King's second element

Wang's second chapter 657

Gilgamesh and Reverse Five Night Station are next to a 'told', the notice records the contents of the game you want to do.

"Gift game name: invasion"

Participants: Unknown public meeting members, only three.

Winning conditions: Eliminate the lurking in Gard Gaspa in the headquarters of the holder.

Winning method: Use the special weapon designated by the holder to destroy, except for the designated weapon, according to the "Contract" other methods will not be injured to Gard Gaspa.

Failure conditions: surrender, or contestants can't meet the above victory conditions.

Specify weapons: set to the competition area.

Oath: Comply with the above rules, under the glory and banner, "unknown" participated in the gift competition, "Fres Gallo" print.

"Use the designated weapon to overcome, Gard Gaspa !?"

When Jin En saw this condition, it could not help but exclaimed.

If you don't find the specified weapon, even if Gilgamesh has the strength of the devil, it is impossible to cause any injury to Gard, this is simply there is a flaw!

"Wow! This, this is not good!"

The black rabbit is holding his head. She looks anxious, what is the advantage of Gilgamesh, that is, the strength of crushing everything is enough to explode, but once entering this gift competition, in the "contract", Jil Gammesh's power role to Gard's body, completely useless!

"What is panicked, hey, find the designated weapon, a beast, this king can remove it."

Gilgamesh is a laughing, in his view, the various restrictions on this sheepskin paper, but Er, not so much to directly limit the strength of the two people to the same level, can not use weapons to use fists to fight, Don't you have such a point for a point?

"Oh, this kind of words, the leader, seems to be very interesting this game."

Tongtian's strength cannot be displayed, the designated weapon is the key to this game, that is, if it is also in this game, his starting point is the same as Gilgamesh!

Gard is just a wild beast without gods. The rebellion of the snake gods with gods in the sixten night beat it, and Gard is certainly not his opponent.

In other words, whether it is Gilgamesh or reverse back to sixteen nights, as long as one of the two people, they can easily kill Kard.

Reversing the sixten night to Gilgamesh, his eyes are full of war, whether in that aspect, as long as you can try with Gilgamesh, it is also very expected.

"Interesting, this king is allowed. However, sixteen nights, even in such a game, you can't overcome this king."

Gilgamesh's self-confidence made the reverse sixteen nights felt 'fascinates'.


Reverse back to the sixten night.

"Because, the name of the king is, Gilgamesh!"


In the end, the candidates who participated in this gift game were determined, Gilgamesh and reverse ten 2.4 six nights ... There is also a very persistent to the victory!

"Bother, do you have to participate in this game?"

A long-term flying bird and spring sideways are looking at the far-sighted friends.

"of course!"

I nodded from afar, she didn't hesitate.

"So, you will defeat them, defeat the leader, defeat the stinky fuit sixteen night! Let them face the face!"

A long-term flying bird is in the far away.


Spring Day is also nodded.

"Hey, who is awkward!"

In the anti-revolution of the reverse returned to the 16th night, the three people walked into the area of ​​the game, "Fres Gallo" residential area.

Chapter 721, Pale Tiger

Enter the competition area, first turn on the door to close.

The door can open as long as it is gently pushed.

However, the opening and closing of the door seems to be the signal started in the game. After the Gilgamesh three passed from the door, the dense trees immediately wrapped the door.

"The retreat is sealed." Yuan is standing in the foreigner, in three people, she is the most cautious.

"Take the way? That kind, this king does not need, the retreat is always ready to give yourself a failure. The strong, only a win, no failure!"

Gilgamesh does not look at the door to the trees closed by trees, and he walked straight to the front.

The streets that have been covered with bricks under the feet have now been subjected to the huge tree roots of the ground, but this does not hinder Gilgamesh and the reverse returned sixteen night, just for the far away, this road It is too unfriendly.

"Ah, this road condition, if you encounter the enemy, it is too much trouble."

Far, I complained, her skirt dress is slight, although it is convenient for action, but there is no 21 to wear the evil bottom ~ Pants, if you make a big move, it is easy to go ~ light, even There is no onlookers around you. In the next consciousness, far from the fare, I still feel that it is very unpropted.

"No enemy."

Gilgamesh continued to walk, for the far-sighted personal strength Gilgamesh or trust, in this level of competition, as long as the fight against Gord, I want to die. This is likely to be minimal.

Moreover, even if the far is really dying, Gilgamesh can get to the far side of the farther, he is not worried.

"Doesn't there be an enemy? Gold sparkle, this is too strange, in general, should there be a mock to meet us?"

Far is full of doubts.

"The Devil sent a small moon to send us experience, then we upgrade, go to the magic king?"

It can be seen from the dress up for sixteen nights, and it will not be strange for the game against sixteen nights.

"what the hell!"

I don't quite understand it, for the electricity white ~

"Hey? You don't even understand this?"

It seems to look at the white ~

"It's evil, you will play games!"

I hate hate, I will get the victory of the game, watching the old lady, laughing at you!

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