Klulu's Infinite World

Kluru's Infinite World Chapter 519

"I know, don't you do it, I can do it myself."

"It's the end of the world, are you still in the mood to squeeze! Take it off!"

"I don't have a few clothes on me."

"Obviously, what do you think about wearing such thin clothes when you often have to fight?"

"Did you offend you wearing a skirt!"

During the dispute between the two, Maria also dragged Kluru's arm into the iron maiden, and when he approached, Kluru saw the dense steel needles in the iron maiden, her scalp tingling with fright, and she began to resist again.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, the iron maiden is still too much. Change to a separate method, isn't it just bleeding! Just let it go?"

"If you are the true ancestor, please show me the courage of a man!"

"For now, neither of us can be masculine! I am a cute character!"

At this time, there was the sound of landing outside, and someone came into the cave, it was Jay Chou.

"How is your training? Has Kluru become stronger? Are you interested in playing... a... a game...??"

Regardless of how you look at the training content here, when Dong Chou came in, he saw the scene of Maria throwing Kluru, although Kluru could not be seen at the door, because he was too young, he was directly covered by Maria. Lived, but the scattered clothes around can probably be inferred.

"Maria, do you have such an interest? No wonder you have been refusing to accept me because I am a man! I understand!"

"Do you know a hammer?"

Jay Chou was not in the mood to come to the discussion, blue smoke and arcs began to appear on his head, and he walked out desperately.

be strong.

ps: please vote if you like it, the fox loves you

Chapter 10 is the Skywing Seed

"Huh... Was it just training?"

Kluru changed clothes with one click, that is, the blood mist covered his body, and the clothes came back. Jay Chou hid outside to see that the situation was stable, and walked in. Maria saw that this fool was a little concerned, and explained The ins and outs.

"What are you still waiting for, let Kluru in."

"This is the iron maiden, full of thorns, a blood press that a living person put in."

"That said, I'm afraid to understand."

Jay Chou expressed understanding and suddenly pointed at Klulu behind him.

"Why don't you use that."


Klulu didn't expect to have any props, but when he looked back, there was nothing.

When it was said that it was too late, Jay Chou and Maria suddenly stood up Kluru, and they threw her into the Iron Maiden together, and then closed the lid directly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

At that moment, there was a miserable cry, blood spurted from the gap of the iron maiden, the amount of bleeding was huge, and it kept shaking, shaking for a second, and suddenly stopped, for fear that it might be the ancestor of the breath type.

Jay Chou was a little bit scared, and felt that the senior sister had acted too ruthlessly: "I won't die."

Maria is not very sure: "No, it should be..."

Facts proved that the true ancestor could not die. When the Iron Maiden was opened again, Kluru walked out of it. Because of her strong self-healing ability, it was not obvious from the surface that she was injured.

"How does it feel to weaken Kluru's state to the limit?"

"Some thirsty, I want to get my blood back..."

"I can't give you direct blood. Drink some diluted black tea."

Maria handed Klulu water, Klulu reluctantly took it, raised her head and drank, then her body leaked around like a shower, but she didn't notice it and returned the cup to Maria .

"I feel better, what is the training content?"

Klulu cheered up. Now that this is the case, it would be too bad if he didn't continue training.

To train magic, you have to exercise your body first, and with a strong physique, the spiritual power will rise.You think that many protagonists have been beaten to the ground more than ten times, and they can still get up and attack the villain. Isn’t that the truth, the body will be beaten to death, and how can there be a final outbreak after being beaten to death?You know how important physical fitness is at a glance, right?

"So...so, this is...I have to...carry a few heavy stones...climbing the snow-capped mountains...why?"


Sitting on the rock that Kluru was carrying, Maria opened the map and pointed to the direction. Long-distance running with weights is the most basic of all physical training. The training object is Kruru. You don't need to be gentle, just go to death.

This life is currently losing too much blood, so there is no extra power to protect the body. When on the snow-capped mountains, the cold wind blows from all directions. Klulu can't even cover his hands for psychological comfort, letting the wind blow and rain. Finally climbed the snow mountain, unexpectedly there was a lake on the top of the mountain.

"This is an ice lake, but the lake is not water, but magic crystals. It looks like a liquid but it is very dangerous. The temperature on the shore alone is minus 120, which means that some fantasy species can live here."

The lake was sparkling and very beautiful. Klulu didn't think there was any special place at first. Because he was tired, his senses were dull. After careful observation, he discovered that the lake was dangerous. Ordinary people would get frostbite with a light touch and jump in. It will become an ice sculpture in a few seconds, and it will be worse if you drink it. It is not a stomach problem, but it will be eroded by the power of this ice water and become ice scum.

"There are many wonderful places in this world, and here is one. Kluru, you have the power of ice in your abilities, can you absorb this lake?"

"I don't know, I've never done anything like this before."

"This lake is a rare magical essence. If you can use it, it is a pretty good power. Kluru, you can jump off."

"I won't talk about the iron maiden before, this one will really die!"

Klulu didn't even dare to swim in the winter before, let alone jump into the ice lake now. Under normal circumstances, her body will be lingering with the magic power to resist cold invasion. Now it is not so convenient, it will really freeze into icicles.To say that the only situation where you can struggle is to absorb the blood of Asides and gain the power of the essence of the devil, but the essence of the devil is obviously not as strong as here.

"Hunters do not grow up only by killing people and monsters. They have patience that surpasses ordinary people. They must always be alert to the sounds that linger in their ears. The battle we experience is not only the suffering of blood and fire, but also the torture from all aspects. . If a hunter can’t even face the cold, he will succumb if he is attacked by monsters two or three times. If he encounters monsters who like to torture people, his fragile spirit prevents the formation of fighting will. Krulu, just imagine You will fight Jibril, but if you are afraid of the cold, how can you save the world?"

Maria said this seriously, and when she finished speaking, she heard the sound of falling into the water.

Puff, a duck enters the water.

"What about people?"

A few seconds later, the frozen Kluru emerged from the water and gradually drifted away.


Kluru trembling in the water holding an icicle, his face was really pale now.

"Okay, I'm already in the water, what do I do next?"

"Feel the tranquility."

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