"This kind of lock has a power far beyond the ordinary A-level lock, and is stronger than the strongest A-level lock, the lemon lock. This is definitely not a normal A-level lock. It should be a special lock of a variant. It is worth studying. , Maybe something useful can be researched, Qin Yan, Huang Jiajia, these two really gave me a big surprise."

"Principal, Huang Jiajia's lock seed is strong, but it's not that powerful, right? That lock seed's shortcomings are also obvious. It doesn't have enough movement ability, it's just a living target, and it has a little long-range attack ability or The figure is fast enough to be easily dealt with.”

Although Teacher Xiaoqing also felt that the power of summer melon seeds was good, the principal's performance was obviously a bit too much.

She doesn't think there is anything particularly worthy of study in the summer melon lock seed.

"One or two of course is not very useful, but think about it, if an army of [-] people is equipped with such a kind of lock, with such terrifying firepower, what kind of scene will it be? What kind of monster can stand up to it? Can it withstand such firepower? This kind of lock is very suitable for building an invincible battle pole driver Kamen Rider army. If human beings can master the ability to mass produce this kind of lock, it will definitely raise the strength of human beings to a new level. the height of."

The position of the principal is different, and the way of looking at things is naturally different.

He has seen the bright future of mankind from the body of the summer melon lock.

But that's just a good vision.

Whether the summer melon seeds can be mass-produced is still unknown.

Have to wait until after research to know.

If the summer melon seeds cannot be mass-produced, then everything is empty talk.

"Headmaster, you are far-sighted and broad-minded, I am short-sighted." Teacher Xiaoqing flattered.

The battle in the field has entered a white-hot stage.

Teacher Wu still couldn't break through and approached Huang Jiajia within five meters.

Xiaguajia Te Lin's firepower is too changeable.

Whenever Teacher Wu tried to get close to Huang Jiajia, he would be forcibly pushed back by Xiaguajia Te Lin's firepower.

But she still can't do anything about Huang Jiajia.

Not to mention how frustrating it is.

As an intermediate teacher at the Knights Academy.

Mr. Wu himself has a super strong fighting ability, and his physical skills are not weak. 0

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been overturned by Xiaguajia Te Lin's powerful firepower.

On the other hand, Mr. Wu was able to face the battle calmly, and relying on his amazing physical skills and reflexes, he avoided Huang Jiajia's attack and dealt with Huang Jiajia.

As the saying goes, persistence is victory.

As long as you persevere, you can always see the hope of victory.

Huang Jiajia's body is no better than Qin Yan's.

Qin Yan can use Xiaguajia Te Lin to attack without restrictions.

But Huang Jiajia can't.

In less than two minutes of fighting, Huang Jiajia already felt that her body was about to fall apart.

If you continue to use the summer melon lock to fight, it may not be necessary for Teacher Wu to take action, and Huang Jiajia will lose her physical strength and forcibly release the transformation state.

"The body is reaching its limit."

"Using the lock seed given by Qin Yan to fight is basically the same. It should be impossible to defeat Teacher Wu."

"Play the final blow and end this fight."

"Give this fight a perfect ending."

Huang Jiajia stopped shooting, put Xiaguajia Te Lin on the ground, and pressed the small cutter on the Zhanji driver.

【Watermelon! Squash! 】

Chaguaja Te. Lin glowed green.

"Finally, I have a chance to perform! If I don't fight back, my dignity as a teacher will be gone!" Teacher Wu held back his strength for a long time, but he can finally vent at this time.

Fist gun whistle inserted into Ixa's belt.

【Ixa! Knu-ck-le! Ri-se! Up! 】

The sound effect sounds.

Teacher Wu took off the ixa gun as a weapon and punched Huang Jiajia.

Seeing this, Huang Jiajia threw Xiaguajia Te Lin as an enhanced throwing weapon.

Then he jumped, his right foot burst out with red and green light, and a knight kick fell towards Teacher Wu.


Mr. Wu first attacked with a punch, and blocked Xiaguajia Te Lin with the ixa punch.

