King's second element

Wang's second chapter 737

After the tab is hung, the other sound is ringing from the room.


Roman was scared to jump.

"Second generations, you wake up."

Marton smiled softly.

"Well, I just heard the drip drops of the tab, I was allergic to that kind of voice, and I was awakened when I heard it."

Curator explains.

"Dr. ."

"Is Roman!"

"In my room, that is, I am infatuation!"

The madkey picked up the sleeves and showed a friendly smile on Romance.

"You, what do you want to do, don't come over, if you come over, I have to call it!"

Looking at getting closer and closer, Romance is not from autonomous to the wall.

"Let's call, even if you call your broken throat, there will be no one to help you! Today, I want to kill you," "

The laugh is more and more friendly.

"Cough, predecessors, please don't make trouble. Mr. Roman also went to the spiritual experiment. Mr. Rotman, do you really don't go to the medical pedestrian Town custom agent really no problem?"

Ma Xiu stopped the madkey to travel against Romana.

"Hey, you have to save, Marton, I ..."

"Mr. Roman."

"I will go to the medical room now!"

Closed on the mouth, Roman is a self-knowledge, and the vast majority of words he said is very destroyed.

Open the mechanical door of the mutter room, Roman is to open to say a little saying that the lighting light is dark.

"What happened? The light is extinguished, what happened?"

Roman puts forward its own doubts in the first time.

"I feel vibrating, will n't you be what you said? What is the spiritual transfer laboratory exploded?"

The muchemum took out her tab, relied on the lighting system that came with the tab, and the sudden darkness finally appeared.

"An emergency! An emergency! The central power plant and the central control room have a fire. The isolation wall of the central area will be closed after 90 seconds. Please evacuate from the second gate from the second gate! Repeat it again ..."

"Ah ... it seems that it is really 503 by you."

Roman is a ghost as a ghost.

"Hey? Is it really exploded? It seems that the security here is not good."

The madkey shook his head.

"It is the predecessor!"

Marton emphasized that it is not an explosion, it is a fire, both have a big difference!

Boom ~

A explosion, this time, it is much more intense than muchemum.


"Well, it is an explosion. Senior."

Ma Xiu lowned, it seems that the Carthard did a very significant disaster, is the spiritual transfer test fail?

"Wait ... If you explode, you don't just say it. No, I have to take a look!"

The mood now is very urgent, Algabari, this is her dining, if this Card's greetings, what should she go? Finding a dining ticket can be very troublesome!

"Hey, hey. We should go to avoid refuge now ..."

Looking at the mutter away, Roman's expression is sluggish.

"Forget it, take a look at the situation together!"

"Okay, Mr. Roman."

Roman and Martar immediately followed it, keep up with the mucker that has been running.

Chapter 3 I am madkey, is it going to die here (seeking flowers, ask for subscription ~)

central control room.

The first arrival of the madkey stopped in front of the closed mechanical door.

"It's unlink when this is the key, so I said that technology is something, it really can't rely!"

The madkey is around, and the empty corridor has only iron bench and vending machines in addition to a flashing red warning light.

"I can't find a tool. It seems that I can only rely on myself."

The madkey smashed the wrong, she passed the whole person to the closed mechanical door.

"Drink! Ha!"

A big drink, the ten fingers are hard to deduct into the gap of the mechanical automatic door.


The gear is pulled by the external force to rotate.

"God, she opened the electronic door in the hands ..."

When the mutter is completed, Romance and Marm have also rushed to the door of the central control room.

There is a strange creature with them, it's right, that is, the murderer is as delicious as delicious food, Fav.

"Long-term dining, dining!"

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