King's second element

Wang's second chapter 311

The widen of the satellite looks, and the power of Caster is well known, and the satellite has clearly determined that Caster and Gilgamesh are one.

"The guy of the hero king is finally going to start with us?"

The satellite said loudly.

When this sentence is exported, there is a purple figure in the air.

However, both rider and Saber have not moved, and Caster's sly Saber is understood. And Rider, she has petrochemical eye, although the petrochemical eye is blocked, but this does not hinder her truth of the figure in the sky, it is not true caster, but uses magic buildings.

Chapter 353, a dagger

"Ah, you, you don't want to say it ~"

The Caster suspended in the sky with her magic, lifted his hand shored.

"No matter what you admit, Caster! I have seen it through it, you and the hero king are a camp!"

The satellite has a truth with only one posture, the index finger of the right hand refers to the Caster in the sky.

"Teenagers, do you seem to make a mistake."

The sound of Caster is full of smile.

"Rider, rider should not be stupid, and take me away."

When Tong Shen 2 took Caster and Shuishi Lang during the conversation, the whisper was sitting on the back of the sky, and the Rider, who was moving, said.

"You can't walk, we have been trapped in the magic nephew of Caster build, unless Caster, or Caster actively stops this magic nephew, but we can't walk ~"

Rider is between Tong Shen 2 explains.

Dealing with this space system, you can break it, if you change it is Gilgamesh, a hair EA has worked properly. Unfortunately, rider has no ability, she only has two options, one is to kill the caster, the second is the casters and other Caster release.

Well, no matter what thought, the second choice is basically optional.

"There is a bug over there, don't try to open it when I talk to the Baiyong teenagers, will die ~"

The satellite did not reply to Caster, and Caster was first threatened to Tong Shen two cold voice.

"Bug ... worm? You ... you said me, I am a bug?"

The spirit of Tong Shen 2 has been injured in tons.

"It is evil and evil ..."

Tong Shen 2 has fallen into debuff from Caster maliciously ridiculed DEBUFF.

"What do I do wrong? What do you want to say? Do you still want to tell me? Do you actually and the hero king did not join hands?"

The satellite asked the cascher, his expression is firm, regardless of how Caster will definitely change the idea, the satellite is thinking.

However, Caster's answer is great, it is unexpected to the satellite.

"Ah, how can I, and that adult is the same camp is my honor, I just want to tell you, you have a mistake. My action is not that an adult told me. ~ It is my own decision. "

Caster is very 'Friendly' for the satellite.

"...? Caster, what do you want to do?"

The satellite's face has been hesitized, not the command of Gilgamesh to CASTER?

Caster he runs out and has made a knot, trapped him and Saber and there is a Duan Shen two and rider?

What is the purpose of CASTER?

Too many questions, let the satellite lang do not have a slightest clue.

"Bathing boy, soon you will know what I want to do ~"

Caster smiled, and then she opened the arms, and there were more than ten pieces of a circle of purple light, which was the prelude of Caster attack.


The sarisher screams, and the Saber is moving, and the Saber of the invisible sword is in front of the shield, and the fast waving the invisible sword in the hand, a naked eye The visible wind shield appeared in front of Saber.

The light bomb is lifted, not only Saber and Wei Shi Lang, even Rider and Budan Double Supreme have been taken in Caster.

Of course, due to the sake of Tianma, the light bomb is blocked by a transparent mask, but the strength and quantity of the light bullet rain will not be used, and the lascreen on the body will be crushed. At the same time, there is a shield of Saber's wind, I want to live a long-lasting attack from Caster attack, that is unrealistic.

"Hey ~~! ~~"

After the death of the dead, the head is hiding behind the Rider, and the satellite tricks.

"Cautious, what do you want?"

The watertise is vigilant.

"Wei Feng Jun, now I am not our two alerty, this witch wants our life, we should join hands and join hands to defeat this witch!"

Tong Shen 2 said that it is an impassion.

"Hehehe ... Witch?"

Don't doubt Caster's listening, even if it is whisper, here, here, this is the magic nephew of Caster.

"Want to join hands? Do your day!"

While bombing Saber and Rider, Caster was shot out with a light echo rain.

"This time, the dragon tooth, can not send you a dish for you before! Go, my guards!"

Under the drink of Caster, hundreds of hands holding two brushes of the dragon to the Dragon Dragon Team launched a charge against the Wei Yongshi Lang.

"To die to die, Rider will protect me ~~~"

Duan Tong Shen 2 simply scared the urine, he was afraid of death ... Tianma's healthy hind leg, if it is not Tianma's temperament, it is estimated that Shen 2 will die in his hand.

With the same teammates like this god, Rider wants to go with Saber to fight against Caster ideas forced termination.

Without Rider threat, Caster moved to Saber and the voids of the Saber and the satentairo.

"This is ... I am divided into the body !?"

Caster in the sky is still bombing, another caster appears in front of the satellite, which makes the Shundi Lang at the same time, the whole person is flying out, caught in the encirclement of the dragon tortist, tired Attack of various brushes.

"What!? Caster, you ..."


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