At nine o’clock the next morning, in front of the Hokage building.

“Ah, shouldn’t Kakashi-sensei be late again?”

Sakura saw that it was time to assemble, but their instructor had not yet arrived, so she was speechless.

“This teacher is really bad, late every time, is it really reliable?”

“It’s not a good habit to say bad things about people behind their backs.”

Kakashi suddenly appeared behind Sakura’s back and struck Sakura on the head with a hand knife.


Sakura smiled sheepishly.

‘Definitely not next time! It’s really scary!! Sakura was afraid.

“Let’s go, go and claim our group’s first mission.”

Kakashi took the three of Naruto and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Mission hall on the ground floor.

At this time, it was already a little busy, and it could be seen that there were several ninjas receiving tasks from the third generation of Hokage, or settling honorariums, and a few civilians who were obviously non-ninjutsu were issuing tasks.

“Third generation Hokage-sama, our seventh class has come to take over the task.”

“Oh, Kakashi, the seventh class, let me see…”

The three generations smoked a cigarette bag while holding a bunch of task lists and looked up.

“Naruto, congratulations on becoming a ninja.”

Iruka is also here.

“Iruka-sensei, don’t you have to stay at the ninja school?”

Naruto asked suspiciously.

“The next class of freshmen hasn’t enrolled yet, and I’m very idle, so I’m here to help.”

“This way.”

“Well, if the task is good, Kakashi, it’s over to you.”

The three generations pulled out a task list and handed it to Kakashi.


Kakashi nodded.

“Let’s go.”

“Feel like Naruto has become a little different, more sedated?”

Iruka touched her chin and mused.

“Maybe it’s because he’s officially a ninja now, so he’s grown.”

Sandai said casually.

He didn’t tell Iruka about Kakashi’s assessment of the three of them, after all, the three generations felt that if they could pass Kakashi’s test, then their hearts would change a little bit.

As for Naruto’s strength growth, he didn’t see it, but he just felt that Naruto seemed to have become more confident and gregarious, and not as withdrawn as before.

The three generations are happy to see this, and only by constantly deepening the bond between Naruto and his companions, and the bond with the village, can Naruto better make Naruto pay for Konoha.

And Naruto also had a friendly exchange with Kakashi the day before yesterday, adapted to the changes in his body, and he no longer exuded a strong aura like Kakashi did when he first saw him.

Three generations naturally have no way to find a clue.

“Yes, Naruto has grown up too.”

Iruka said with relief.

There’s nothing like seeing your students get stronger.


The seventh class that had just walked out of the Hokage Building.

“Kakashi-sensei, what is the mission?”

Sakura asked expectantly.

This is a ninja’s task! It should be very handsome and cool!!

“I’ll take a look…”

Kakashi looked at the task sheet as he walked forward.

“The mission is D-level [Capture Lost Pets] and help the client find a cat named ‘Little Tiger’.”

“Pets? Looking for a cat? This is not the same task as I thought!? ”

Sakura’s eyes widened.

Sasuke also frowned, are ninja tasks like this? So how can I become stronger?

“What kind of ninja do you think you are? Don’t forget that you have just graduated from ninja school, and the tasks that Shinobi can receive are only C-level and D-level tasks, and as for the above, they are tasks that Naka Shinobi can take. ”

“Come with me, start your first mission.”

Kakashi taught a lesson and left first.

“Ahhh… Be. ”

Sakura weakly agreed, she really couldn’t lift up this kind of task.

And Sasuke thought about how to increase his ninja level faster. This kind of unnourishing task is also torture for him.

As for Naruto, there is no opinion, just follow the plot.


Two hours later, the seventh shift, which had almost run the entire streets of Konoha, finally locked the target of this mission in a forest.

Although they had not yet determined the exact location, Naruto had already heard the sound of ‘purring’.

The cat named Little Tiger was sleeping soundly at this time.

Listening to everything has helped Naruto find the exact location of the cat.

“Search in three directions, who finds it first, don’t start first, notify everyone to assemble, and ensure that nothing goes wrong!”

Sasuke calmly analyzed, and Naruto and Sakura nodded.

As for Kakashi, he didn’t participate in the mission, he was only responsible for following them the whole time, occasionally giving some advice, helping them point the way, and then watching them complete the task, very relaxed.

“It seems that Sasuke has grown up and knows about teamwork.”

Kakashi nodded in satisfaction, these three children, except for Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are all the kind of seedlings with brains online and good talents, maybe this is genetically good?

“Discover the target.” Naruto said in his headphones.

“We’ll come right over.”

After a while, the three surrounded a cat sleeping under a tuft of grass in a triangular shape.




“…… Naruto, you guy. Sasuke’s face was covered in black lines.

“You guys look nearby, I’ll do it.” Naruto said.


After Naruto finished speaking, he came behind the cat in an instant, and hugged it while it had not reacted.

“Meow!! (Which bastard disturbed Uncle Ben to sleep!) )”

Naruto: “…”

“Meow!! (Human? Damn, it was the old demon who sent someone to arrest me again. )”

Naruto was helpless, since he awakened to listen to the sound of all things, he was often able to understand the voices of the critters.

Occasionally walking on the street, you can see several cats chatting, chatting about the ownership of the territory, or what to eat today.

However, not all animals can hear it, and the higher the spirit, the clearer Naruto can hear.

“Finally caught you, let’s find it easily!” Sakura nodded angrily at the cat’s head.

“Meow!! (Let me go!) I don’t want to go back! It’s terrifying! )”

Tiger struggled in Naruto’s arms until he returned to the mission hall that Naruto understood why he was so excited.

“Oh, my little cutie, I’m really worried about death!”

“Hee-hee, you dead cat, you have suffered this time!”

A fat woman with heavy makeup held the little tiger for a while, causing it to meow and scream, looking unlovely.

She is the wife of the mission client, the daimyo of the Fire Nation, Lady Ji Shimi.

“No wonder it’s running away.”

Sakura said speechlessly.

In this way, for several days in a row, the task of the seventh class was to help people take care of children, go to neighboring villages to buy things, or help collect sweet potatoes.

Sakura and Sasuke got really impatient and protested Kakashi.

Then Kakashi and Sandai talked about it, and it just so happened that the three generations just had a C-level task to hand over to them.


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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