King's second element

Wang's second chapter 690

He is thinking, if he is sitting on the only throne, how is Vivo will send out?

It's really curious, it really wants to try it too!

"Ah, it seems that I have to win in the giving competition in the Fire Dragon - big light color!"

In reverse returned to sixteen nights, he had an absolute confidence in himself.

"It's so beautiful, let me have some want to sit above try I will make it shining."

A long-term flying bird heart.

"The big lady, you will definitely be red."

Reversed back to sixteen nights.

"Then you must be black!"

A long time flying bird wrinkled the nose and snorted.

"Black light is not bad."

Reversing the sixten night and not in the darkness of a long time, he shrugged.

"You all come to me."

The radiance of the body is gradually bleak, it seems that it is ready, Gilgamesh is awkward, and several people have come to him.

Gilgamesh did not choose light speed, slightly bit, with a quarter-speed speed, and more than ten seconds to arrive at the North District realm from the "unknown" territory.

There is Gilgamesh's addition, huge kinetic energy does not harm to far-beaten.

"The eyes have reacted."

In flight, the eyes of far-sighted eyes have always stared at the scenery outside Vivo, but because the speed of flight is too fast, her meat is not able to keep up with the speed, I just feel that I have experienced ten. White light tunnel in the rest of the second.

The brain has not been awake, they arrived in the north area.

"It's so cool!"

Reverse back to sixteen night excitement, he likes this ultra-super high-speed flight.


Sanha Mao did not like this super high-speed movement, and it feels fear.

Spring Festival is shining with the hair on the back of the three-hairy cat, comforting the mood of the three minced cats that are smart.

Convergence emotions, look around.

Since it is directly flying directly to the North District, Gilgamesh stopped at the gate of the North District realm.

There is no cumbersome procedure into the North District, and Gilgamesh is easy to enter the world within the realm.

"Four · Three Nine 999 The outside ... Although I have seen more than once, I still want to say that the border of this number is really huge."

Far from the spit, 4 Million Gate, it is really a box of boxes with stellar surface area.

After entering the wall, the environment of the North District seems to be different from the territory of "unknown" in the Eastern District.

In the territory of "Unknown", there seems to be in spring this state.

But here, with a hot wind blows through their cheeks, which seems to be the taste of the summer.

Walking on the streets in the huge traffic, Gilgamesh and others have come to a high place.

Here you can overlook the corners of this town.

"Head ... red walls and flames, as well as towns posing in the glass !?"

A long time flying birds suck one breath, just walking on the street, she is very curious here that there seems to be different and different.

But I didn't expect that this town seems to be this!

"It is really a unique town painting style."

Gilgamesh comment.

Even now, it is still in the day, the entire town has already shown a tonal of dusk, and many huge lights are shining in the city covered by the shadow of the realm wall with warm red brilliance.

"Ah, there, where the candlestick is walking with two feet, I saw it for the first time!"

It is a bit exciting, and it will walk the candlestick, which is only something in a fairy tale.

Although the magician seems to make the magic, just ... seems to have no magician will leave the egg pain to make this 'unused' to make the devil.

"Hey, it is really a place that is 98,000 kilometers, and the cultural style of the Eastern District is really a big difference. I didn't expect to see the fairy tale to walk the candlestick."

Inversely, I have a little happy, and I started feeling interesting.

"There is also the mouth! There is also the Eastern District, too! Previously, when I was" unknown ", it wouldn't be much worse than here! "

The black rabbit is a little unwilling, all the magic of the devil, destroying "unknown", the original bustling put into a jealousy.

"The leader, the leader, can it be free to act?"

In the heart, the long-term flying bird can't calmly, the flying bird looks to Gilgamesh, and her eyes are excited.

"Of course, come to this Fire Dragon, the fundamental purpose is to play, where do you want to play, where you go, this king will not interfere with you."

Gilgamen nodded, a group of people actions, how many inconveniences.

"Too good! You can really open you the leader."

A long time flying bird blinked, she was very satisfied with Gilgamesh's answer.

"No, don't you do it! How can the leader? Can not do it!"

The black rabbit is very opposed, and her head must be shaken into a depression.

"Oh, call ~ Yao, Yao, let's go together ~"

Long-term flying bird will not listen to the words of the black rabbit, and she greeted the other two girls in the team, and took the lead in the play place she had already seen.

"Then I am going to spend everywhere."

Reversely returned to sixteen nights to pick a direction, there seems to have a gift game, he decided to get together.

"Go, win some levels of gift competitions, this king will use you to play with you."

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