Chapter 45 Tell the leeks about the history of the past

“Clap clap-”

Looking at the few people greeting each other, Tian Yuqing clapped his hands, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Let’s put the old things to the back!”

“Today’s meeting, but I went to ask the leader, and I finally applied for it. The opening time of the seventh consciousness space is limited.”

“You don’t want to waste this opportunity to trade with each other, right?”

All right.

In fact, the so-called issue of the opening time of the seventh consciousness space is due to the limited strength in Tian Yuqing.

Maintaining an illusory consciousness space that can accommodate several Kage-level powerhouses for a long time consumes too much Chakra and mental power.

Even with his body that has reached Kage-level, it is very difficult.


“A strange face!”

“Can you introduce yourself? This friend of the Hyuga clan!”

Orochimaru looked at the familiar white eyes in Tian Yuqing and asked thoughtfully.

The eyes of the Hyuga clan are famous in the entire ninja world.

It is a very good auxiliary blood following limit with a wide range of applications.

Whether it is detection, perception, medical treatment, combat, or even the practice of ninjutsu and taijutsu, they all play an extremely important role.

Cloud Shinobi Village has always been coveted by this, and there was a kidnapping incident a few years ago, and Konoha was severely beaten in the face.

However, there must be gains and losses!

The powerful ability of the white eye has created the prestige of the Hyuga family.

It also shackles the future of this family!

At the middle and lower level, the Hyuga family can easily achieve Chūnin and Jōnin that others can’t achieve in their entire lives by virtue of the ability of their eyes.

But once you get to the Kage-level, white eyes become a drag.

Excessive worship and the convenience of the blind eye, wasted other aspects of exercise.

It’s been a long time since I heard that the Hyuga clan has a Kage-level powerhouse!

Even the patriarch Hyuga Hiashi is only at the level of Elite Jōnin!

Orochimaru was curious.

Who is the official member of the star organization in front of me, who is the Hyuga clan?

“The Hyuga clan? Stop joking!”

“Don’t compare those ignorant clans with self-indulgent degenerates with me!”

“My name is Ōtsutsuki Genshi!”

Tian Yuqing showed disdain on his face, with a hint of contempt, but also showed his pride in Ōtsutsuki, and his acting skills were overwhelming.

“The Ōtsutsuki clan?”

Orochimaru, Uchiha Shisui and others all frowned.

After thinking about it for a long time, I have no clue.

In the huge ninja world, there has never been a group called Ōtsutsuki, right?

And it’s a family with white eyes!

“You haven’t heard it’s normal!”

“But there is one person, you must know!”

“Sage of Six Paths!”

“The founder of ninja, the origin of all ninjas!”

“His real name is Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo!”

Laughing inwardly, Tian Yuqing said with a very serious science.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes widened.

Sage of Six Paths is also from the Ōtsutsuki clan?

Doesn’t that mean… . . .

“That’s right!”

“We, the Ōtsutsuki clan, are the orthodox ninja world!”

“The rest of the mixed-race descendants, like the Senju, Uzumaki, Yui, Uchiha, Hyuga, Hui Yoruichi, etc., are nothing more than fallen ignorant people!”

Tian Yuqing had a proud look, and he spoke the secrets that shocked the entire ninja world without hesitation.

“Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha, Yui, Hyuga, Kaguya……”

“Yes, yes, that’s it!”

“It turns out that there is such a relationship between these families!”

“No wonder, when I was experimenting in the past, such a situation would occur……”

Orochimaru’s eyes flashed brightly, as if he had thought of something, an excitement and trembling deep into the cell level swept through his body.

Even his projected body formed by Chakra and consciousness swayed and almost dissipated.

“Uchiha and Senju, the source is the same!”

“Then what’s the point of our hatred and killings that have lasted for thousands of years?”

Uchiha Shisui has never felt that the world is so absurd.

They are the mortal enemy of the Uchiha clan, the undead enemy.

In the end, they are relatives connected by blood.

For a time, he felt that his three views had been shattered!

Dazed, at a loss!

Tian Yuqing’s gaze swept across the faces of Uchiha Shisui, Beiliuhu, and Oyajo Yana, who were puzzled, dazed, or puzzled, and continued to speak in shock: “That’s right, the history of the ninja world has long been lost. forgotten.”

“You don’t know anything about that distant past!”

“For the sake of being a member of the Star Organization, let me explain to you the history of the past!”

“Lest you know nothing about the truth of this world!”

Looking at the few people who were about to hold their breath, Tian Yuqing was no longer giving in.

“The origin of everything probably dates back to a certain day more than a thousand years ago.”

“Princess from beyond, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and his companions came to our world with a seed called the tree of gods.”

“She planted the seeds on the ground, and the divine tree began to sprout. It absorbed natural energy and grew rapidly. In a short period of time, it turned into a giant tree that penetrates the sky and the ground!”

“In order to protect this sacred tree, Kaguya and his companions lived next to the sacred tree, waiting for the tree to bear fruit!”

“Time is passing slowly, and Kaguya’s companions can’t wait. They are ready to sacrifice Kaguya to the sacred tree, so that the sacred tree will bear fruit as soon as possible.”

“So, Kaguya, who was looking for self-protection, took advantage of his companion’s inattentiveness, attacked him, and sacrificed him to the sacred tree!”

“The divine tree that has been greatly supplemented has finally blossomed and bears fruit, and a fruit called Chakra is born!”

“Kaguya ate the Chakra fruit, gained an immortal body, and unrivaled power, and then ruled the whole world!”

“She is also called the [Goddess of Mao] by the people of the earth!”

“But it’s not over yet!”

“Kaguya knew that she would be punished by a family outside the sky if she secretly shot at her companions and ate the Chakra fruit.”

“She, who was unwilling to accept punishment, used the power of Xue Jisuo and Yin and Yang to mix her own blood and created two sons.”

“At the same time, with the help of the power of the divine tree, human beings are used as raw materials to continuously manufacture biological weapons – White Zetsu!”

“She wants to use this to increase her strength and fight against possible family pursuits!”

“As a result, her actions caused fear throughout humanity, as well as opposition from her two sons.”

“A war has erupted across the entire planet!”

“In the end, the soft-hearted Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was defeated by his two sons and sealed on the moon!”

“The son of Kaguya who won the victory, one stayed in the ninja world and led mankind to restore the wounds of the earth, and the other went to the moon to guard the seal!”

“Among them, the one who stayed in the ninja world was named Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, also known as Sage of Six Paths!”*

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