King's second element

Wang's second chapter 356

In the past few days, the relationship between Martha and Pretreatment of the beautiful boss of the restaurant business have progressed from the strangers to friends, as for Gilgamesh, standing behind the red, Martha.

"Give, this is the reward today, and give you more adds more."

Red Pan took the money bag of Masesha, and it was quantified, then threw a moment.

"Oh, there is still no money to eat barbecue rice ..."

The face is slightly, and the barbecue is a big meal.

"Today is also the same."

Gilgamesh nodded against Martha, then sat on a table in the restaurant.

When I heard the words of Gilgamesh, I was not calm in the moment. In the past few days, she has been tired of Gilgamesh tortured. The pain is really unwanted. Experience once.

"Oh ~ Ok ~"

MarsA smiled nodded, then greeted the service staff to inform the kitchen.

"Right, red nice ~ Do you not buy some hair accessories as a girl?"

Since every time, you have to wait for Gilgamesh to leave together, the business of the restaurant is not busy, Martha is chatting with Red.

"Hair accessories! Hair accessories will not take the juice!"

The red nor has not recovered from the words of Gilgamesh. Her expression is very sad. Martha also said that if you don't want money, please eat the barbecue, but the redness said that it is not enough to earn enough money. I will eat, I will endure the scent of the barbecue, and it is not easy to have a few days.

Chapter 402! Keeliya's persistence

"Hey!! Red! This can't! You are a girl !!"

Martha boss took a hand in one hand, and he would not be said to the room in the room.

Gilgamesh is just a touch of light, what will be a pleasant task?

After a toss in the room.

"Complete ~ Hey, the clothes are very suitable for you."

Looking at your own masterpiece, Martha's face exposed a satisfaction.

When a girl hits pure white, the beautiful clavicle is like a hidden, the dress is white as if it is transparent, and it is possible to reflect a slightly white ray, as as an angel's wings.

The hem of the skirt is from the low to high arc, the elegant microves, revealing the girl's pair of jade white-long legs, the skirt angle is embroidered with the embroidery of the stars, such as countless beautiful morning dew.

The young girl is a long hair on the shoulders, slightly soft, sometimes loose number, showing a different kind of style.

The girl's pair of ruby ​​eyes are quiet, so that she is full of angry, at this time, the red is like the princess in the exotic legend, mysterious and pure, and people can't wait to hold all the better things in the world in her. At your feet, just for her to smile.

"It's really beautiful, , this is my old clothes, I am sorry, it will give it to you. Of course, as a return, you have to send more fish!"

Martha knew that his unreasonable is not unreasonable, so he deliberately adds such a sentence, so that the red can take the small gift to her.

"Thank you, Martha."

The red dunge has been grateful to Martha.

After the next building, Gilgamesh's meals have been fully.

Red Ontari Sitting on the opposite of Gilgamesh, but she didn't work.

This is Gilgamesh's lunch. She can only look at Gilgamesh, but she can't go to eat, to bear the desire to barbecue, the red is slightly lower.

If it is still the previous clothes, there is no deliberate dress, perhaps nothing, but after Martha's dress, it seems that the princess is very low, don't give you how to love.

Unfortunately, sitting opposite her is not normal Gilgamesh.

There is no pity to the pupil, and even more too much is that Gilgamesh's eyes have a ridicule. Wear such a flower shelf dress, can't you find trouble?

Now Gilgamesh, it is really a little or no.

Gilgamesh's barbecue dinner is finished, and a tancharin on the red lunch has also entered the stomach.

"Supervision, do you know when Dad's mission will be reached?"

On the way backhaul, the atmosphere that has been silent is broken by the name of the red.

"do not know."

Unfortunately, Gilgamesh made the atmosphere that had just been active came back to the prototype.

Next day.

"Well, these days you have been prepared, but also the independent task that should be given to you."

The team task is Others and others have passed, but they have not been supported by one person alone. They have not done it.

Independent tasks, no support, only able to think on their own thinking, if there is a little error, it is very likely to fall into the dangerous dangeous.

"Hey! I finally waited, my hands itchy!"

In addition to the kiln, Gaji, in addition to the kiln, now the task is finally coming, his spiritual head is obviously rising several grades.

"Hey! Po Ni must complete the task is the most best, then let Dad praise me! Well, let the poisonous tongue will be a look at me!"

Po Ni excitedly put a punching scene, then he said that it was in the same place.


Gilgamen glanced over, and then the cold was cold.

"Oh, there is a good thing, but before you have a mission, I have to tell you, if this time, whoever fails ... I will never spare him!"

The expression of Gosi instantly became quite a terror, and the seven people in the dark were shocked by the momentum of Gozi.

"This is to let everyone who are happy in the heavy movement, can't do, do not match my child, and you have a few yourself."

Although the voice of Gozi is not large, but it is really in the ear of seven people, and even the heart.

"Come over, you will have your tasks, everyone's tasks are different, you have to kill different goals, ban contacts and help from each other, envelope, etc. After you have separated, remove it, inside There is a detailed content of your mission. "

Goz Qi said to the seven people.

"I hope I can continue to see you seven funny faces tomorrow morning."

After Gilgamesh finished Gazi, I added the time limit for the task.

"The supervisory is correct, and all the goals are all people who want to disturb the peace of the country, so you must do it seriously."

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