King's second element

Wang's second chapter 915


Next day.

Leave a big gilder after a big ransom, returning his EA back to the farmhouse.

On the way home, Gilgamesh met the Rider conquer king, and conquered the king to go to the Idyz Beelun Castle opened a party.


Wang Zhifeng.

The third chapter of Xiangtongan night secret

But when I finished pulling, I felt it, I feel so stimulated Berserker.

In the time of Berserker, it is actually hiding in the dark corner of Tongartan night encountered such a person.


"Cough and cough, I didn't expect, when I was vigorously exercise in Berserv, the consumption of magic would be so fast ... cough cough, my body, I must give me insistence ... cough cough."

Leaning on the corner wall covered in the dark, the body of Tongartan night becomes more weak due to the vigorous consumption of the magic.

Berserker was installed outside, and Duan Tongyan night spit blood behind the scenes.

Stepping step.

Steward footsteps.


Tongan Night has a little vigilant to look at the man in front of him.

"I am just a passerby -."

A man with a mouth is smoke, and a man with silver is watching Tongan Night.

The man's clothes were very casual, and he wore a white trousers who washed in his body, wearing a white long sleeve, plus a thin brown jacket.

The man is carrying a wooden suitcase, it seems like this man says, this man should be a simple passerby.

However, Duan Tongan Night plays the sixth silver man in front of the Silver men, this man doesn't seem to be as simple as it looks like it.

"Is your eyes blind?"

The man who is full of silver is worth the same as the Yinxiang night, sigh.


Tongan Night did not answer the words of this man, he was deeply vigilant for this man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Haha, in fact, I have seen this eye."

The man didn't care about the move of Tongan Night. He cracked near Tongyan Night, then reached out and opened the white bangs that blocked the left eye.

The man's right eye is a little obvious shiny green, but the left eye of the man is extremely dead.

"Is this a glimpse?"

Perhaps because of the same illness, Tongyan Night is relaxing for this man's vigilance, Tongan Night's eyes are just almost blind, but the man in front of him, his eyes should be all removed. .

"Yeah, this is a glimpse, in addition to being an ordinary crossover, there is another identity, that is, the insects in the wandering."

The silver hair man revealed a friendly smile to Duan Tongyan Night.


As soon as I heard these two words, the Tongan Night's Broads appeared in the denseness of the probes, and the feeling of nausea.


"Hey, you are fine, I just felt that the bugs in your body came here, your body in your body is absorbing your vitality, sticking, I will help you expel them ..."

The worm in the wandering, saying that there is a time to gain the temptan night deworm.

"Don't come over, don't come over, don't come over !!"

"Don't be afraid, it will be fine, no pain."

So, Duan Tongan night gorgeous dizzy passed.

At this time, Berserker, which is in the distance, only only half of it.

Its two.

"... Hey, I just didn't seem to have something happened. I have been in a coma? It seems to have seen a silver-haired man, I can't think of it, my body feels some empty fall ... vomiting ..."

Duan Tongan night body is deep in the depths of the private, and the Tongan night once again exposed the painful expression.

Stepping step.


Tongan Night is vigilant to look at the person who comes to him, it should be said, it is two people!

"Who are you?"

Tongan Night corrected his own problems.

"Hey, we are just ordinary passing people."

A short boy with a golden pupil and blond hair three plus hairpin, showing a big smile in Tongyan Night.

"Well, we have passed away."

Among the tallers around the short boy, the sound with metal echo is issued.


I believe that you have a ghost, the shorter teenager naked the right hand in the air is obviously mechanical, and the clothes wearing is a big red windbreaker, black jacket and black pants.

On the other hand, the tall armor's waist actually has a white pocket, and I don't know what special dress.

This strange combination, how can I think it is an ordinary pass?

"Brother, you see this uncle, he seems to be very painful."

"Al, there is something that is absorbing his vitality in his body."

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