King's second element

Wang's second chapter 669

Then, there was no then.

The golden rays disappeared, from Wang Zhi's treasure, the mashtifornic golden light-made golden photoresist is returned to - Wang Zhi's treasure treasure.

"Shock leader, what are you doing? Is it in fireworks?"

A little girl who seems to be a dog family, from a house near the headquarters, she has witnessed the painted picture of the golden granules, which is really beautiful.

The day real dog family girl does not know that there is a powerful foreign enemy just hit the "unknown" headquarters.

"Ah ~~~! The shiny leader is so embarrassing, putting fireworks is not called everyone."

"Hey, this is, this is a Ratsia!"

"Runsia is coming back, the Ratsia is back, is the sparkling leader in the welcome of the Ratsia?"

"Sparkling leader, shinning leader ..."

More and more children gathered to the atriation, this is only the second day of "unknown" leader, because of the distinct sake, Gilgamesh is called the shiny leader.

"Okay, ok, Rundessians have just come back, she and the leader have some important things to talk, everyone is scattered, go back first."

The black rabbit stands out, not only the children, Jin En, Yuan, and a long time flying birds and spring sideways come out.

"Peltus" just hit, although he was smashed by Gilgamesh ..., this is not a number of people, it is not what is "Peltus", maybe there will be more people here. The children will be very dangerous here.

Although Jin En did nothing, he saw that the black rabbit gradually gathered towards the atrium, naturally, it also joined the team of the black rabbit, with him and the black rabbit, very fast, gathered toward the atrium The children left with reluctant expressions.

They know that they cannot add trouble to the Sparkling leader and the Ratsia.

Third floor talk room.

In the conversation room at this time, it is no longer just Gilgamesh, reverse back to sixteen nights, Runcysia and the black rabbit.

Jin En, long-distance bird, spring day, the far-reaching, I also came to the talk room, and they are eligible to know if they have happened.

The long talk of the black rabbit said that the four people explained the things happened before.

"Hey! The leader, those people, don't you kill all?"

A long-term flying bird looks to Gilgamesh, she wants to get a real answer.

"All chemical into powder."

Gilgamesh did not cover up, a group of probes, killing, killing, there is no mercy.

"I have to say, at this point, the leader is the leader. If it is my words, I really don't kill it ~"

Reversed back to the 16th night shrugged, even if it kills? Reversible for the sixteen night is not the Virgin, you don't kill, nor allow your companions to kill their own eyes to take their own enemies, this stupid thing, reverse returns to sixteen nights.

"Ah, forget it, these things have a leader to make judgments."

Longyuan flying bird opened his mouth, but then she closed his mouth ~ Pakistan, because she is not the Virgin, as for the Spring Festival, there is no idea to express my opinion.

"Well, the garbage that has been turned into a dust does not need to come back, Ratsia, those people caught you?"

Gilgamesh looked at Ringsia, and it was sneak out, but as someone else's private object, even if the owner was running out, the owner also had countless ways to find her.

"Yes, I am sorry, bringing a disaster of disaster to" unknown ". "

Listia apologlies to Gilgamesh.

"Trouble? No, this is not a trouble, but that" Peltus "is angered by the king. "

Gilgamesh is laughing, then cold, Gilgamesh suddenly uses the heavens lock to bind the Ringsian.


Two exclaimed, that is from the black rabbit and golden, they don't understand why Gilgamesh suddenly attacked their original companions.

"Angered the king, their private things ... No, it should be the things of this king, under the day, all the treasures are this king, you are now this king."

Gilgamesh is a lock, and Ratsia is pulled by Gilgamesh to the arms.

Ratia's body is quite small ~ Qiao ~ Ling ~, she seems to be a slightly largest cloth, just like the chain link, sitting on the leg of Gilgamesh.

"Ratsia, talk to this king," Peltus "is for you. "

Gilgamesh went to the lock of the sky, in his side, Ratsia can run away without a slightest, and, the most critical is that Ridesia has no evil.

Gilgamesh did not have a sigh of relief to Ratsia, the black rabbit and Jin En, just a long time to say that Hao said H, and it is not blamed.

"Oh ... is like this, they want to sell me to the box of boxes, the king of a country ..."

"Ha? King? Wang? Comic, only this king is worthy of the title of the king, other guys are just fake kings!"

Gilgamesh smiled, he interrupted the words of Listia, but Runcys did not show the shortcomings, she continued to open after Kilgamesh kilomeical.

"I learned about their thoughts, so I am going to see new members before I leave the boxing."

Snown, see "Unknown" new members, and have a partner, see the last side.

"How can I like this! Vampire" Box Knight "can only bathe in the boxing, how can they take you outside the box !!"

Angry appears on the black rabbit, Ratsia left the scope of the box of the box, and then she was exposed to the sun, it will definitely cause irreversible damage to Listia.

"I am just a thing."

Ratsia said bitterness.

"Interesting, it seems that the thing that wants to run out, I still want to kill the name of the king, interesting and interesting, it seems that" Fres Gallo "is unknown, but also continue to be broken The new community. "

Gilgamesh suddenly laughed, he decided, Ratsia this thing, he wants to pay, but not spend "Peltus", but kill "Peltus"! ! !

Chapter 734 pure villain

The "Peltus" is destroyed in the "unknown" headquarters.

The news quickly returned to the ear of Louis, and the angry Louis Shu was overtaking his desk.

Originally, Louis Signs wants to send a wave to "unknown" headquarters to bring Retysia back, but later think about it, it seems to be a bit wrong, if it is still annoying, it is too hurt. "Peltus" is the energetic.

So, I feel that I am very witty Louis to find the white night fork, with a very formulated phrase 'forced ~ forced' with the white night fork to make Gilgamesh, etc., please go to the "Summon Eye" to set up in the second Zero five three zero door branches.

The night has been deeper, the sky is getting more bright. The full moon for one night will shine in the box.

For the invitation of the white night fork, Gilgamesh naturally did not refuse the reasons, and he also wanted to see the leader of "Peltus". After all, let Gilgamesh ran to "Peltus" Headquarters, but also to ask how others walk, it is too trouble.

Because you want to live in the "unknown" headquarters, and by the way, "Peltus" is not a fraud, and the Headquarters of "Unknown" after leaving Gilgamesh and others. In the spring, the sideways and Jin En stayed by Gilgame.

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