King's second element

Wang's second chapter 758

Finally, after a variety, a group is finally coming to the home of the Great Holy Cup.

"Is this a big holy cup? Is this not a super high magic furnace heart !? Why do you have this kind of thing in the island of the far East !?"

Seeing the moment of the Saint Cup, Olga Mary's face revealed an incredible expression. She was born in the Magic Family. It is difficult to imagine the small family of the distal east area to make this super high-level thing.

"According to the information, this is made from the alchemist master named Iims Beren. They don't belong to the Magic Association, as if they are only constructed by the human being."

Romer finds the relevant information in the shortest time and gives Olga Mary's corresponding answer.

"Director Mary, now it is not those who say."

Gilgamesh looked at the young girl in his premises, sighed, this is not reliable.

"Indeed, we have been discovered, Martiu, do defense preparation."

Kukuin handheld the stick, serious expression, he looked at the front, that is a black fog.

Marton heard, immediately put on the defensive gesture, and with the eyes of Kunelin, the area of ​​the black fog was also guarded.

"This kind of magic power! It's too powerful."

Olga Mary heard the battle, her body trembled, after the shortest hour, after another, she retreated to the area that she felt safe, this stopped.

"Arthur king. This kind of breath seems to have a feeling of recognition."

Gilgamesh found a flat place and put the muchemis.

He stared at the black fog of the tumbling, but his face was not confused by the autonomy. What is the strange familiarity?

"Arthur king ... is actually a woman !?"

The black fog of the tumbling spread, the center of the black fog, which is an indifferent girl with a faceless.

The lacquered armor is wrapped, the girl is growing, and her eyes are like the gods of all beings.

"Although it is a woman, she is the king of the non-LCH, the master of the Holy Sword. Although gender and legendary difference, what should be in this ..."

Roman began to chatter, this atmosphere has gradually solidified.

A depressed dullness.

"Don't look at her because she looks very thin, then the guy is a body that does not have a flesh and blood, but with magic releases to produce a hit super monster."

Kuqi Lin and Black Saber have traveled his hand, he knows the strength of black Saber, recalling his and black Saber's situation, he is still a lingering.

Chapter 20 Who will stop can't sleep?

"Even if you don't have to explain, you can easily judge with your eyes."

The black fog around is shocked with the black Saber.

That is not the black fog that the original encounter before.

The black fog around the black Saber is all rich to the substantive magic.

"No matter what, the other party is very strong, very strong, super strong is! Hai ... I will do my best!"

Marton stared at the black Saber, she couldn't help but close the twists of shields.

"It's a fighting spirit. If your Royal is like it, it will be like you. Cough, as long as you fall down this guy, the changing of the city will disappear."

"At that time, not only Saber, you will also disappear together, big dog."

Gilgamesh looked at the kuhinlin and said faintly.

"Yes, I should not be a hero king? Hey, as long as she defeated her, I will disappear with her, then it is your job. Although I don't know what will happen after disappear, I also love it. "

Kunelin shrugged and talked.

"It's really interesting, do you think you have won?"

Overlooking the black Saber of everyone smiles, saying is laughing, the smile is really cold, cold and cold.

"What !? Your guy actually speaks? That is to say that you and I fight before, is it not to send?"

Kuqi Lin was shocked, he observed the black Saber for a long time, I always thought that Black Saber did not speak.

"My words are always in the surveyed state, so I am in turn, I choose to be a scarecrow generally silently guarded here."

Black Saber explained a sentence, then turned the remaining light to Gilgamesh.

"Hero king ... There is a feeling of recognition, but I can determine that this is the first time I saw you. Maybe in other worlds, we have access ..."

"It should be, after all, the Sky Temple is in absolutely parallel time and space, and the link to each parallel world is not surprising."

Gilgamen nodded, just like black Saber, did not do more to do more.

After the Jilgamesh is short, the black Saber turned all the eyes on the cross shield held by Marsu.

"Interesting, this Taoo is really interesting."

The indifferent gaze seems to have a little bit, and Gilgamesh catches, there is a light flashing in the dark eyes.

"Is it ready?"

As a Knight King, even if it is infected by the dark, she still keeps her knight.

"That's war."

The golden rays covered with the sound of Weak Silver Moon with the sound of Gilgamesh.

Run your hand, "the power of the king" is brought to all the participants in the court.

In fact, in addition to all of the members of all of Olga Mary, even the muchemums of the call are also in the range of golden rays.

"I ... I was ignored. Hey ..."

"Director, you seem to have been given up by the hero."

The mouth of Romance is very suitable for patching the young and fragile soul of Olga Mary.

"Pay attention to your words, Romani! Hey, how can Gilgamesh? How can I give up me? He doesn't give me a blessing, just want to protect me, let me not participate in this dangerous battle! And He talks about me, how can I give up me !? "

Both hands shoulders, Olga Mary put a versatile expression, she can only be cold and cold in Romers at the end of Cale.

"Steward, you just didn't have a pair of kittens, the kind of pitiful expression?"

"You are enough, Romani!"

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