Galaxy Shattering Blade

Galaxy Shattering Blade Chapter 44: Happy troubles

   "Is the artistic conception originated from the realm of swordsmanship?"

   "No, not so."

   "The artistic conception of the move style is derived from the move style. In fact, it is the same principle as the new martial arts, except that the new martial arts uses the move style to drive the artistic conception, and the ancient martial arts is to integrate the artistic conception into the move style..."

   Practice while learning.

   Lin Feng was not idle, and the actual combat combined with the comprehension complemented each other.

   "Like a sunburst, it can feel a surging force during the exhibition, as majestic as the setting sun."

   "Meteor, it seems that there is a meteor across when it is cast. In fact, it should be inseparable between the sword and the trick."


  Compared with other ancient martial artists, Lin Feng's new martial arts have a deep knowledge.

   And the new swordsmanship that he comprehends is practiced to complete mastery, 100% perfect, and the perception is natural and profound. Lin Feng thought about it, the two knives at his disposal were to kill the two fierce manganese pigs that attacked fiercely. Without any effort, Lin Feng kept pondering the knife's artistic conception and waved his knife back at will.

  On the ground, there are already four dead manganese pig carcasses, and the gray-white ripples on each head are not only clear, but also numerous.

   are all intermediate beast soldiers!

   Replaced by Lin Feng who has just entered the wilderness area, it is definitely a fierce battle, but now... Full control of the third realm of the ancient warrior sword, Lin Feng kills intermediate beast soldiers as a sack and extracts. There is no danger of pressure.

   "I think I understand."

   "I am too obsessed, in fact, there is no need to separate the artistic conception alone, the so-called artistic conception..."

   "This is what exists for the sword."

   The first method of chopping tiger sword, hack head!

   Lin Feng's alloy sword fell down in his hand, violently, and there was a hint of mood in the air. The last manganese pig howled and fell into the pool of blood.


   "It's my direction, wrong."

   Lin Feng smiled slightly.

   The gate of the ancient warrior road ahead is slowly opening to himself.


All beginnings are hard.

   The first realization of the artistic conception is bound to be difficult.

  Especially, Lin Feng has never walked the path of the ancient martial arts. If the energy of the world is sensed on that day, if a teacher points the way, why does Lin Feng need to explore for a full hour on his own before he first glimpses the mystery.

   "Chop head!"




  Lin Feng honed one by one, perfecting like a machine.

  The harsh tempering of the new martial arts in six years has cultivated Lin Feng's careful and perfect pursuit. Although the artistic conception is important, the shape of the sword can not be relaxed.

    go hand in hand!

   Lin Feng believes that only in this way can it exert its strongest power.

   Shit! Shit!

  Blade vigorously, Lin Feng gradually entered the best.

  Incorporate consciousness into the sword, sense it with the body, and grasp it with the knife in your hand. The so-called sword move artistic conception is different from the realm, it cannot exist independently, but it is a part of the sword move, the soul of the sword move.

   It's just that the new martial arts reduced it to zero, buried in the sword moves, and the ancient martial arts...

   is to condense it into one and combine it with the energy of heaven and earth.

  Improve the artistic conception!





  The concept of knife moves is becoming clearer.

   Lin Feng's knife crossed a tragic and cold mountain, his breath was as violent as he was, he was brave and fierce, and the places he passed were thunderous. "Roar!" The roar of a grief beast resounded over the wilderness area, with a head of nearly five meters in shape, covered with gray lines. The manganese dog with the clear flash of manganese crystal fell sharply, and the skull was completely broken.

   "This is the mood." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

   The wrist shook and flicked, the arc flashed through, and a piece of E7 manganese crystal nucleus was like a pearl, shining with brilliant luster.

   officially knocked on the gate of the ancient warrior!

   Lin Feng did not stop there, but went deeper into the wilderness area.

There are no shortcuts for the practice of   .

   If you want to be perfect, you need to practice again and again, such as the new martial arts swordsmanship, you must be fine in the consciousness space to be fault-finding, even if it is performed 1,000 times and 10,000 times, there will be no mistakes!

   In the battle, make one mistake, the result is...

   may be death.



   Numb killing.

  For Lin Feng, this is actually no different from the practice in the consciousness space, except that the physical perception of the practice here is more profound, and it can also make a little money.

   Iron, manganese, chromium.

   The three most common metals are also all E-grade elements.

   Therefore, the most common elemental beasts are iron crystals, manganese crystals, and chromium crystals, which are extremely large. The most valuable element on the element beast is undoubtedly the crystal nucleus, but because of the common three metals of iron, manganese and chromium, the price is low, and the element beast's leather, fluff, horns, etc., although valuable, are of great value to Lin Feng. Say……

Too troublesome.

   Instead of wasting time on cutting fur, Lin Feng would rather kill an elemental beast.

  Although the price of the crystal nucleus is not high, it wins a lot.

   "Hoo~~" Lin Feng put away the last crystal nucleus and looked far into the distance. At this time, the sky was already bright and unconsciously another day passed. The **** smell of the alloy war sword in his hand was so strong that even the elemental battle coat was covered with blood stains, as if returning from hell.

   "Cut the tiger sword method, almost mastered." Lin Feng put away the alloy sword.

   Now that his own realm of swordsmanship has reached the peak of the third realm, practicing Qiliu swords is like an adult doing a child's test. According to the standards of the new martial arts, the second-level practice of the sword method is to practice D-level martial arts, and the third-level can practice C-level martial arts.

   "Almost eighteen hours." Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction as he sensed his body.

At this point, the genetic energy in my body is almost exhausted. It takes six hours to continuously absorb three bottles of primary gene fluid, and it takes another 18 hours to digest. In other words, my body completely absorbs a bottle of primary gene fluid from start to finish. —

  It only takes eight hours!

  Compared with the previous estimated twelve hours, the time is shortened by one third!

   Training speed can be improved!

   Lin Feng's eyes were bright.

   "Three bottles of elementary gene solution a Lin Feng calculated.

"In addition to strengthening the body and martial spirit, each bottle of genetic fluid can also increase the width of the brain area by about 0.02%." Lin Feng clearly remembered that the width of the brain area he tested in the Ancient Warrior Alliance was 10.02%.

   "Even if it depends solely on the absorption of genetic energy, it will take about half a year..."

   "I can increase the width of the brain area to 19.99%!"

   This, the cultivation of ancient warriors has not yet been calculated!

   "It's really amazing~" Lin Feng shook his head, feeling unbelievable.

   This speed of cultivation is unheard of.


  Self, what seems to be missing?

   "Elementary genetic fluid..." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

  One E9 crystal nucleus is worth 1 copper coin, one E8 crystal nucleus is worth 2 copper coins, and one E7 crystal nucleus is worth 5 copper coins.

  The three elements of iron, manganese, and chromium are not valuable. Adding these four days of harvest, it is still a question whether we can buy a bottle of ordinary gene solution worth 10 silver coins.

   And a bottle of elementary genetic fluid requires a full 30 silver coins.

  In other words, if you want to reach the maximum cultivation speed, you need to spend as much as 90 silver coins every day!


   A lot of money...

   Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt a deep helplessness.


   (Seeking recommendation ticket^^)

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