Then he grabbed Xiaguajia Te Lin with his left hand as a shield, and used Huang Jiajia's weapon to resist Huang Jiajia's attack.


Huang Jiajia's knight kicked and landed on Xiaguajia Te Lin's shield.

She never imagined that Teacher Wu would use such a trick.

The people next to him, including Qin Yan, were also stunned by Teacher Wu's quick reaction ability.

This fighting ability is not generally strong.

Mr. Wu used Xiaguajia Te Lin to block Huang Jiajia's knight kick, and then backhanded a shield attack.


Huang Jiajia was beaten out by Xiaguajia Te Lin.


Roll twice to the ground.

Huang Jiajia forcibly released the transformation state.

It wasn't that Huang Jiajia was injured.

Teacher Wu has shown mercy to her, and has not attacked with a big move.

But Huang Jiajia's physical strength reached the limit, and he could no longer persist in the transformation state.

This is Huang Jiajia's current limit.

"Jiajia, are you okay?" Qin Yan ran over and helped Huang Jiajia from the ground.

Huang Jiajia shook his head and said weakly: "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired. Maybe my body has reached the limit. Teacher Wu didn't hurt me, don't worry."

Huang Jiajia released his transformation, and Xiaguajia Te Lin in Teacher Wu's hand disappeared.

The battle has been won.

After all, Huang Jiajia is not someone like Qin Yan and Han Lele, who can't beat the academy teacher.

To be able to make it like this is already a very good performance. .

Chapter 81

Teacher Wu released his transformation, came to Huang Jiajia, and said some words of encouragement.

"You are very good, your lock seed is a brand-new lock seed, and it has good combat power. If you can train well and master the power of this lock seed, you will definitely be a powerful Kamen Rider who can stand on his own in the future. I'm optimistic about you, Work hard, there is a great hope of entering the S-class class."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Wu patted Huang Jiajia on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Teacher Wu's words gave Huang Jiajia great encouragement.

Teacher Wu is one of the teachers in charge of this test. If even she said that she has a great hope of entering the S-level class, she estimates that she has at least a [-]% chance of being able to enter the S-level class.

The rest is to look at your written test scores and interview scores.

As long as your written test scores and interview scores are not too weak, the S-level class should not be a problem.

Huang Jiajia seemed to have seen the door of the S-class class open to him, and he had already stepped into the door of the S-class class with one foot.

"Are you at ease now?" Qin Yan had a smile on his face.

Huang Jiajia's biggest dream is to enter the S class to study.

Seeing Huang Jiajia's dream come true, Qin Yan was very happy for Huang Jiajia.

"Thank you, Qin Yan, if it wasn't for the new lock you lent me, I would never have hoped to enter the S-class class."

"I think you use it well. This summer melon lock seed is given to you. Work hard and strive to master the power of the summer melon lock seed as soon as possible, and you can also be among the best in the S-class class."

"What? Are you going to give me this lock seed? Don't you want to keep it for yourself?"

"I don't even have 10 Zhanji drivers, what are you playing? Take it, no thanks, let's go."

Qin Yan took Huang Jiajia absentmindedly to the sidelines.

Huang Jiajia was very moved.

The power of this summer melon lock has been shown just now.

Strong, very strong.

Outrageously strong.

If you take it out and sell it, there will definitely be someone willing to pay an exorbitant price to buy this summer melon lock seed.

But Qin Yan said that he would give it away, and he didn't feel heartache at all.

This friendship is unrequited.

It can only be remembered in my heart, and I will have the opportunity to return it to Qin Yan in the future.

The eyes of people around Qin Yan and Huang Jiajia changed.

The combination of these two people is simply perverted.

One person's combat power is so strong that it's abnormal, and another person has an unbelievably strong lock seed.

If the two entered the S-class class together, wouldn't they still dominate the Knights Academy?

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

Some people are already considering whether to establish a good relationship with Qin Yan and Huang Jiajia as soon as possible.

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