.” Xia Yan secretly said in his heart, “I don’t want to be interrupted by the war to revive my plan to revive Uchiha. ”

When the war broke out, how could he marry a wife and take a concubine at home with peace of mind!

Just from the root, I got a lot of high-end scientific research equipment, and cherished materials.

Natsuhiko dug a large hole in the ground of the ‘Uchiha Confinement Center’, used the enchantment technique to warn, and then threw all these things into it.

Especially the eyes of Fugaku and Mikoto, he kept them solemnly.

And the blood of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was also put together by him and the above two, and placed in the safest core.

As for materials such as the bone marrow of the wave feng shui gate, they are in a secondary position.

“Keep it safe, maybe you can resurrect Uzumaki Jiu Shinai in the future!”

Many instruments are placed, the power supply is connected, and the materials are properly kept.

Xia Yan finally started his own research!

“For me, I don’t need to pursue too much strength like the big snake pill.” Xia Yan secretly said in his heart: “What I need to pursue is the results that can be used by ordinary ninjas so that they can have stronger power.” ”

Like the kaleidoscopic chakra eye, immortal mode, and Mu Dun that the big snake pill hoped to get, it was not Xia Yan’s goal at all.

Even if these things can be researched, can they be used by Xia Yan’s wives and concubines who generally only have the strength of Zhongnin?

They control it?


“Let’s make the spell seal my goal for the time being.”

As a low-level alternative to the Immortal Mode, although the increase is weak, it is enough for the Naka Shinobi to have the combat power of the upper Shinobi.

However, the big snake pill can not spare the life and death of the object of the curse seal, but Xia Yan must reduce the fatality rate of the spell mark to make it safe and controllable.

“The heavy cells are already in place, I can also observe the spell mark of the red bean up close, is it not easy to copy the big snake pill?”

Let’s go!


When Xia Yan divided some thoughts and was busy with scientific research.

The smoke of the ninja world intensified.

Dark and Root have fought many times with ninjas from the border and other powers.

Because there are too many enemies, they are often at a disadvantage.

At this time, even the ninja will no longer demand the confinement punishment of Danzo, because Danzo has always been Konoha’s sharpest knife, both internally and externally, it is very powerful.

Although the ban on the three generations of Hokage has not been lifted, Danzo has gone out and begun to officially rule the roots, and the ninja ninja have also begun to support them.

Finally, it is on par with other big countries.

The smell of gunsmoke inside Konoha Village is also very strong, and the price of ninja tools has risen continuously, and the price of ore has also increased a lot, making Uchiha, who runs the mine, a lot of money.

Although Xia Yan was distracted from scientific research, the revival of his own work Yu Zhibo did not delay.

Because the smoke is too thick, some female ninja who are not good at fighting have received Uchiha’s heavy money to seek children, hoping to be exempted from work by marrying into Uchiha.

So Hu Xiayan’s harem ushered in a new round of expansion, and the three generations of Hokage wanted to cancel Uchiha’s task.

That’s all ninjas!

At this time when war is about to be faced, it is a precious manpower!

“The war is about to start again.” Xi Rihong sighed softly, touched her bulging lower abdomen, and sighed: “I hope not to break out too quickly, otherwise how can I go to the battlefield like this…”

“You are easy to solve, anyway, your strength is not strong.” My best friend Hongdou also sighed and said, “I’m more worried about Xia Yan.” ”

“Xia Yan, he is a good forbearant, once a war breaks out, it is impossible for the village to let him continue to stay at home, then…”

The Uchiha family, but there is such an adult male left!

But this is also the fate of ninjas, and there is nothing they can do.

I can only like everyone else, sigh a few words “If only the original Hokage had listened to Uchiha’s words’, and ended the topic.

Sunset Hong sighed softly, she was also worried about this problem.

That was the father of the child in her belly!

And thinking about Xia Yan, the red face of the sunset suddenly turned red.

“But it’s red.” Red beans suddenly came over.

Sunset Hong was taken aback: “What are you doing?” ”

“It’s nothing, just see you blush suddenly, do you miss my husband?” Hongdou laughed badly: “If you want to, do you want me to help you call him over?” ”

“You’re a pregnant woman, and it’s time to pay attention!”

Sunset Red gave Red Bean a look: “That’s your husband, I didn’t marry into Uchiha.” ”

“But I think you two are quite intimate…” Red Bean covered his mouth and smiled wickedly.

Sunset Red looked embarrassed.

Although because of pregnancy, even if the two want to do something, they can’t do it.

But cuddling and hugging also seems to have formed a habit.

After all….

“It’s also the father of the child in my belly, he wants to listen to the child’s movements, can I not let it…”

Sunset Red is not short of money, and his temperament is also proud.

Of course, Xia Yan will not force it.

But as a father, it’s natural to listen to your children, right?

When you listen, your head has to be on your stomach, right?

In order to prevent pregnant women with inconvenient mobility from getting tired, it makes sense to reach out and put your arm around your waist, right?

It’s normal to carry you back to your room, right?

Plus some occasionally feel that you have limited mobility, feed the sunset red a few bites to eat, worry about the water scald, use your lips to help test the water temperature, it is inconvenient to help with a towel in the bath…

Although it seems that nothing has been done, it is normal.

But it feels like it’s almost a real gun!

“Yes, yes, you’re right.” Hongdou nodded with a giggle: “I believe it, you two are pure!” ”

“Even if you hug my handsome husband every day, I believe you have no other thoughts!”

“Even if my husband has eight abs, straight chest muscles, beautiful lines, and broad shoulders…”

“But I also fully believe in you!”

“I’m sure you never wanted to touch it! Feel the hardness of that muscle! ”

Sunset Red: “…”

“I’m not an idiot!” Sunset rolled her eyes.

However, even he had to admit that although Xia Yan opened the harem, he let an independent woman like himself have some resistance.

But his appearance is really good.

Extremely handsome appearance, and a perfect line of muscles, plus a large bunch of grapes, enough to make the women laugh and close their legs.

He is actually quite good, although he slowly accepted Xia Yan, but at least he can show some position, so as not to look at his handsomeness, he will show the appearance of an idiot.

That little girl is the real idiot!

I remember a few days ago, I found that this little girl peeked at Xia Yan taking a bath, and just wanted to scold her, but Xiangphos ran away directly and went into the toilet.

Xi Rihong listened curiously a few times, and the expression instantly became ‘subway, old man, mobile phone’.

Well, that’s right.

She leaked….


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