King's second element

The second chapter 557 of the king

There is no doubt that it is of course money.

Chapter 614, you said that it will not hurt me.

Don't want to hurt her.

As long as you don't resist, you will not hurt her.

Only ask for money, don't hurt people.

Shallow vine is her very fear, but because Gilgamesh is not around her, unless she is self-opening "distorted eyes" or she still is still painless.

Even the "distorted magic eye" is, the shallow vine is not too much time, because this is the strength of Gilgamesh remaining in her body.

Compared to squandering to this power, the shallow vine is more like this force to leave the feeling of her body.

It seems to be Gilgamesh, like her body. Although it is not full, it is a shallow hope.

"Call, as long as you don't hurt me, the money, come with me."

The shallow rattong was a sigh of relief, she chose to believe in the words of the tramp, turned to walk toward the hut.

Gilgamesh left a lot of money in the house, after all, when you want to buy something, money can be very important.

Shallow Vine knows where those money are, Gilgamesh told her.

"If you have anything you want to buy, don't go to your porn, take it directly from me."

At that time, Gilgamesh was said to 21 shallow upholstery.

However, there is no other entertainment, and there is no other entertainment in addition to the rest day to find Gilgamesh, and you can use money.

For a long time, the shallow vine is also forgotten the money in this villa apartment, but today she thinks it is because of the threat of tramp.

"Noisen! It's really a money, these money is like this. Lao Zi sent! Laozi sent !!"

Fortune is moving, the tramp is completely crazy after the shallow vine is opened.

The pile is like the hills in the middle of the house, how much is it! ! Can't count, hundreds of millions of billions of billion?

Anyway, the waky knows that the money here is definitely calculated by billion.

Quickly walk into the room, the tramp is swept, each is the biggest denomination of 10,000 yen.

"Pack it, put it up."

Wandering Wanders carry a sack with him, he puts down the sack, the Ma Li's ship is loaded from the inside, and one bundled banknote is attached to the sack.

Continuous repeated more than 100 times, each two bundles are 2 million yen, more than 100 million yen, is filled into sacks.

A bundle of banknotes is about 120 grams, and more than 200 bundles is about 24 kg.

"It seems to have some more."

People's greed is endless, under the temptation of money, the tramp will choose more as much as possible.

It is also dozens of repetitive actions, and finally after the lacline has contracted more than 300 million banknotes, it is really heavy, this is only a hand.

If his body is strong enough, he will choose to plunder more banknotes.


Wandering is going to the door to go to the door.

Dry such a wave, what are he afraid of him? From now on, he has to live with money.

Banknotes full of a sack, the tramp and the shallow vine are returned to the pirute.


Put down the sack, really don't say, from the second floor to the first floor is also quite tiring.

"Little girl, your family is really rich."

Put a breath, watching the shallow vine is so bullying, the tramp is more assured.

"I ... I also know."

Shallow vine is a bit blurred in the concept of money, but so many banknotes, even if she also knows that it is certainly a lot of money.

"Haha. The little girl is very beautiful, it is worthy of rich people, this little face is really water, this is really before, and it is."

The tramp is loud up and down, his eyes are increasingly aggressive, stretching out the tongue heads, slightly dry lips.

"You ... you said that you don't hurt me."

The tone of the vine is still weak, but her expression is like the end of the end, but watching the shallow vine is the picture of the brain, the tramp is not too much in the face of Fuji Nai.

"Haha, how can I hurt you? I just suddenly want to play some of you with you, this big lady is absolutely no game."

Said, the tramp is self-cultivating trousers, and the iron bars in the hands are lost, and the bolet is going to the shallow vine.

"Why, why you have to lying. Obviously, I don't want to hurt you."

Gilgamesh's education is shallow, Fuji is in mind. Once someone attacked her, then don't hesitate, use his strength, open "distorted eyes"!

"What ... What !?"

The movement of the shallow rattines was stagnant in halfway.

Tramps suddenly feels that their arms have a pain, first is the left arm, and then the right arm!


I am screaming, tramp is a hammer that is severely hit by an invisible force.

Deep depression, watching the situation of the wandering and abdicating, very much, how much time is there.

It was originally a 407-vacuous apartment villa gate being hit.

The big sound attracted the wonderful passing people.

"God !! This, this is!?"

I saw a tramp that had been completely turned off, and the passerby took out the phone to call the alarm.

"Drip drop drip ..."

When the police car arrived, the body of the stray is no longer pondied out.

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