King's second element

Wang's second chapter 323

"Rider! What are you doing, leave for such a long time, you still don't put me this master in your eyes!"

Tong Shen two is airteen to rider wow, but rider is vain.

"It's evil, one will not put me in the eyes!"

Duan Tong Shen two anger, far from self-desiders, the wake-up old good people also ran to their heads, and the hateful widow caster dared to say that he was bug, fire fire!

"One day in the morning and evening, I will put you at the feet! No, far away and the disgusting witch, one day, I want to use my arms and ride on your body !!!"

Duan Tong Shen two indignant, of course, there is a despise his Rider next to him. However, the Head took the head and didn't dare to ride Rider rider, he was still a little fear, after all, Rider is from that tongs. Come, a little panic.

"Wait, rider, is the Wonderful Wita, is the Saber of the Wei Shi Lang last night?"

Tong Shen 2 finally launched the IQ, no longer the meaningful behavior of the immersion.

"Yes it is."

Rider face has no expression, such as answering.

"Saber is caught by Caster, the far away and the guards are connected to the hands, the key to them is servant, and now there is no servant, that is, the value of the use of people, I want to find someone else, In addition to the Berserker, it is me. "

Lancer's Master is unknown, and Duan Tong Shen is also known. After all, when Rider goes out of the news, he also has a losing understanding.

"And my hands, yes, I have forgotten it before, I still have grandfather to give me the card."

After Tong Shen two self-speaking, the IQ is again launched.

"Hey, Berserker must fail, then, the far is coming to ask me ~ When you come, , sucking ~ Suk ~"

Duan Tong Shen is beginning to make an obscenity. This seems to be in his mind, and there seems to be in the mouth of the hustle, and the mouth is overflowing from the corner of the mouth when the mouth is spill.


Rider stood around Tong Shen two, the fingers of his hands were slightly shaking, she seems to be a strong thing.


, .

Rider had already perceived the breath of Red A, and after waiting for a long time, this is ready to see the Xi Tong Shen two, but at this time, the doorbell of Tong Tongzhai rang.

"Rider, is ... who!?"

Not long ago, how to returned how to retaliate from others, I'm still behind the warning of Rider and the doorbell.

"It seems archer."

Rider thought, replied.

"Archer? Ah! It is a far! Hahaha, she must come to me to join hands!"

Duan Tong Shen two-one heard people were red a, and they didn't even but, he stood straight, organized his clothes, then took the Rider installation to piring, opened the door.

"Oh, oh, I thought it was who it was ~ It turned out to be ah ~~ ~~~~~ The satellite is coming ~"

Tong Shen 2 At this time, the IQ is on the line, he is very opposite to the opposition.

"Hai ... suck ... Xiang Tong classmates, don't you ask us?"

A deep breath, selective ignoring, Duan Diki, a little bit of a small person, and fighurs, he has to hold the idea of ​​his heart, and the 137 pair of teeth of teeth said.

"Hahaha, please come, please come!"

Duan Tong Shen two is proud, but he can't be too much, if you don't let it enter, if you turn, you will go.

Duan Tong Shen's idea is very simple, that is, in front of the farther, it is very pressing, and then bullied to bullish the Palace, and finally alorced the gesture of the house.

"RIDER, take the drink."

Tong Shen two took the far away and the satellite to the living room, and then the Rider was ordered.

However, Rider does not give Tong Shen two, just like the buddy of Tong Shen 2.


Tong Shen two first loaded failure, the face is slightly smoked, the intercourse is very annoyed in the heart, rider actually does not cooperate with him, mad is dead!

However, there is no way between Tong Shen two. He has a very low control of Rider, in case Rider anti-water, then he can be suffered.

"Cough, forget it, you will come to the satellite and the satellite, I am talking about it, there is no tea."

Duan Tong Shen two self-circular, if you change it, then you can't get ridiculous by far, but now, far from the distance, you have to be born, and you have to endure.

Chapter 366 Conditions

Far, I have turned over the eyes, and I will have the idea of ​​Tong Shenqi two, sitting on the sofa, once again breathing.

As for the satellite, it is silent.

"I don't turn with you, I am here and the satellite classmates here, I want to cooperate with you, how do you say that Tong Tong classmates?"

Far away from the door, if you don't want to defeat Gilgamesh, I have to fight Gilgamesh, and I have to go around her, and I will run away from Gilgamesh. Where is it? Tong Duo 2 makes her unbearable guys and the disadvantage.

"Oh ~ Yuanzhen ~ Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Tong Shen 2 knew, and also made quite exaggerated surprises.


Far from the right hand, pinch your own eyebrows, and Tong Shen two, this guy is too uncomfortable.

"Ha ha ha ha ... I didn't expect that you will find me to work. This is really ah. It is a horrified ~~~ However, I have to ask clearly, far away do you want to find me? If you go to deal with the hero king ~~~ "

Duan Tong Shen two did not finish the words, but from his shrug moves to judge, if you say that you want to cooperate with him to deal with Gilgamesh, you will give up.

"It's not to deal with the hero king, but to deal with the Caster Camp of the Hero Camp, that witch."

Far from the best as possible to sound softly, after all, it is to seek cooperation, and the tone of the pests must be as convergence.


Tong Shen two expression, the sea, the sea, said that he is a bug, if he cooperates with the farther, it will kill the Caster, and the Tong Diki is definitely high, but let him This promises the distant cooperation requirements, is it too simple?

This is not in the beginning, and it is not forced, this is not the style of him.

"To say and go to the far away from you to deal with Caster is not too ~ After all, the witch can also make me a little loss, I should also go to ask her, but ~~~"

Tong Shen two said that he pulled up the tail, this time, I naturally know what to do.

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