King's second element

Wang's second chapter 684

On the few days of Spring Festival, she felt too many miracles. The power system completely subverted her three views. She communicated with animals, borrowing animals, it seems that they must not be on this world. What is too much miracle.

"Boxhip. This world is really fun. I didn't expect to be able to create it, the leader, can you do?"

I have some curiosity in reverse back to sixteen nights. He only knows that Gilgamesh's combat power is very strong, but other aspects he knows very little.


Gilgamesh is silent, he didn't answer the problem of the reverse sixteen nights.

He is impossible to say to the reverse returned to the 16th night, the king can't, this king can't create a starry sky, one world.

Gilgamesh's destructive power is very weak, but created, it is obviously not his ability.

It is easy to destroy, it is difficult to create, it can create a small sky like a box, it is little, and it is possible.

Even the big figures stood in the top of the box foreigner, it also created the world of boxing under the premise of mutual help.

"You can use the position of the planet free to play, and always dominate the big character of the sky, there is this box. Hey, the leader, are you scared?"

The black rabbit is jumping to Gilgamesh, even if it is Gilgamesh, there is absolutely no ability to play the stars at will.

You can smash the star, but you can't change the stars as a toy 697 to change the track, location.

"Scared? Black rabbit, it is really too small to see this king."

Gilgamesh smiled slightly, even if he won't create the ability.

Let you high-rise buildings, Richtam, I don't talk about it, you can make you a flat place, how can you?

The king's dominement is revealed.

"The same person is indeed qualified to become an architect of the king."

Gilgamesh commented on this evaluation that the big person who can play stars will be free to play the stars, and the architect is also appropriate.

Black rabbit is speechless. I didn't expect such big people in the mouth of Gilgamesh. It was only a district architect.

The gods of architecture, and the architects in the general sense can be complete!

However, in the mouth of Gilgamesh, the two don't seem to have too much difference. Is this arrogant or confident on his strength?

Shake the head, whether it is arrogant, the heart is full, as long as Gilgamesh is strong, the higher the possibility of unknown rise.

"If you really do, there is no name will follow the leader, be the top level of this world, I am looking forward to."

"Just in the near future."

Gilgamesh looked up at the sky, his face was incomparable.

Chapter 749 joke

Welcome will end.

Even in late night, the children who should go to sleep early will still be prosperous.

"I will go back to sleep, I don't want to sleep, I will get together tomorrow. Everyone will go back to sleep,"

Light car mats, under the command of the black rabbit, more than 100 children left the welcome space, they returned to their own huts and entered a new day of dreams.

"This kind of child's thing is the black rabbit is doing?"

Far away, just a few words, the black rabbit can take the children to their huts, it is too powerful.

"Yes, after all, the black rabbit is the only adult person before you haven't come. "

Jin En dotted, although he was the leader of "unknown", but he is still a minor, if there is no black rabbit to pay, "unknown" may have already lost it in his hand.

"The children are very like black rabbits very much, and they are very sensible, and they will not let the rabbit is difficult."

Jin En added, the rabbit is really high in the hearts of "unknown" children.

After a while, the children were completely dissipated, Jin En, reverse returned to the 16th night and others left here to go back.

On the air in front of the Community, only the black rabbit, Ratsia and Gilgamesh were left.

"Listia adult, these things can be done by me 207, you will go to rest."

"Nothing, as a maid, this is what I should do, but, black rabbit, I am a vampire, and this kind of thing is available."

Listia helped the Black Rabbit to sort out the post-welcoming will, seeing their quick return, think that you can't use this wolf to clean up this piece of wolf.

"The leader, why don't you take a break?"

Wipe the sweat before the amount, the black rabbit see Gilgamesh standing next to it, she can't help but ask.

"There is no one to sleep today, this king is thinking, it should be selected from the two of you to do this king today."

Jilgamesh said.

The black rabbit was originally pale because of labor, and the red cheeks were pale. The rabbit ears were vertical, and a piece of tormed garbage bag fled.

"Yeah, the rabbit escaped. It seems that you can only let Listia to sleep today."

The Yuelga Shishe Eye Corner saw the rabbit ears in the farm grass, hiding in the dark, peeking Gilgamesh, how would be discovered by Gilgamesh?

"If this is the command of the leader."

Listia's emotions don't have a half-point, she is very calm, and she has not made it a little shy look.

"Does the command?"

Gilgamesh walked to the side of Rundee, slightly gently stretching out the right hand index finger, provoked the chin of Rundessia.

"It's like a doll."

Kilgamesh laughed, what to wait, he just joked.

Or is the black rabbit's response interesting, the reactor of Runci is too cold, Gilgamesh shook his head.

"Sure enough, the king still prefer the rabbit."

Gilgamen laughed, and then turned to the Community Building.

"Runsia, how can you not escape? H. The leader can't really catch you to bed!"

The black rabbit is very afraid of Gilgamesh, but it is very dependent on Gilgamesh in the matter of the Community. She is contradictory.

"I didn't see the kind of desire in his eyes. He was just talking. Black rabbit, you just run too fast, I feel that you will abandon you."

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